View Full Version : New Personalities Have Others Powers (D&D 4E)

September 19th, 2009, 16:04
I'm using the latest JPG 4E toolset, so I'm not sure if this is an issue with that or with Fantasy Grounds in general.

Sometimes when I make a new personality, the first tab is blank, but when I click onto the Powers tab I find it is already populated with the powers from another, already existing personality. In the latest case the powers were from a monster in the Library, not specific to the campaign I was working in, if that matters.

Is there a fix for this? I'm a little worried that by correcting this on the new Personality, I may be editing the powers on the already existing one ... and also concerned that come game time I may find the wrong powers on my Personalities.


September 19th, 2009, 16:11
Okay, this is messed up... I deleted the pre-populated powers from the new Personality, then reopened the Personality they were from ... and they were gone there too! So the two records are linked somehow.

I closed, then opened it again, and now 2 of the powers I deleted are back on both Personalities! And if I attempt to create any new personalities, they each start with their Powers tab already populated with all of the powers from this same creature!

September 19th, 2009, 17:47
It has to do with the way that FGII populates the personalities section. If you're exporting modules make sure the root version of the db file is set to 2.2. That will stop the merger

September 19th, 2009, 18:10
Forgive my ignorance, but is that something I do before exporting it, or after? Is it something I set in the FG program ... or do I manually edit db.xml or modulestate.xml after?

Thank you very much for your help!

September 19th, 2009, 18:43
I've never actually built a module via the export method. I always do so using the parser. Many people find it more complex, however.

I'm not sure if it is an option or if you need to do it manually. It would be the db.xml contained within the .mod file.

modulestate.xml just contains if the modules are opened/closed etc

September 19th, 2009, 19:00
Okay, here's what I've tried:

- Open folder Fantasy Grounds II / Modules

- renamed monster_manual.mod to monster_manual.zip (this is the module that contains the library entry that is appearing as the powers for all new Personalities in the campaign).

- Unzip into a new folder

- Renamed original file to monster_manual.backup

- Open the folder with the unzipped contents

- Open db.xml in Notepad++ editor

- Edited <root version="2.05"> to read <root version="2.2">

- Saved db.xml

- rezip all contents of the folder into monster_manual.zip

- Rename that file to monster_manual.mod

- Move that file into Fantasy Grounds II / Modules

- Open Fantasy Grounds and load my campaign

- When I make new Personalities it still shows a bunch of powers already on the Powers tab.

Am I doing this wrong?


September 19th, 2009, 19:15
I don't think changing the module db.xml root version to 2.2 on its own will be enough.

Looking at the base.xml for 4E_JPG 1.5.1 the base.xml defines a root version of 2.0. I believe this means in this instance the ruleset supports 2.0 or less database functionality.

I would have thought both the ruleset and modules must be set to 2.2 before 2.2 database functionality is employed.

FGII v2.4.5 also introduced a new 2.4 version as well, 2.4 supports preventive creation of phantom database nodes. It might be worthwhile asking moon_wizard to test and possibly update the new root version in a future release of the ruleset.

Moon Wizard
September 23rd, 2009, 21:34
The root version of the ruleset has been updated in the development version I am working on, and I haven't seen any issues so far. You can try updating the version number in base.xml of the ruleset to 2.4 to see if that resolves the issue. However, I haven't been working on exporting modules at all.

Typically, in the past, you have had to make sure that the IDs in the exported modules do not overlap with the IDs used by default in the campaign database. (i.e. <id-00001>, <id-00002>, etc.) I haven't done enough module export work to know whether there is an easier way to do this. When I did try out the module export process (many months ago), I just opened the client/db.xml file and did a search/replace on the IDs. This occurred for all rulesets, not just 4E_JPG.

Finally, the export code was taken directly from the SmiteWorks example code, so there is nothing specific to 4E_JPG in this issue. I just recently compared the export code between the latest 3.5E ruleset provided with FG to the export code in the 4E_JPG ruleset, and they are the same except for the ability to export encounters from the 4E ruleset.

Let me know what you try, and I'll see if I can help more and/or try to improve the export code.


September 23rd, 2009, 22:48
Many thanks for the help everyone. It looks like I have this fixed (or at least worked around).

In order to make it work, I went into the db.xml of the two modules with personalities (one monsters, the other traps) and did a find/replace for "id-" to "idm-" and "idt-" respectively. This seems to have worked, but now I wonder if new entries I create will go back to just "id-" and make me do this all over again. At least if that happens, I'll know how to deal with it.


September 23rd, 2009, 22:58
In hindsight, would it have made more sense to not change the "id-" of all of the modules, but rather the "id-" to all of the campaign db.xml files?

September 24th, 2009, 06:24
This issue is documented by Goblin King in the following thread:


To use the new functionality you need to place version="2.2" in the xml ruleset file where you want the alternative behaviour (adventure_npcs.xml), not just in base.xml, nor in the module xml file.

However this prevents the list of NPCs (window class npclist) from showing all NPCs (it just shows those NPCs from the current database context) so for that window class in isolation, you need to add a <useallmodules/> tag to the window list.


Moon Wizard
September 25th, 2009, 03:27
You wouldn't want to update the IDs in your campaign db.xml, because the campaign is not read-only like modules are. FG will continue to create IDs of the form <id-00001>, when it creates new entries.