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View Full Version : 28 New Items added to the store (rulesets, token packs, adventures and accessories)

November 14th, 2009, 23:04
The title says it all. The acquisition of properties formerly owned by Digital Adventures included a lot of items which never made it to the FG store and were only available directly from DA or from other sites like RPGNow or DriveThruRPG.

The new additions to the store include Iron Heroes, Malhavoc Press' Arcana Evolved and a slew of new adventures, accessories and token packs for the other rulesets.

On top of this, we'll be transferring over to a new store-front in the near future that will do a much better job of actually showcasing the available products. It will allow customer ratings and review, categories, search engine optimization, searches, RSS feeds and other cool features that are common with the latest web stores these days. It is still in development and needs the graphics work done still, but I think it will help significantly.