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View Full Version : Palladium Fantasy or Heroes Unlimited Ruleset?

August 23rd, 2009, 21:29
Hello Everyone... Me and 8 other friends just bought into FG and we're going to start up some GURPS and nWOD games, but we really wanted to play some Palladium systems. I've noticed RIFTS is listed here, but I was wondering...

Is anyone out there working on Palladium Fantasy or Heroes Unlimited Ruleset?

I myself lack the smrts to create one. If anyone is making such a ruleset, PLEASE let me know. If not I may have to learn XML and try and modify the RIFTS sheet posted on Wiki... but that would be uber hard for a simple minded person such as myself.


August 23rd, 2009, 22:34
My group is playing in the Palladium world, but using the 4th edition system.

Here is my Palladium background.

December 14th, 2017, 15:30
This would be bad ***.

January 5th, 2018, 21:53
Since this thread was resurrected...does anyone have a Palladium/RIFTS homebrew useable with FG? I'm having some success with one of my games that I tried converting over to GURPS 4th. GURPS is satisfying but feels more crunchy. My players would be interested in continuing another campaign I have in Palladium Fantasy if possible.

January 5th, 2018, 22:10
Since this thread was resurrected...does anyone have a Palladium/RIFTS homebrew useable with FG? I'm having some success with one of my games that I tried converting over to GURPS 4th. GURPS is satisfying but feels more crunchy. My players would be interested in continuing another campaign I have in Palladium Fantasy if possible.
Have you looked into MoreCore and all the die rolls available there? You might be able to do it right in MoreCore without much effort.

July 8th, 2018, 04:00
MoreCore should work. I have played with it a little this evening and have an idea of how to make it work for Palladium Fantasy. Now, all I need is more time to add everything!

July 8th, 2018, 04:03
LongShot make sure you use the Rolls library so everything is re-usable (and exportable if required).

July 8th, 2018, 04:05
Yep! I am using the rolls library and found a way to set up most things in the "Rolls" section as well....skill, spells, weapons, etc. - under separate categories.

July 8th, 2018, 04:12
Yep! I am using the rolls library and found a way to set up most things in the "Rolls" section as well....skill, spells, weapons, etc. - under separate categories.

There is a couple of new Spells features that are pretty rudimentary at the moment.
Mostly used for tracking of spells.

July 8th, 2018, 04:14
There is a couple of new Spells features that are pretty rudimentary at the moment.
Mostly used for tracking of spells.

1st edition would lend well to tracking spells cast per day.
2nd edition uses spell points. The COMBAT window in the upper right of the MORECORE tab should work well.

Weapons are the thing I am trying to figure out at the moment. I can set up an item, but not sure how to add any "to hit" or "damage" or Parry" stats, etc.

July 8th, 2018, 04:38
What is the damage mechanic?

Two main ways to do it:
#1 Using the Attacks frame on the Character sheet: Attacks will roll a dice to the Chat window and will report against a targeted opponent. They will not determine a hit/miss as this generic ruleset does not know what stats and modifiers and other variables will dictate that success or failure. The Attack should use the following syntax:
Description Dice,
The comma is required to end the string. You may find that for your ruleset you include an Attack String and a Damage String as two separate entries: eg Short Sword [ATK] 1d20+2, Short Sword [DMG] 1d6+2,
You may drag these attacks on to an enemy Token on the map or in the Combat Tracker or use the targeting system.
PC Attacks will show in the Combat Tracker.

#2 Using Rolls: There is a Roll /damage with Type Damage. It uses a simple /damage #d#+# syntax.

The result in Chat from wither of these two is of type Damage. This means when it is dragged on to the Wounds section on the Combat Tracker it will Add to the existing value rather than replace the existing value.

July 8th, 2018, 05:31

Palladium Fantasy (and Rifts...etc.) are pretty crunchy. Each type of weapon has an associated weapon proficiency that likely adds to the attack, parry, and maybe damage. Often times a small bonus when thrown as well. These bonuses increase as the character advances in levels.

The attacker rolls 1d20 + any modifiers to strike the defender. The basic defense options are parry and dodge (1d20 + any modifiers). If the attacker strike roll is higher than the defender's parry or dodge roll, the attacker hits and rolls damage. If the attack roll was greater than the defender's armor rating, the defender takes damage. If the attack roll hit, but was equal to or less than the defender's armor rating, the armor takes the damage, until damaged enough to destroy the armor.

That is the "in a nut shell" description of combat.

Initiative is also rolled every round.

July 8th, 2018, 06:18

Palladium Fantasy (and Rifts...etc.) are pretty crunchy. Each type of weapon has an associated weapon proficiency that likely adds to the attack, parry, and maybe damage. Often times a small bonus when thrown as well. These bonuses increase as the character advances in levels.

The attacker rolls 1d20 + any modifiers to strike the defender. The basic defense options are parry and dodge (1d20 + any modifiers). If the attacker strike roll is higher than the defender's parry or dodge roll, the attacker hits and rolls damage. If the attack roll was greater than the defender's armor rating, the defender takes damage. If the attack roll hit, but was equal to or less than the defender's armor rating, the armor takes the damage, until damaged enough to destroy the armor.

That is the "in a nut shell" description of combat.

Initiative is also rolled every round.

There are several options for Initiative added in the current release: https://www.diehard-gaming.com/mchelp.html#combat
Wounds is the only field that will track accumulative damage by drag and drop. You could code C4/C5 to do that in an extension.

July 8th, 2018, 15:57
Great! I will check it out.

October 12th, 2020, 07:58
Palladium System would be a good add! $$$

Rifts, Heroes Unlimited, TMNT, Ninjas and Superspies, Palladium Fantasy, Robotech...