View Full Version : All D&D minis as tokens - automated

August 26th, 2009, 09:10
16 Aug 2014 Update

Use this now:
It is the same but all automated through a Windows GUI plus it downloads more minis (Pathfinder).


I'm lazy, so I automated making tokens of the D&D mini images from WoTC.

I automated the download of the images including renaming some of the images to more meaningful names (i.e., not 01.jpg, 02.jpg, etc.) using a VBScript and some bat files to rename. And I automated the resizing of the images (the cool part!).

The script not only resizes the images (keeping aspect ratio) but changes to PNG format, makes the background transparent, and centers the image in a square canvas of the size selected. For example, if you say size 50, all images are resized to 50x50. If an image is tall, it resizes by height down to 50 (keeping aspect ratio) then makes the canvas 50 wide. If a wide image, sizes to 50 wide, then makes canvas 50 tall. Image is centered. The original image is not lost.

For the resizing, I use ImageMagick (free download from www.imagemagick.org (https://www.imagemagick.org)).

Takes less than 10 minutes on my computer for all 1,168 images. You can do a lot more if desired (like adding borders, etc.) The ImageMagick documentation has all the options. Also, should work on other images as well. (For example, I think it should work if you have bought the Counter Collection from Fiery Dragon. Could use same principles to resize and make background transparent.)

August 26th, 2009, 09:16
Can you post an example of how it looks...? i mean the tokens...
Thank you :)

August 26th, 2009, 09:29
I attached a couple random samples of 50x50 and 100x100. *Sorry, removed images to make sure I am not violating any copyright laws* But the images/tokens look really good (to me anyway.)

August 26th, 2009, 12:49
Valeros, I tried to e-mail you to ask for the scripts, but aol is rejecting your e-mail address.

August 26th, 2009, 16:45
sorry. typo in the email. correct is: [email protected]

August 27th, 2009, 04:26
Attaching scripts here. I did not realize I could post a .zip file.

For everyone who emailed, I cannot email the scripts because AOL and gmail will not allow the attachment since they are scripts for security. (Would not go even in a .zip or renamed.)

August 27th, 2009, 05:20
Wow, that's the fastest I've ever made working tokens. Great jo and thanks!

Only thing to note compared to doing this manually are the tokens that have long weapons or limbs that mess up the final result. But still, excellent tool.^^

August 27th, 2009, 09:40
Many thanks.

August 27th, 2009, 20:45
I am new to FG and I was working on getting/making Tokens. This was a god send and I appreciate what you have done very much.

Great script ran with no problems.

August 28th, 2009, 12:05
My virus scanner says there's a trojan (VBS/Psyme) in "download_images.vbs".

August 28th, 2009, 14:51
While I'm no expert, I couldn't see anything suspicious in the file when I opened it in Notepad++.

August 28th, 2009, 15:20
It may be because of the downloading functionality....the psyme trojan downloads malware onto the infected machine. I'd say false positive most likely.

August 28th, 2009, 16:16
Since it is a VBScript and not a bianry executable, you can edit it instead of running it. (Right click and select edit.) Then you can read the contents of the script to verify it is not a trojan.

August 28th, 2009, 18:35
Has anyone tried tokentool at www.rptools.net. Its free and works very well.

August 28th, 2009, 19:07
Yes, I used token tool to make all the D&D minis into tokens about a year ago.
However, that's not quite as convenient as automated production. The tokens I made were available on my site for awhile when it was a nonprofit website, but since we had to add a revenue source we have since removed said tokens, you may be able to find someone who still has them tho.

August 29th, 2009, 06:54
Here is another bat file you can use to sort them into folders by the first letter. You can add it to the end of the rename script file if you want and pass it the same parameter.

mkdir .\%1x%1\A
mkdir .\%1x%1\B
mkdir .\%1x%1\C
mkdir .\%1x%1\D
mkdir .\%1x%1\E
mkdir .\%1x%1\F
mkdir .\%1x%1\G
mkdir .\%1x%1\H
mkdir .\%1x%1\I
mkdir .\%1x%1\J
mkdir .\%1x%1\K
mkdir .\%1x%1\L
mkdir .\%1x%1\M
mkdir .\%1x%1\N
mkdir .\%1x%1\O
mkdir .\%1x%1\P
mkdir .\%1x%1\Q
mkdir .\%1x%1\R
mkdir .\%1x%1\S
mkdir .\%1x%1\T
mkdir .\%1x%1\U
mkdir .\%1x%1\V
mkdir .\%1x%1\W
mkdir .\%1x%1\X
mkdir .\%1x%1\Y
mkdir .\%1x%1\Z
mkdir .\%1x%1\NUM

move .\%1x%1\A*.PNG .\%1X%1\A\
move .\%1x%1\B*.PNG .\%1X%1\B\
move .\%1x%1\C*.PNG .\%1X%1\C\
move .\%1x%1\D*.PNG .\%1X%1\D\
move .\%1x%1\E*.PNG .\%1X%1\E\
move .\%1x%1\F*.PNG .\%1x%1\F\
move .\%1x%1\G*.PNG .\%1x%1\G\
move .\%1x%1\H*.PNG .\%1x%1\H\
move .\%1x%1\I*.PNG .\%1x%1\I\
move .\%1x%1\J*.PNG .\%1x%1\J\
move .\%1x%1\K*.PNG .\%1x%1\K\
move .\%1x%1\L*.PNG .\%1x%1\L\
move .\%1x%1\M*.PNG .\%1x%1\M\
move .\%1x%1\N*.PNG .\%1x%1\N\
move .\%1x%1\O*.PNG .\%1x%1\O\
move .\%1x%1\P*.PNG .\%1x%1\P\
move .\%1x%1\Q*.PNG .\%1x%1\Q\
move .\%1x%1\R*.PNG .\%1x%1\R\
move .\%1x%1\S*.PNG .\%1x%1\S\
move .\%1x%1\T*.PNG .\%1x%1\T\
move .\%1x%1\U*.PNG .\%1x%1\U\
move .\%1x%1\V*.PNG .\%1x%1\V\
move .\%1x%1\W*.PNG .\%1x%1\W\
move .\%1x%1\X*.PNG .\%1x%1\X\
move .\%1x%1\Y*.PNG .\%1x%1\Y\
move .\%1x%1\Z*.PNG .\%1x%1\Z\
move .\%1x%1\*.PNG .\%1x%1\NUM\

I'm sure you could do it with a loop and the ASCII character codes but I thought this would be easier for me to understand.

Use the same syntax as the other BAT files.
> SortIntoFolders 100

if you want to sort all the images within a folder called 100x100.

August 30th, 2009, 22:36
FYI, the scripts may not work exactly as intended if any part of the path they are in contains a space or special character.

September 1st, 2009, 14:30
Just gotta say thanks for this. It's a very impressive little chunk of scripting!

September 6th, 2009, 23:48
Hmm am I doing something wrong with the resize? It creates the folder but it is empty.

September 7th, 2009, 02:19
Several ideas:
1) Make sure you have ImageMagick installed. The resizing uses ImageMagick. Also, when you install ImageMagick, you need to say that it is added to your path.
2) Put a line at the top of convert_images.bat like:PATH=%PATH%;c:\program files\imagemagick-6.5.5-q16
3) Make sure no spaces in any directory name anywhere in the path to where you placed the scripts.
4) Check the JPGimages folder. If for some reason it could not write to the folder, it would leave the images in JPGimages. You could just cut and paste all the .png files to the folder.
5) Make sure you are running the script from a directory above the JPGimages directory and that the convert_images.bat script is there as well.
6) From a command tool (type "cmd" in the Start->Run box or "Start->All Programs->Accessories->Command Prompt"). Change to the directory with the scripts (which should be one directory above JPGImages). Run the convert script by hand "convert_images.bat 50" and watch the output for errors. You can stop it anytime with <ctrl>C.
7) The script only looks for .jpg files and only in a folder named JPGimages. If the folder was renamed or the images are not .jpg, it will not work.

September 17th, 2009, 04:29

Love the idea, but it's not working for me. I was having the same problem as Screenmonkey2099 - Resize created a 50x50 or 100x100 folder, but no images. I started to go through your troubleshooting list in order, but after step 2 it started giving me an error message that, "c:\program files\imagemagick-6.5.5-q16\mogrify.exe is not a valid Win32 application." Went through the rest, just to be sure - no dice. Any ideas?

Thanks for the help and the scripts!!!

September 19th, 2009, 14:11
But where do you find all the token graphics? On the WotC website, there are maybe only 20 minis (Primal Evils) for Monster Manual 1.

Where are these 900 images that people keep talking about?

September 20th, 2009, 10:43
If you click on the "Miniatures" button to get where you see those Primal Evils, on the left hand side is a menu choice "Miniatures Gallery", which leads you to: here (https://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/mix/gallery)

September 22nd, 2009, 00:22

Love the idea, but it's not working for me. I was having the same problem as Screenmonkey2099 - Resize created a 50x50 or 100x100 folder, but no images. I started to go through your troubleshooting list in order, but after step 2 it started giving me an error message that, "c:\program files\imagemagick-6.5.5-q16\mogrify.exe is not a valid Win32 application." Went through the rest, just to be sure - no dice. Any ideas?

Thanks for the help and the scripts!!!

When you installed imagemagick did you select the checkbox that something along the lines of "Add program to system executable path"


September 22nd, 2009, 21:34
This is incredibly useful. Thank you very, very much.

The resize scripts are very cool and are going to save hundreds of manhours. :)

Some ideas I'd like to see:
* a script that resizes each image to match the size of the physical miniature, for us anal types
* a script that would help sort the miniatures (the alphabetical one above is nice) possibly by set, or by creature type, etc.?

I realize neither of those would be particularly fast to whip up probably. Thanks again everyone!

September 23rd, 2009, 17:42
I saw the option and that it was already checked (looked for it after reading some of the previous posts), so I left it alone. I will try uninstalling and re-installing and see if I was looking at the wrong thing, perhaps.

September 23rd, 2009, 19:19
My virus scanner says there's a trojan (VBS/Psyme) in "download_images.vbs".

Hmmm I do not get that... (I've just downloaded and scanned it).

September 23rd, 2009, 21:13
It's a false positive.

"The trojan exists as VBScript. This script contains instructions to download a remote executable, save it to a specified location on the local disk, and then execute it."

Your AV software isn't smart enough to figure out that any VBS file that downloads things isn't a virus.

September 24th, 2009, 00:47
The sorting is nice, but there is still WAY to many tokens in each letter (unless I am not doing something correctly and the token box CAN be resized)

September 24th, 2009, 02:14
uninstalled and reinstalled - confirmed that option to include in system path is checked as a default and left it that way. same error msg: c:\program files\imagemagick-6.5.5-q16\mogrify.exe is not a valid Win32 application.
gives me that for EVERY token it attempts to create (unless I kill the process in manager), creates the 50x50 folder (empty) and doesn't create re-sized jpgs anywhere. anyone have any thoughts? thanks!

September 24th, 2009, 22:58
The sorting is nice, but there is still WAY to many tokens in each letter (unless I am not doing something correctly and the token box CAN be resized)

You CAN actually resize the token box and it is almost a necessity with this number of tokens. Hold down CTRL and click-drag on an empty space inside the token box or on the border edge to expand or contract it. You unfortunately have to manually tell it to arrange the first time you open each folder or resize though.

September 24th, 2009, 23:04
I wonder how easy it would be to automatically add a consistent drop shadow to each mini within the batch?

October 12th, 2009, 02:21
Tried using this today, no luck, I get an error downloading files. I noticed if I edited download_images.vbs and added downloadImages "https://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/mix/gallery" to the beginning, I downloaded images from that page. I tried adding specific mini set pages and I got the same error about failing to create a file. Anyone use this to download recently?

October 13th, 2009, 15:59
Having the same problem. Failure to create file.

October 13th, 2009, 17:26
I would imagine the hardcoded web links the script utilises and the code itself requires updating given WotC just updated their website recently and the structure is completely different to the structure they employed before.

October 15th, 2009, 07:40
Updated scripts to handle new website. Mostly just replacing "default.asp" in download_images.vbs with "dnd/Article.aspx". However, had to add a couple "if" statements to handle some wierdly named images. Also, updated delete_junk.bat to delete some new images the script downloads that are not miniatures.

October 16th, 2009, 20:27
Will give it a try tonight, thanks for that Valeros!

October 17th, 2009, 11:21
Tried it out, worked great!

October 25th, 2009, 23:04
I couldn't find the version of ImageMagic that you referenced, so I downloaded "ImageMagick-6.5.7-QT16" and renamed the reference in convert_images.bat from "PATH=%PATH%;c:\program files\imagemagick-6.5.5-q16" to "PATH=%PATH%;c:\program files\ImageMagick-6.5.7-1"

Worked fine after that.

October 31st, 2009, 23:04
Some ideas I'd like to see:
* a script that resizes each image to match the size of the physical miniature, for us anal types
* a script that would help sort the miniatures (the alphabetical one above is nice) possibly by set, or by creature type, etc.?

I realize neither of those would be particularly fast to whip up probably. Thanks again everyone!

Using the OP's original script, I've made a script that takes the information for the Warband Generator (https://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/mi/20031113x) and creates the images. Unfortunately, the WG hasn't been updated since 2007, so not all the image sets are available through this method.

The file is a VBScript file, so you may get warnings of a virus. As stated before, this is because it's using a Shell and FileSystemObject to create PNG files and to get the data from the JS file. No files are modified in the process.


Download the Warband Generator (https://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/mi/20031113x) from WotC and unzip the file.
Download the revised script (attached) and unzip the file.
Modify the script to your system

Change the below line to the location of the "convert.exe" for Image Magic (don't forget your folder location)
ConvertLoc = "c:\program files\ImageMagick-6.5.7-1\convert.exe"
Change the below line to the location of where you saved the Warband Generator
FileDrive = "C:\Downloaded Files\minigen1140full\"

Run the downloaded script.
The files will come out in [Set]_[Number] Name.png format.

FYI, the script opens a new window each time to run the appropriate information. This is due to the fact that each file has it's own file name and different sizes. I had a message box populate that asked if I was sure I wanted to run the "convert.exe". This will likely populate each time you run this unless you select the check box to "don't ask each time".

The only files that are needed is the "data.js" and the "minis" folder. Everything else can be deleted.

The script can be modified to include additional tags, but I'll leave that up to you.

To change how the file exports, modify this line
ImgFile2 = chr(34) & FileDrive & "minis\" & ImgSet & "\" & ImgSet & "_" & ImgNum & " " & ImgName & ".png" & chr(34)
If you want to save the file as the original name, modify this line (not tested)
ImgFile2 = ImgFile2
ImgFile2 = ImgFile1

Edit: You will need to move these to the appropriate section for your Tokens. I haven't messed around with the program to know where to put these.

Edit 2: There's also an "issue" with the Black, Blue, and Red "Icons". The images (../minis/I/) provided show a logo, the box, and the monster. You will need to crop the images to only show the monster. The program will do the rest.

November 16th, 2009, 18:14
Im having a lot of trouble dointg this with imagemajik...If one of you guys got it to work and wouldn't mind could you e-mail me the png files ....thanks in advance...my e-mail is [email protected] again.:)

November 17th, 2009, 01:45
Umm, I don't think it would be a good idea to send the PNG files. However, I can troubleshoot a little. What method are you using? The OP version or mine?

November 17th, 2009, 10:42

I am running Windows 7 and this worked perfectly.

One note I did have to manually create the JPGImages folder in the same directory with the VBS files. After this I had to properly install ImageMagick and change the first line of the convert_Images.bat to show the following entry:

PATH=%PATH%;C:\Program Files\ImageMagick-6.5.7-Q16

I really appreciate the time and effort you have placed into doing this.


November 17th, 2009, 17:30

I am running Windows 7 and this worked perfectly.

One note I did have to manually create the JPGImages folder in the same directory with the VBS files. After this I had to properly install ImageMagick and change the first line of the convert_Images.bat to show the following entry:

PATH=%PATH%;C:\Program Files\ImageMagick-6.5.7-Q16

I really appreciate the time and effort you have placed into doing this.


OK, I found out why it didn't automatically create the JPGImages folder. My internet connection is Wireless and will often have packet loss. If the Download times out it will not finish downloading and will not move all of the images to the JPGImages folder.

If this happens you simply just need to delete any images that you've downloaded and run the Download_Images.vbs again.

When it finished downloading the first time I had 908 images, after deleting those images and running the download again I had 1168 images and it properly created the JPGImages folder.

Anyway, Just thought if someone had the same problem I did that they might find this helpfull.

December 6th, 2009, 01:01
Ok i think i got it to work ...thanks ....

December 22nd, 2009, 09:54
Updated the scripts:
1) Added Savage Encounters (for a total of 1208 images/tokens)
2) Scripts can now put all images/tokens in one directory or put each set in its own directory. (If all are put in one directory, some have a suffix of "2" since there are some duplicate names (e.g., "Gargoyle.jpg" and "Gargoyle 2.jpg"))
3) Made names a little bit better for some sets (removed suffix "_tn" , removed leading numbers, removed leading "72GoL", and replaced "_" with space)

December 29th, 2009, 16:05
Kewl, i'm trying it out now.

January 4th, 2010, 23:26
Ran this on OSX with Parallels and it worked without a hitch, very very awesome! Thanks!

King Joey
January 14th, 2010, 09:03
edited to say: "nevermind." I found the error (user, of course).

Got it to work, and it is awesome!

One thing that might be helpful to others who might be as clueless as I was: the ImageMagick download you want is the "Binary Release" for Windows; that is the self-installing one.

Also, be careful when inserting the line Valeros suggested at the beginning of the "convert_images.bat" file that you only insert the part beginning with "PATH=%PATH%".

Just some tips to any other not-so-savvy types that might be out there.

January 16th, 2010, 16:50
What is the advantage of the Warband Generator method as compared to Valeros' method?

January 17th, 2010, 04:36
What is the advantage of the Warband Generator method as compared to Valeros' method?

Warband Generator
* Sizes the creatures based on their Size (S, M, L, Garganutan, etc)
* Does not include newer miniature sets

January 17th, 2010, 04:41
Number two sounds like a disadvantage, but thanks for the reply.

January 17th, 2010, 04:51
Number two sounds like a disadvantage, but thanks for the reply.

True, but if WotC takes down those image galleries, then the other version is in the same boat. Although I'm sure they'd also think to strip the Warband Generator too.

The newer 4e minis are nice to have though. I'm sure that a revision would allow for pulling either way, but that would require a bit of actual work ;)

February 24th, 2010, 03:28
I was bored this last weekend and thought I'd give updating the script a go.

Attached is a VBScript file that will download the images from the WotC website, add them to folders with the set name (ex, ...\Harbinger\[images]), and convert the files to PNG format for the size of the miniature (determined by Pixels and scaled to S, M, L, H, etc).

Please note, this file is not complete! Also, none of the miniatures have been changed to represent their true size. Only Harbinger is supported at this time.

I'm looking for people to test to make sure that it's working correctly. The task of associating files to desired file names will take a bit of time to fill out the remaining sets. This has worked on my system. If you receive any errors, let me know. Keep in mind, this is a test script!

Changes to be made by the user:

Line 15, change the directory to where the VBScript file is saved.
Line 94, change the directory of ImageMagick to match your own as well as the version number (see previous posts on how to install).

To run:

Extract the VBScript file
Double Click on the "DownloadAndResize.vbs" file
Enter a number for the pixel size you desire
After the run is complete (you'll receive a message box), run the "resize.bat" by double clicking.

February 28th, 2010, 17:21
I had two problems running both scripts from Valeros. I'm running Windows XP still because I'm a Linux guy (except games) and see no reason to give Bill any more money :)

Anyway, the main problem was the error:

"Interface Not Registered" in line 120 (Set images = objIE.Document.images)

I haven't programmed in Windows for several years and never used VB so I don't remember what needs to be registered. I Googled it and didn't find a solution, so here is a command to download all images from a web page with Linux:

wget -r -A jpg https://www.<OnePathFromTheOriginalScript>
(You can use -A jpg,gif,etc for multiple formats)

ImageMagick also works with Linux, but I just copied all the images to the XP machine and ran the resize script. The resize worked but it didn't move the files. I got an error in convert_images.bat. Something about not being able to move multiple files in to a single file. I had to change:

'move *.png ..\%1x%1' to 'move *.png %1x%1'

It then worked. Thanks for the scripts, Valeros.

March 1st, 2010, 11:58
Ok i don&#180;t know what i&#180;m doing wrong but to me it only downloads the first pack and then stops...can anyone help me out...? Vista user :)

March 2nd, 2010, 05:04
Ok i don´t know what i´m doing wrong but to me it only downloads the first pack and then stops...can anyone help me out...? Vista user :)

Is this in regards to the latest version I downloaded? If that's the case, it will only download the one (Harbinger).

You can change this yourself by modifying line 23 of the script to read

for i = 1 to 22

and putting an apostrophe at the beginining of line 81

'txtBatch = txtBatch & CreateBatchFile(CurrLoc, SetName, objFSO.GetFileName(image.src), SetNum)

This will download all the files, but will not modify them in any way (rename, convert, etc).

There are a considerable amount of images that need to be renamed in my version. The end goal would be to set up the images as an Extention (I hear this reduces the load time). Unfortunately, I don't have a lot of free time lately. Hopefully soon...

March 2nd, 2010, 11:34
Ohh thank you so much! it worked :P the rest i do with corel ;)

March 4th, 2010, 02:26
Ohh thank you so much! it worked :P the rest i do with corel ;)

I'll keep that in mind. Not a bad idea to prompt if you would like to do that part yourself.

March 6th, 2010, 11:53
This works really well, thanks.

I just manualy resized the Monsters that I needed to afterwards. For example eye of beholder.

If you parse in the Monster Manual using the community tool, it even draws the size of the boxes it takes up

March 7th, 2010, 02:03
If you parse in the Monster Manual using the community tool, it even draws the size of the boxes it takes up

Community tool?

March 11th, 2010, 12:31
The tool I was refering to was the Parser generated by some users. You can read about it and download it here. There are many references to the "Parser" on these boards as well.


March 11th, 2010, 19:53
The tool I was refering to was the Parser generated by some users. You can read about it and download it here. There are many references to the "Parser" on these boards as well.


Could I get a link to a tutorial on how to use this? also is this for the Compendium? and is there a way to parse PDFs that I own?

March 12th, 2010, 03:12
Could I get a link to a tutorial on how to use this? also is this for the Compendium? and is there a way to parse PDFs that I own?

Hi, if you are lucky enough to own a PDF, then yes you can parse that, as well as through the compendium.

I'm not aware of any tutorial. I had a bit of a nightmare working it out, but once you do it's actually really simple.

March 12th, 2010, 04:30
Hi, if you are lucky enough to own a PDF, then yes you can parse that, as well as through the compendium.

I'm not aware of any tutorial. I had a bit of a nightmare working it out, but once you do it's actually really simple.

Could we talk through emails, or perhaps a messenger, Id really like some helping getting it sorted out.

Lumbering_Troll at hotmail.com email and msn, or TR0LL on steam. thanks.

March 12th, 2010, 17:41

There are some web-pages you can subscribe to that are used by tech support. If both of us log in to it, I can see your screen. It's perfectly safe, I've used it for business clients b4.

It's the easiest way, trying to type out all the intructions is just painful, especially due to the quirks. Not a lot of the quicks are not to do with the app, but they way Wizards represent the data.

Incidentally, this forum has a private message facility, we can set up something through that if you like. It would take me 5 mins to do it on screen. Typing a doc or making a vid would take more like 5 hours.

It really is worth it in the end, since you get a ton of stuff available in FG2 that you can just click, drag and drop and so on. Cheers.

Here is the link. Its made by Cisco, so you can be assured it's not some cowby outfit.


March 12th, 2010, 21:09
Sorry to ask this but can you guys make a script for Star Wars minis too...? we could use the same that tdewitt274 made maybe...

March 13th, 2010, 06:46
Star Wars minis to tokens script attached. Same rules/instructions as D&D minis (and readme file included in zip file.) (Be sure Image Magick is loaded and allow it to be in path when installing.)

Note that I only saw image galleries for four sets (Universe, Clone Strike, Rebel Storm, and Revenge of the Sith.) If there are others, please post the URLs.

If anything is named wrong in Universe, you can correct the rename_universe.bat file or fix manually. But please post the error so I can correct. Thanks

Full Bleed
March 13th, 2010, 07:54
Excellent piece of work. Very handy. Is there some way to set this up so that it uses the native resolution of the images but still squares them up?

March 13th, 2010, 18:43
Attached are scripts to "squareup" the images. Run the appropriate "squareup_images_directory_per_set" script (one for D&D (_Dnd), one for Star Wars (_SW)). Leaves images in a folder called Square under each set.

** Be aware that the script spawns a DOS window for EACH image (to calculate its size). So it sort of takes over your computer when running because it keeps moving mouse focus to the DOS window, making it impossible to work on something else. **

Also, script assumes that you used the newer script that downloads images into folders by set and not all into one directory. If all in one directory, simply change the script to list just that one directory. But there still must be an "Original" directory inside that directory that holds the images.

March 13th, 2010, 18:47
Updated script for D&D minis that names the tokens much better. Just replace existing script with attached script.

1) Add spaces between words
2) Capitalize first letter of each word
3) Strip "-" for heroes
4) Move gender to end for heroes
5) Replace "Aspectof" with "Aspect of"

Full Bleed
March 14th, 2010, 05:54
Attached are scripts to "squareup" the images.

... and keeps the original resolutions! That's exactly what I was hoping for.

I removed backgrounds and bases on 8 of these sets by hand, taking the opportunity to add things like bowstrings and other minor effects... but that took me around 3-8 minutes per mini.

Doing one at a time tends to make things a little more accurate, but nothing beats the sheer speed and convenience of what you've provided everyone here.

Thanks again, Valeros.

March 14th, 2010, 12:54
Star Wars minis to tokens script attached. Same rules/instructions as D&D minis (and readme file included in zip file.) (Be sure Image Magick is loaded and allow it to be in path when installing.)

Note that I only saw image galleries for four sets (Universe, Clone Strike, Rebel Storm, and Revenge of the Sith.) If there are others, please post the URLs.

If anything is named wrong in Universe, you can correct the rename_universe.bat file or fix manually. But please post the error so I can correct. Thanks

Ok i need some help in here...i use the script and after i donwload the first set i got an error and goes down :( the set dont go to a folder and the images are all 1,2,3,4...the one from tdewitt274 worked so well :(
Help please...

March 14th, 2010, 17:48
First, try the new set of scripts posted (star_wars_minis.zip).

It slightly changes how directories are created which seems to be the problem you have. After downloading, script creates folder named for set (e.g., "Rebel Storm"), renames them if needed (only for Universe set), and then moves them into the folder. Since it downloaded the images and them stopped, it seems it could not create the directory. What is the exact error? Did you get all 60 JPGs before it crashed? Do you have a Universe folder? Does it have an Original folder inside?

If the new scripts do not work, try this:
1) Create four folders: "Rebel Storm", "Universe", "Revenge of the Sith", and "Clone Strike"
2) Create a folder inside each of those called "Original"
3) Use the second set of scripts for downloading each set individually. Do this for each:
a) Run the script that downloads that set
b) run the "delete_junk.bat"
c) For universe, run the "rename_universe.bat"
d) move all the JPGs to the appropriate Original folder

Now you have all the images and can run the resize script to make tokens from them.

March 14th, 2010, 20:17
Ok with the first one i get the same error but it download all the minis from the first set but give them numbers instead of names...the error is some kind of crazy crap i cant find out sorry...now the other one works like a charm :D thank you so much :)

Hye Jedi
March 15th, 2010, 03:36
First, try the new set of scripts posted (star_wars_minis.zip).

When I extract these files my system thinks one of the VBS files is a trojan virus. Is this something expected based on the way the script works or has something been infected? Looks like a great utility so I'm hoping that it is just a false positive.

March 15th, 2010, 11:15
With what file...? and what antivirus said that...?

March 28th, 2010, 01:01
When I extract these files my system thinks one of the VBS files is a trojan virus. Is this something expected based on the way the script works or has something been infected? Looks like a great utility so I'm hoping that it is just a false positive.

VBScript is pretty powerful. The FileSystemObject and Shell commands are used. In the code that I've written, it moves files, creates folders, downloads files, and manipulates files. I've also used code from the original poster to make my files.

You can view the code in the file by right clicking on the file name in Explorer and chosing "Edit". If you don't know Visual Basic coding languages (or even C based for that matter), it may not make sense.

Rule of thumb, if you don't feel comfortable don't use it. That being said, I wouldn't post it to a public forum if it did something bad.

Blue Haven
March 28th, 2010, 01:48
Its possible to create a script to download the images from the GW page...? it would save me a HUGE work to make the minis for warhammer...

March 28th, 2010, 15:49
Not really something that I'd be interested in. However, in theory, it could be done.

March 28th, 2010, 20:15
Warhammer, as requested. Remember, requires ImageMagick be installed to resize images.

Blue Haven
March 30th, 2010, 11:09
Thanks friend i will give it a try ;)

Blue Haven
March 30th, 2010, 18:05
Ok...so the script seems to work but there is some problems...first when i asked for warhammer minis i was talking about fantasy and not 40K ;) second the script creates the folders nice and clear but it wont download the pictures :( why...? oh and it says that the job is done...so whats wrong with this one...?

March 30th, 2010, 19:20
You need to visit the Games Workshop site in IE first and set the cookie that identifies your location. Then it should work. The same basic approach can be used for the Fantasy figs as well.

Blue Haven
March 30th, 2010, 22:59
Ahh...it works just fine :) but there is one small big problem...the pictures in the site are zoomed and the ones the script download are without the zoom...and very few can be used for tokens :(
Thanks anyway friend :)

March 31st, 2010, 08:27
Warhammer Fantasy attached.

Two different download scripts. One to download the smaller images (748 images @ 8.54MB) and one to download the much larger 873x627 image of each (748 imags @ 89.6 MB). Larger one is much slower due to increased size of images and has to navigate to additional URL for each image. (Smaller one has a lot of "Citadel" watermarks on the images.)

Not sure what you mean by zoom. Use the resize script to make the downloaded images the token size you want.

Blue Haven
March 31st, 2010, 13:16
Thank you so much!! can i ask one last wish...? can you make one for the larger files for the part of Mordheim, Inquisitor and Battlefleet Gothic...? pleaseeeee :) they are from GW too...
Thanks one more time for the help with the pictures :)

April 1st, 2010, 07:39
Attached Warhammer Fantasy again.

Forgot to remove line in Download script for the large images that made it stop after Beastmen (the first set.) Should download all sets now.

Also attached Warhammer Specialist for the Battlefleet Gothic, Inquisitor, and Mordheim images.

Blue Haven
April 1st, 2010, 14:42
Thank you friend :)

Blue Haven
May 31st, 2010, 10:34
Sorry to ask this but can you make a script just like the last one but for 40K...? i thought i didn&#180;t need them but i guess for DH its a must...can you friend...?
Sorry for this :(

June 4th, 2010, 21:25
I am not sure I understand. The original one I did was for Warhammer 40K and was posted as just Warhammer.zip. I added it again to this reply. Is that what is desired? If not, please provide specifics since I am not too familiar with Warhammer (an exact URL would be good.) Thank you

June 4th, 2010, 22:16
Sorry. Now I realize that you meant with the option to download with the large image size. Attached are scripts to download Warhammer 40K with option for small or large images depending on download script run. Remember to make sure you have gone to the website to set your country or the scripts will not work.

Blue Haven
June 5th, 2010, 06:25
Yeah!! thats the problem with the older one ;)
Thank you so much my friend :)

June 6th, 2010, 19:23
You can add these or replace the URLs in "Warhammer - Large - Download.vbs" to get the Lord of the Rings minis.

downloadImages "https://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/listProducts.jsp?catId=cat1600025" ' Gondor and Arnor
makeSetDir("Gondor and Arnor")

downloadImages "https://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/listProducts.jsp?catId=cat1600026" ' Rohan

downloadImages "https://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/listProducts.jsp?catId=cat1600027" ' Elven Kingdoms
makeSetDir("Elven Kingdoms")

downloadImages "https://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/listProducts.jsp?catId=cat1600028" ' Dwarf Holds
makeSetDir("Dwarf Holds")

downloadImages "https://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/listProducts.jsp?catId=cat1600029" ' Forgotten Kingdoms
makeSetDir("Forgotten Kingdoms")

downloadImages "https://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/listProducts.jsp?catId=cat1600030" ' Mordor

downloadImages "https://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/listProducts.jsp?catId=cat1600031" ' Fortress of Isengard
makeSetDir("Fortress of Isengard")

downloadImages "https://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/listProducts.jsp?catId=cat1600032" ' Misty Mountains
makeSetDir("Misty Mountains")

downloadImages "https://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/listProducts.jsp?catId=cat1600033" ' Fallen Realms
makeSetDir("Fallen Realms")

downloadImages "https://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/listProducts.jsp?catId=cat1600034" ' Angmar


Sorry. Now I realize that you meant with the option to download with the large image size. Attached are scripts to download Warhammer 40K with option for small or large images depending on download script run. Remember to make sure you have gone to the website to set your country or the scripts will not work.

June 9th, 2010, 01:37
The SW site seems to be discontinued due to WoTC not doing it anymore. Anyone know where I can get these images still?

Blue Haven
October 24th, 2010, 18:30
The SW site seems to be discontinued due to WoTC not doing it anymore. Anyone know where I can get these images still?

Dunno what you mean but...looking for this ones...?

Blue Haven
October 24th, 2010, 19:05
There is something wrong with the scripts for warhammer minis :( they download only the folders but not the pictures...did they made any changes on the pages??

Edit: i&#180;m talking about the Large download script for warhammer fantasy and 40k and Specialist and yes i done that thing of opening the page first on IE...can anyone help me out...?

Blue Haven
October 27th, 2010, 22:27
Hello anyone?? does anyone knows whats the problem? is the script messed up or they made changes on the web page that blocks the script??

November 4th, 2010, 08:41
Change three lines in each Large download script:

Set links2 = objIE2.Document.links
Set links2 = objIE2.Document.images
if InStr(link2.href, "_873") and (Found = 0) then
if InStr(link2.src, "_873") and (Found = 0) then
imageURL = "https://www.games-workshop.com" & mid(link2.href, firstChar, lastChar-firstChar+4)
imageURL = link2.src

Blue Haven
November 4th, 2010, 15:37
thank you so much ;)

March 2nd, 2011, 16:15
The SW site seems to be discontinued due to WoTC not doing it anymore. Anyone know where I can get these images still?

Try this site:


it shows 421 minis all on one page or you can filter them. I used Firefox and the Downthemall add on, to download the images into one folder, then used the bat file to process them. Works like a charm.

I wasn't able to get the VBS file to download the DnD minis the way it was described. I was only able to do 1 folder at a time, then I had to remove a section of code and retry. It will download the next folder. Of course it doesn't rename them or create a folder. The other problem is you have to turn off real time scanning otherwise McAfee simply quarantines the VBS file.

Very nice, thanks. Next up the Warhammer tokens :)

April 16th, 2011, 02:26
Updated script for D&D minis that names the tokens much better. Just replace existing script with attached script.

1) Add spaces between words
2) Capitalize first letter of each word
3) Strip "-" for heroes
4) Move gender to end for heroes
5) Replace "Aspectof" with "Aspect of"

Ok it's not working. I don't know what i'm doing wrong. I ran the attached vb file, is there anything else i'm missing. please help. Thank you.

April 16th, 2011, 17:47
Not sure I can be much help, but I remember when I ran the script I had to do it one directory at a time for some reason.

What happened when you ran the vbs file ? Were you trying for the DnD or Star Wars figs ?

April 17th, 2011, 00:46
dnd, it only pulled like 60 images (just the archfiend images) and didn't label em then i got the error:

windows script host
Script: C:\users.....\download_images_directory_per_set.vb s
Line: 25
Char: 1
Error: The System cannot find the file specified
Code: 80070002
Source: Null

thats it

April 17th, 2011, 02:56
First guess, look to see if the "download_images_directory_per_set.vb s" file exists. I that it may have a space in the BAT file, or whatever is running. If that is the case, you'll want to get rid of that space.

Second guess, it may be that WotC has moved stuff around. I'm betting on the first though.

April 17th, 2011, 03:22
nah the space was just a typo on my part, i think wotc renamed the first few sets in the file list because the names are importing now, but still it only does one at a time and doesn't create folder so basically now i'm just downloading one set at a time putting them into a folder deleting that set from the script and re-running, its still saving hours of work, just would have been cooler if it work like it probably originally did.

April 17th, 2011, 11:20
i have to say i tried a couple of these and worked perfectly. thank you very much to the bright little sparks who put much time and effort into this and shared with the rest of us.

April 17th, 2011, 13:37
You could also try this script (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showpost.php?p=98972&postcount=31).

I based this off of Valeros' script. It downloads the images, resizes the images based on the size of the monster (ex, 50x50 for Large is 100x100), and creates a MOD file.

April 17th, 2011, 15:11
hah - another wonderful script. i spent an hour debugging as i had not actually installed imagemagik but just d/l files and added to path... gave up and copied imagemagik folder to where your script expected it to be and it ran perfectly...
what do i do with the mod files?

April 17th, 2011, 15:23
These are modules for FG. You can put them in your "modules" folder under the Application Data folder.

The reason for the MOD files is to reduce on the amount of time to load FG for the players. You can open the MOD when needed and close it when finished.

April 17th, 2011, 15:28
so the modules will contain all the icons from that set?
how do i create a mod with only a dozen icons in it for a quick shot adventure?

April 17th, 2011, 17:27
You should be able to pull the minis out of the modules into the campaign. Open the module and put the minis you need on a map, then close the module. If memory serves me correctly, they will be available in the root of the token box.

Try it out and let me know if this still works. I did it once, but I'm having issues with my FG after switching to a new PC.

April 19th, 2011, 03:29
You could also try this script (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showpost.php?p=98972&postcount=31).

I based this off of Valeros' script. It downloads the images, resizes the images based on the size of the monster (ex, 50x50 for Large is 100x100), and creates a MOD file.

I tried the script, everything setup like in the read me file, it asked for a folder i pointed to one, Same subfolder with new folder i named New(keeping it simple) then i got the error:

windows script host

script: c:\users\..\desktop\d&d\token tool\downloadandresize.vbs
Line: 49
Char: 1
Error: Object required: "
Code: 800AQ1A8
Source: Microsoft VBScript runtime error

April 19th, 2011, 03:32
what does line 49 say?
try running this script from a folder that has no spaces or special characters (&) in the path...

April 19th, 2011, 03:48
i tried no special characters and no spaces, line 49 says

Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder("C:\" & objSubfolder.Name)

April 19th, 2011, 05:08
I tried the script, everything setup like in the read me file, it asked for a folder i pointed to one, Same subfolder with new folder i named New(keeping it simple) then i got the error:

Do you have ImageMagick installed? The lines before 49 look for your "Program Files" folder (both for Vista and Win7) to determine it's location.

April 19th, 2011, 05:30
ah, i put imagemagick in the same folder as the token tool, didn't want to put something in program files i'm only going use like once or twice, i'll try that

April 19th, 2011, 06:22
got the correct version of imagemagick installed in the appropriate folder, it still crashes with the same error. my system setup is

Windows Vista Home Premium

Manufacturer Hewlett-Packard
Model HP Pavilion dv9700 Notebook PC
Total amount of system memory 4.00 GB RAM
System type 64-bit operating system
Number of processor cores 2


Display adapter type NVIDIA GeForce 8600M GS
Total available graphics memory 2303 MB
Dedicated graphics memory 512 MB
Dedicated system memory 0 MB
Shared system memory 1791 MB
Display adapter driver version
Primary monitor resolution 1440x900
DirectX version DirectX 10


Network Adapter Realtek RTL8168B/8111B Family PCI-E GBE NIC
Network Adapter Intel(R) Wireless WiFi Link 4965AGN
Network Adapter Microsoft Tun Miniport Adapter

April 19th, 2011, 06:25
Really for all this trouble i could probably have just renamed the 4 sets that don't have names, although i still need to resize (is there a script that just does that?)

But hopefully we can get this working so the next guy won't have such a headache, thank you for all the help thus far.

April 19th, 2011, 06:53
ok reinstalled downloadandresize i think when it didn't find what it wanted it somehow messed up the code. running fine now SWEETNESS please disregard my dumbness above! lol

April 19th, 2011, 09:07
i spent quite a while debugging it the first couple of times. finally i installed everything where the script really wanted it to be found and the script worked a treat. even for the hour(s) i spent screwing around trying to learn the script it was still well worth the effort.
and i think for many ppl it will work 1st time.

April 19th, 2011, 12:42
True enough.

Well now its giving me a permission denied issue. It seems that there are several minis sets that don't have a set symbol and those 5 sets didn't get made into a .mod. the rest did which is awesome but i checked the dnd mini website and natta. i'll fool with it some more but looks like its back to the drawing board for those sets.

April 19th, 2011, 12:49
which 5 sets were they? 22 of 23 worked for me and i just reran now and have 23 of 23...

April 19th, 2011, 13:05
sorry 6 sets, savage encounters, PH1, PH2, Lords of Madness, Dangerous Delves, Legendary Evils

according to "https://www.wizards.com/dnd/Article.aspx?x=dnd/mi/setsymbols" these don't have set symbols and i think the program hiccuped in creating the ".mod"s for those due to that fact.

April 19th, 2011, 13:46
The mod creation process is a bit of a timing thing. The zipping utility works on it's own and you have to let the script "sleep" for an amount of time. I tried to set it for a short enough period to ensure that everything was ready to go, but it will depend on the system. Maybe increasing lines 136, 138, and 140 by 1000 will take care of the issue.

WotC stopped creating the thumbnails after they stopped supporting the minis game. However, the script doesn't care if there is a thumbnail created. It just adds the PNG and XML to the zip file and later updates the extention to MOD.

April 19th, 2011, 14:20
hmm cool. interesting, is there any difference between a zip and mod besides the extension? your post seems to suggest there isn't.

April 19th, 2011, 18:02
Rulesets, MODs, EXTs and PAKs are only ZIPs. You do need an XML file to tell FG what to do. But basically, rename them to ZIP and extract them to see what's inside.

April 19th, 2011, 18:46
awesome! well damn, i just wanted to say "Awesome!" but it said my message was too short. soooooo i think this should do it.

Blue Haven
July 6th, 2011, 01:26
There was a lot of changes on the GW page and with the new release of minis i would ask if someone can make a script to take all the pictures (in large size) from the site :) i lost the other one and the ones in here don&#180;t work :(
Can anyone help...? it would save me a lot of work and its always nice to have a guide when i paint my minis :)

July 6th, 2011, 02:45
There was a lot of changes on the GW page and with the new release of minis i would ask if someone can make a script to take all the pictures (in large size) from the site :) i lost the other one and the ones in here don´t work :(
Can anyone help...? it would save me a lot of work and its always nice to have a guide when i paint my minis :)

I posted this info in another thread a while back, It might help you as well

Blue Haven
July 6th, 2011, 14:07
But how can that download the images from the GW page?? sorry i didn&#180;t get it...

July 6th, 2011, 14:22
But how can that download the images from the GW page?? sorry i didn´t get it...
Well you posted in a DDM(Dungeons and Dragons Miniatures) images as tokens thread, so I assumed you simply mistyped GW instead of WG (warband generator) Games Workshop has never licensed DDM and do not license their images on their site for printing. So I informed you of where you can legally get the DDM images from.

Blue Haven
July 6th, 2011, 17:44
Yeah but i already asked for this kind of help before in here...you just had to look back a few posts :)
And i know about that GW problem i just use them in private and to help me paint my minis ;)
Thanks anyway for your help :)

March 20th, 2012, 03:11
VBS/Psyme found in the main vbs file.

March 20th, 2012, 06:43
McAfee seemed to think it was a virus for me as well, and kept deleting the file, but I'm not so sure there is an actual virus. I think it may just be fooling the AV programs.

I used it and never had a problem other than the anti virus program kept quarantining it.

I'm no virus expert though.:)

March 20th, 2012, 16:48
I think the reason the VBS in the token parser is being spotted as a VBS/Psyme trojan virus is that the code connects to the Wizards website to download the tokens.

The VBS/Psyme trojan virus uses VBS code to connect to websites to download malware.

The anti-virus program you're using is probably just detecting generic website access from a VBS script.

April 23rd, 2012, 03:59
Does anyone know if these still work? I received a private message saying that they were having issues. I've since upgraded my PC and don't have the ImageMagik program to test it. Looks like the file locations are still good (just by checking one of them). If they don't, I'd be OK with uploading them somewhere. Not sure how "legal" it is to put them up on the Wiki.

Regarding the "Virus" postings previously, I'm sure the AntiVirus is flagging the VBScript file just on principle. VBScript is capable of writing to disc and that could be considered malicious. However, the script is safe (malicious intent is not something I personally subscribe to).

April 23rd, 2012, 07:12
The reason for the script is it would be illegal in most places to post and distribute the tokens because the art is copyrighted. However, for personal use it would probably be OK. So legally you should be able to run the script and use the tokens as long as you didn't distribute the tokens to others. So you don't want to put the tokens up on the Wiki because you'll get the wiki owner in trouble.

April 23rd, 2012, 22:46
Does anyone know if these still work? I received a private message saying that they were having issues. I've since upgraded my PC and don't have the ImageMagik program to test it. Looks like the file locations are still good (just by checking one of them). If they don't, I'd be OK with uploading them somewhere. Not sure how "legal" it is to put them up on the Wiki.

Regarding the "Virus" postings previously, I'm sure the AntiVirus is flagging the VBScript file just on principle. VBScript is capable of writing to disc and that could be considered malicious. However, the script is safe (malicious intent is not something I personally subscribe to).

There are two different aspects to the scripts as I remember it. One part is for automatically downloading the images from the websites in question. The second part is for taking a folder of those downloaded images and sizing them and putting a transparent background in the image and putting the new files in their own folder.

When I used them I had problems with the auto downloading, and just did it myself. I was able to easily modify the bat file to process the downloaded files one folder at a time.

I'm guessing it will still work, you probably just have to play around with it. I'm no programmer but I managed to get some nice tokens. Of course you need to download ImageMagic in order for the process to work :) One problem with the VBS script was McAfee kept quarantining the damn file.

April 28th, 2012, 21:41
As an alternate, the attached zip file contains an executable built using C# in Visual Studio. It requires .Net 4.0 but it can download the D&D miniature images and also resize and convert to PNG with transparent background without needing ImageMagick.

A directory called JPG is created where the JPGs are stored in the same way as the original scripts so that the original scripts can still be used if desired. Just copy the scripts into that directory.

If creating PNGs, they will be under the PNG folder in a folder named by the pixel size selected for the minis.

I used the names and mini sizes from tdwitt274's script (but I do not shrink the image size for monsters below medium).

May 19th, 2012, 04:53
As an alternate, the attached zip file contains an executable built using C# in Visual Studio. It requires .Net 4.0 but it can download the D&D miniature images and also resize and convert to PNG with transparent background without needing ImageMagick.

A directory called JPG is created where the JPGs are stored in the same way as the original scripts so that the original scripts can still be used if desired. Just copy the scripts into that directory.

If creating PNGs, they will be under the PNG folder in a folder named by the pixel size selected for the minis.

I used the names and mini sizes from tdwitt274's script (but I do not shrink the image size for monsters below medium).

Brilliant! The evolution of a great tool. Thanks for making this Valeros :)

August 16th, 2014, 20:28
I posted this info in another thread a while back, It might help you as well

I don't understand how this tool works. I ran it once and I saw a lot of Dnd monster names as Jpgs with something supposedly happening, but I couldnt find any output file.

Are there step by step directions anywhere?

August 17th, 2014, 03:49
i havent done it for a long while - but the instructions were all here... you do have to do a bit of reading though... and sometimes you may misinterpret the instructions on your first (or second!) go... it took me a little bit to get it working but it did run nicely.

August 17th, 2014, 03:51
heres my post from 3years ago in this thread! https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?10812-All-D-amp-D-minis-as-tokens-automated&p=107078&viewfull=1#post107078
im pretty sure i thought i knew better and decided to install something in a different directory. once i just followed the instructions.. it all worked exactly as written..

August 17th, 2014, 03:57
Try this link: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?12165-D-amp-D-Miniatures-Resizing-Script&p=98972#post98972
From memory -
Make sure you install ImageMagick in the correct/default location: https://www.imagemagick.org/
Make sure you are logged into your D&D Insiders account.

August 17th, 2014, 06:14
Use this now:
It is the same but all automated through a Windows GUI plus it downloads more minis (Pathfinder).

August 17th, 2014, 07:28
Cool. Perhaps you could also just add a Date to your first post edit so people know its the newest version :)
I know it shows edit date at bottom of the page too...
Great work by the way.

August 17th, 2014, 17:42
Thanks for the help everyone.

June 7th, 2015, 07:56
Absolutely awesome tool. Thank you!

August 3rd, 2015, 23:24
This program is infected with trogan viruses. Please do not down load.

August 3rd, 2015, 23:30
This program is infected with trogan viruses. Please do not down load.
Norton blocks it when I try to use it, but purely on reputation (less than 50 Norton users having used the application) not for any other reason, it doesn't think it's a Trojan. I've used this app a few times in the past. If you're unsure, don't use it - but if you want to download some minis-as-tokens...

August 3rd, 2015, 23:59
Norton should block itself as being a Trojan.