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View Full Version : New member, old player, looking for a group to play with

September 30th, 2009, 08:49
My name is Nai and Ive been playing D&D for about ten years now although Im still only used to 3.5 and below. Ive been wanting and willing to learn 4.0 but haven't had the opportunity yet, and I know enough about gurps to join in on a game of that as well. If you need an experienced player for a campaign I can fill all roles. email me please at [email protected]

October 5th, 2009, 20:08
Just FYI mand
4e has changed considerably comparing to 3.5 and I will suggest you take a quick peak on the players hand books and the Character Builder program on the Wizards of the Coast website.

Also what time frame are you looking to play?

October 8th, 2009, 02:12
Have you heard about Pathfinder. it is mostly 3.5 revamped a notch. so 3.75.
I just thought i would throw that out to ya.

