View Full Version : Macro Question for Totals

August 29th, 2009, 18:39
Hello Everyone,

I just created the macro for F1 to roll 3D6 for my GURPs game. It shows up as (? 4 2 3) Is there a way to have a macro that will remove the ? and instead make it show the 3 dice I roll along with the Total. For Example (4 2 3 = 9). Not that adding 3d6 is hard math or anything, I just would prefer it to give me a total instead of a ?.

If someone could post the macro that could achieve this I would be grateful.

August 29th, 2009, 18:48
I'd like to know this too - I'm preparing to start on a simple ruleset and that's one thing I'd like to add myself.

August 29th, 2009, 22:25
Check the options for your ruleset. A question mark in the chat message of a die roll usually means the option for show die totals or show GM rolls is off.

August 29th, 2009, 22:31
How do I check the options of the ruleset? I am the GM but I cannot see any button that says Options.

Using the standard GURPs ruleset and the only buttons available are:
Combat Tracker

August 30th, 2009, 08:06
The ? means it is a hidden GM roll, you can make public rolls by typing /die reveal and then throwing the dice, or by holding the CTRL key down.

Getting totals in the result bubble can be done manually by right-clicking the result and selecting the '=' radial menu.

You can combine both actions by clicking the mouse wheel on a bubble which has (? 4 3 2) and you will get a new bubble which has (9).

Unfortunately, there is no option to show totals automatically, but some rulesets (like JPG_d20 and JPG_4E) provide an option to add the total to the end of the text message for a roll.

Hope that helps


August 30th, 2009, 08:09
Try /die reveal to show the dice.
For totalling automatically, you'd have to delve in to the Lua code in chatmanager.lua (onDiceLanded function), or set up a dice handler.

[Edit] Foen beat me to it :)

August 30th, 2009, 14:10
Ok thanks guys... now I know.