View Full Version : Big Thanks for the PAK Installer Instructions Joshuha

January 3rd, 2010, 19:34
Just wanted to tip my hat and say a big THANKS for How to create a PAK ruleset and installer for distribution (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?t=9166)! I've been working on the ruleset for my game for a while now and waiting for the ruleset to download to player clients was always the most painful part. With this installer it is so simple and so fast! The ruleset is ready for my first alpha phase of testing and I've started writing rule modules for it as well so I'll be putting it to good use.

Also, I wanted to ask what is the point of the FG PEM Utility? Is it just a glorified zip program as I can't see that it does anything more than zip up the files and change the extension to .pak. Tried searching the forums, but nothing came up.

Anyways, thanks again. I'm having a blast writing a ruleset and playing around with what FGII can do for about a year or so now.