View Full Version : [Feature Suggestion] - Amount Downloaded Count

October 31st, 2009, 23:46
While working on some ruleset construction, I just thought it would be really nice is while a client was downloading a ruleset they had an estimated size of what is being downloaded and how much has been transmitted of that. ie

Total Downloaded: (45%) 100345 bytes / 220300 bytes

Or something of that sort. That was someone can tell its still downloading. I know that personally I've had times where its still going, but I'm not entirely sure.

Anyway, its something I had come to mind and I thought I'd mention it and see what everyone else thought.

November 3rd, 2009, 23:53
I don't know that I agree.

I like the way the interface is as antique and natural as it is. A download count would be informing me of what I'm downloading. I don't want to know, just do it quickly.

I'm not against it if it is an option but I don't think I'd use it except for troubleshooting - when it might be useful. But I really don't have that many problems with the software.


November 4th, 2009, 10:11
You could show the speed or just percentage without showing what's downloading though.

Since some of my players have trouble connecting at times I'd appreciate an option which told how much was downloading. Same with images in-game to see which speed the players get things at without referring to the resource monitor.

November 4th, 2009, 13:01
The problem though is that without seeing 'percentage of something' it wouldn't be very informative.


November 4th, 2009, 14:12
Frankly I'd love one of these things, so long as it wasn't dead center in the screen. I like preloading images to users and it's nice to know when they have them completly (then I can just close the window on my side so it doesnt clutter me up).
Just slide it into the corner and let it sit there, out of the way and it wouldn't be that bad.