View Full Version : Extensions to rulesets

November 30th, 2009, 17:26
Is it possible to add classes, races and spells via extension as opposed to direct editing of the ruleset mod files, specifically to not override any content but to add new additional content?

If so, is there an example I can dissect to learn the process or can someone provide a "hopefully" breif description of the method to connect an extension to a ruleset?

I am specifically working on the rolemaster ruleset - adding compaign specific races and classes. I've added 4 races and 2 classes so far successfully and before I get too far it occured to me to think extension.

Perhaps also making this a new mod file would also work

November 30th, 2009, 18:09
Extensions only override ruleset files, not modules. You could spin your changes off to a new module and that is probably the best solution. For newer rulesets, we are starting to include pre-filled dropdown lists and combo lists with things like race and class listed for quick selection. These have been written to allow for easy extensibility via extensions, so that you won't have to edit the ruleset file and worry about getting out of sync with future ruleset updates.

November 30th, 2009, 19:15
Excellent, that is good to know, so It sounds as if a new module is called for here

November 30th, 2009, 19:52
So the question seems to be, How do I set up a module that is recognised as one for the Rolemaster ruleset, as opposed to say one for the Foundation or another ruleset.

would the process be not unlike the one listed on teh wiki for how to add new spells?

December 2nd, 2009, 15:12
So the question seems to be, How do I set up a module that is recognised as one for the Rolemaster ruleset, as opposed to say one for the Foundation or another ruleset.

would the process be not unlike the one listed on teh wiki for how to add new spells?

The ruleset is identified in the definition.xml file.

Now, you and I are on similar RMC paths, and what I've done for safety sake, is to duplicate the RMC set and rename it slightly, then alter all the definition.xml files and in the base.xml file, changed the acceptfrom ruleset to that new name. This serves a couple purposes, such as keeping it simple to share without messing up someone else's original RMC ruleset, as well as if I break something! I have a quickie reference, LOL.

So far I've got mods setup for creatures and weapons... not necessary to do new mods mind you, but when using world specific info I prefer not to mingle my intellectual property with that of others, LOL.


December 4th, 2009, 01:25
Thanks Veldahar, I did discover that shortly thereafter.

I Too have an entire seperate copy of the rules for me and a copy of the originals so I'm in no danger of overlapping fortunately at this point.

I have also read with great interest your efforts at drag and drop weapons and gear on the inventory page..

December 4th, 2009, 19:23
I've got a functioning workaround for the equipment, but it is less than elegant. It absolutely highlights the utility of it just goofing around and dropping my test gear into the inventory list. Shopping and treasure will take a whole lot less time, and time is so tricky to schedule compared to the college years, that I need all the savings I can get. A low priority right now, but I still want to look into making on the fly Items drag and drop. This would be great for fluctuating value items and well... many other things.

Currently I am setting data for equipment and treasures in my campaign, and when Foen straightens me out on how to reference the equipment correctly, I will be flying. Might even do the basic RMC equipment lists for folks to use, as it would be a cool add-on to the RMC ruleset.

December 7th, 2009, 01:24
Thinking I had this licked I had my stuff moved over to a custom mod - as part of the rolemaster set - its book appears in the module window but when I open it - nothing appears in the window from which you access it.

I have missed something very basic I am sure like having seperate reference_skills.xml files?

December 7th, 2009, 03:17
If you are able to load the mod, but it doesn't appear in the library you simply have a coding error. Something as simple as leaving out a "/" or a ">" can make your mod not load.

They're good fun to track down sometimes!


December 7th, 2009, 06:30
In addition to the coding error (for smaller files, try opening your db.xml or common.xml in Internet Explorer - it checks xml correctness and highlights the error), I can think of two other potential causes:

You haven't got the internal module structure correct - for module contents to appear in the Library they need to follow a certain structure. Try using /export on a simple campaign (one story entry) and ensure you check the 'include in index' option. That will give you the basic module layout.
You are trying to do something not suited for modules - you cannot include script or windowclass definitions etc in a module, they should go in an extension.

Hope that helkps a bit


December 7th, 2009, 20:18
Ok, my mod loads and the library loads. By creating a reference_keraces.xml file and adding it to the reference.xml file I have races tables working from both modules.

However the same process doesnt seem to work as well with skills. I created a new xml called reference_keskills.xml and included it as an include in reference.xml I made sure that in my new mod reference.skilllist was renamed reference.keskilllist

So now my keskilllist (new classes ) appear fine but the original classes are completely empty. As if both reference_skills.xml and reference_keskills.xml were referring to the same source (new mod) Also I have lost the drag and drop feature of skillcosts - even though the drag and drop of races works fine.


<root version="2.0">
<windowclass name="referenceskills">


<root version="2.0">
<windowclass name="referencekeskills">

both those xml files contain this


December 8th, 2009, 01:15
I now have skills and races displaying properly on their respective tables from the two different modules.

Autocomplete of costs when dragged from my custom tables doesnt work on skills - it does work on race data.

December 8th, 2009, 06:08
I think you are creating completely new skill lists in a new modules, rather than adding skills to the existing lists. If that is the case, the code that looks for the skill cost (and examines the existing primary and secondary skill lists) won't 'know' where to look for your new skills.

The code is in options.lua (starting at line 312) and iterates over the skills in each of the primary and secondary skill lists. You will need to modify this code to include the location of your new skill list(s).

Hope that helps


December 8th, 2009, 14:46
I think you are creating completely new skill lists in a new modules, rather than adding skills to the existing lists. If that is the case, the code that looks for the skill cost (and examines the existing primary and secondary skill lists) won't 'know' where to look for your new skills.

The code is in options.lua (starting at line 312) and iterates over the skills in each of the primary and secondary skill lists. You will need to modify this code to include the location of your new skill list(s).

Hope that helps


Thats exactly the sort of help I needed, with that it only took a few minutes to get it working. Next to tackle - new spells.

Any initial advice? :)

thanks again