View Full Version : 3.5e Monster stats not Transfering to Combat Tracker

November 24th, 2009, 05:54
I've recently experienced the change from using the 3.5e ruleset compared to the d20, and in particular noticed the Combat tracker now has groups of which you can assign monsters to. My first thought was "Awsome! Now I can have tokens preplaced on maps that already correspond to a monster, and when I need to bring that group up, bam, it's on the tracker." As far as I know, there is no problem with this, however I noticed that when you drag monsters/groups that you have premade, either from the Personalities, Monster Manual, etc, none of the statistics actually carry over, leaving a blank slate on everything for that monster in the combat tracker, other than its name.

This problem 'technically' doesn't effect anything as long as you manually type out everything for the monsters you have in the groups, but that's a bunch of annoying work to do. I also noticed that this problem only happens on the 3.5e, not at d20. I would like to know if there was any way to correct/get around this problem?

Moon Wizard
November 24th, 2009, 06:06
I don't think that any ruleset gives you the ability to load encounters directly onto the map, though I could be mistaken. Also, the lack of combat statistics for NPc attacks not showing up in the 3.5E ruleset is a known issue that has been cited in other threads.

The encounter features in the 3.5E ruleset and the the d20_JPG/4E_JPG rulesets I created are specifically designed to import groups of creatures into the combat tracker all at once. In my version, you can change the names and the tokens used for the encounter group. I'm not as familiar with the 3.5E feature.

You can check out my version of a 3.5 ruleset here (https://www.fouruglymonsters.com/community/community/groups/viewgroup/62-DD+3rd+Edition+FG+Development).


November 24th, 2009, 10:49
The problem has been mentioned on these forums a number of times, and I also raised it in the online issue tracker at:


It's issue #4 for the 3.5 ruleset, and IMO cripples the ruleset for actual games. Working alternatives exist in d20 and d20_jpg, but surely FG should ship with a ruleset that allows use of all its key features?
