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View Full Version : New Player

November 17th, 2009, 17:27
My handle is Dunamis.
I recently found this site while browsing for online gaming to keep me from boredom. However, rather than jumping in and throwing money everywhere I would much rather try it out first.

I'm just looking for a game to get involved in with a group that isn't going to tarnish my taste for this site/software/game before I've really given it a chance.

My Qualifications:
I have years of gaming experience

Notice my proper/acceptable grammar

(and most importantly) Hours upon hours of free time every day due to the nature of my occupation

My favorite genre is fantasy although I've played contemporary, futuristic, and sci-fi.
My pen and paper experience is limited to some games I participated in during college years, but I really don't expect much difficulty figuring it out and learning quickly.
I have more experience in structured forum-based RP, MMORPGs, text-based systems.

My free time mainly falls between 9am -4pm EST Mon - Fri. But I'm not restricted by those times.
I am more-or-less available all day (at least until midnight) throughout the week excluding Sundays.

Any suggestions?

November 17th, 2009, 17:38
Welcome to the boards.

If you want to try out more than just the demo then currently you would need to throw just a little money around, as without a licensed version you can't connect to a game. However, floating licences may be available soon which would allow you to join a group with a DM who purchases one.

It would help the group if you said which genres or game systems you were interested in, whether you have previous experience with pen and paper role-playing, which timezone you're in, and which bits of the day your copious free time falls into (some people have lots of hours free as they can play while on night shift, or have loads of time during the day but not in the evenings or at weekends, etc).

You'll find a game quickest if you're in an American timezone, and play D&D or Savage Worlds.


November 17th, 2009, 18:00
Thanks for the help - I've updated that information above. If I have to pay for the software just to give it a try then I'd be willing to do so... at least if I find a game worth getting in.

My gaming pet peeve is getting involved in a game that ends up dying off due to inactivity and lack of follow-through. I'm not picky at all, I'm just looking for a group that isn't going to whine because things didn't go the way a member wanted them too. lol

November 17th, 2009, 19:14
In my experience, online games have the same issues with this as in-person games. A thorough interview process up front should help mitigate this somewhat. The DMs have similar concerns about commitment from players and having them no-show or drop out unexpectedly.

November 17th, 2009, 19:33
Also we have a chat room on Gaming Army that was intended to help with players finding (and joining) games on the fly. It rarely has anyone in it at the moment, but the theory is sound It just needs users.