View Full Version : Let's start a Dark Heresy game!

August 5th, 2009, 16:41
Hey all,

There was a *ton* of interest on the last Dark Heresy game I saw advertised, but it seems as though the author abandoned the project.

I know I *love* the 40k universe, and would play in a DH game in a heartbeat.

So please post here if you're interested, especially if anyone is willing to actually run the game!

Cheers all

August 5th, 2009, 18:48
I'm extremely interested. If all else fails I have the pre-made story lines and I may be willing to run them if no one wants to DM.

August 7th, 2009, 03:10
I will defiantely play

Blue Haven
August 7th, 2009, 09:22
Wow :) me too!! :D

August 7th, 2009, 18:09
3 players so far, now we just need a GM =)

Blue Haven
August 7th, 2009, 19:38
But Aemoth said that he may run the game if we don´t get a GM :)

August 7th, 2009, 20:01
I've got no experience running the GM side of FG but I think I could pick it up quickly.

I'm thinking either start with Illumination and then Purge the Unclean (although apparently Illumination is almost impossible) Or The House of Dust and Ash which leads into Tattered Fates. Oh and I just got the Edge of Darkness so Im going to give it a brief read through to see how epic it is.

August 7th, 2009, 20:18
Hello. I am very interested in playing as well but I'm a bit new to FG.

August 7th, 2009, 20:33
sweet we can run a small game with 4, more would be great but we can start with this. I guess I'll take the GM lead and learn the UI quick while we flesh out the rest of this. Just a few questions..

has anyone ever read or played Shattered Hope? I think this will work great to build the characters and get a game under their belt before jumping into other story lines.

What days and times work good for you?

What kind of character do you want to play? (so we don't end up with 4 tech-priests or guardsmen) I've got every book so you're free to grab from any of them. The only thing I'm going to shy away from is if you want to play Sororitas or Astartes lines. Those you're gona have to argue really hard for...

August 7th, 2009, 20:47
I don't think I have read Shattered Hope. I could probably go and look it up though.

My times are a bit odd because I'm in the middle of switching semesters. I should have a definite schedule in less than a week though. Even then I should be free most days and nights.

I was interested in playing a tech-priest. Perhaps more combat oriented but it depends on what the group needs. I'm pretty flexible.

August 7th, 2009, 21:36
Don't read it! It's a pre-written game and if no one else has read it I'll run it for a quick test so everyone can get a good feel for their character and some exp for later games.

August 7th, 2009, 21:39
Ok I gotcha. Sorry I do know not to read the GM's part and all. I guess I just was going to skim the intro or something.
But yeah I was going to re-read the rulebook first to refresh myself, and work a bit more on character plans.

Blue Haven
August 7th, 2009, 22:19
Hey Aemoth i don´t know this adventures (Illumination and The House of Dust and Ash) :( where did you get them...?
Other thing you must help me out with the character creation (maybe open a session for us to build the character) because i´m more used to play Warhammer Fantasy and there are some things that i forgot about Dark Heresy...
About the time...i guess its better to see at what time zone the players and you are so we can come to a time that serves us all ;) i´m at GMT+1

August 7th, 2009, 22:30
I am East Coast time here, (GMT -5, I think). Any night except Tuesday is ideal for me, but I am flexible!

No worries Chloe, this will be my first DH game too, so we'll get through it together haha.

I have not read those adventures, so it works out for me!

I would be most interested in playing an Imperial Psyker =)

August 7th, 2009, 22:30
I'm GMT -4 (or -5 whatever est is) but I'm really able to play whenever.

Illumination is the brief game at the end of the core rulebook (it's supposed to be so hard they made several preludes to it) and The House of Dust and Ash is in the Disciples of the Dark Gods.

I'm throwing up a room just for questions, chat, and character building


August 7th, 2009, 22:35
It's nice to have other newbies. Less scary to ask questions and stuff.
I don't know much of how FG works so it will take me a bit to get the rhythm down.

I'm on the East Coast as well and can stay up very late if needed.

August 7th, 2009, 23:09
actually better idea, if you've got questions or problems just IM me on AIM. My names VerinAemoth. It's easier to keep AIM open rather than keep the server up

August 7th, 2009, 23:20
Well the only question I have right now would be about homebrewed rules and tweaks.
I am curious when the games would start. I don't mind waiting awhile for everything to go smoothly but having a general date is nice. I feel like its rushing some already.

I will message you on AIM sometime soon Aemoth.

August 7th, 2009, 23:43
Not really trying to rush it since we've still gotta set up a date and time, but I would like to clear up as many questions as quickly as possible. (Part of the reason why I opened up the AIM instead of the server) It will be a little while for me to input all the info into FG anyways.

It looks like we've got mostly EST (excluding the one GMT+1) so how would you all feel about an early afternoon game so we can still include Blue Haven? Blue how late are you willing to play?

What is the general feeling on weekday gaming or weekend?

As for homebrew I'll have to look it over. Even with the Inquisitor Handbook you're able to make a character with a BS of over 65 or a character that can look directly at Khorne and give him the bird without any penalties so I'd like to avoid any over powered tweaks or rules.

Blue Haven
August 8th, 2009, 10:27
Well if you guys are at GMT-5 its like 6 hours of diference and i can´t play too much if you guys start at night :( like if you guys start at 18H00 its 24H00 to me and i´m dead at that time lolol the only thing that i will see is the Blood God and then i fall down :) i have to wake up very soon to work :(
I don´t have AIM :( and thanks i didn´t remember those adventures ;) and i guess we should play only with the rulebook rules to avoid those things friend...and if you need help with FG just tell me ok? i help you with FG and you help me out with the rules and character creation lol ;) ohh and its better to me to play during the week so i can relax from work ;) the weekends is for surf and beach :D

Blue Haven
August 8th, 2009, 10:34
Ohh and i forgot one thing...why don´t we make the characters like i usually do in WFRP...? we roll to chose the career and that way we will have a diferent and mixed party :) please correct me if i´m wrong because sometimes i confuse WFRP with DH i guess i better go read the manual lolol

August 8th, 2009, 15:48
with WFRP there are a TON of basic classes and the ability to cris-cross the skill sets much easier. In DH you're tied into the "Class" with specialization within the class. You don't see many Tech-priest/Guardsmen/Arbites. So I don't want to limit everyones class choice according to a dice roll.

With that said I also want to avoid the rule that states when rolling for stats you roll in order and thats how your stats are. Instead I'm debating having 9 rolls, 1 reroll and the choice to pick where those rolls go so we don't end up with a Guardsmen with 40 int and 26 bs or a Psyker with 22 wp.

Out of curiosity does this board have a dice system where everyones can roll and begin making their characters?

Blue Haven
August 8th, 2009, 16:00
Well if you want to make a character just open a session and we roll the dice in there...but in here?? i never seen that...
Sorry about that thing of the classes i´m kind of a noob in Dark Heresy sorry sorry you the Boss :D

August 8th, 2009, 18:16
Yeah by asking about home-brewed tweaks i was mainly talking about nerfs to anything overpowered. Things that people may abuse like fire bombs or nice changes like having us mix and match characteristic rolls.

For times I really don't know yet until i get my class schedule. Most likely I'll have 2 afternoons completely free, with the others coming home around 2PM. How many days a week was everyone looking to play as well? and hours per session? Maybe we could try playing on Friday afternoons so Blue Haven can stay up a bit later?

I'm having a bit of trouble getting the Dark Heresy ruleset to work. I'm not sure where I need to put it, or if I have all of the pieces, like a .pak file that the other rulesets have. I'll get it eventually though.

August 8th, 2009, 18:33
I am so glad this is on the way, I am also in gmt -5 (east coast). I am free everyday after except fri and sun. I would like to play an adept

August 8th, 2009, 19:24
Since Aemoth has offered to run one of the pre-made adventures (Thank you Aemoth!!!!) maybe he can pick a time for us all to get on and make chars together?

Just a thought =)

August 8th, 2009, 20:11
. Things that people may abuse like fire bombs or nice changes like having us mix and match characteristic rolls.
You'll be able to mix and match the rolls so we don't end up with gimped characters.

I'm having a bit of trouble getting the Dark Heresy ruleset to work. I'm not sure where I need to put it, or if I have all of the pieces, like a .pak file that the other rulesets have. I'll get it eventually though.
If I remember correctly you just unpack those files into the ruleset folder. It won't have any of the library info in it unfortunately.

August 8th, 2009, 20:20
Yeah I unpacked the Dark heresy folder, then made the rulesets folder in the appdata area and put all the files into there. But it doesn't show up as a ruleset choice when i load fantasy grounds. Is there a way to browse to find it or something? or does it not work with local character creation?
Maybe it will just give me the files I need when I first join the server?

August 8th, 2009, 21:31
Could u guys post a link to the ruleset, I am so pumped to be able to try some DH

August 8th, 2009, 21:40
https://games.groups.yahoo.com/group/fgvtt/files/ is where I got it, you need to join the group to download though, meaning you need a yahoo account. I did stumble upon it somewhere else too but i cant remember exactly, they are both the same.

I finally realized my problem, someone else posted " You do need to have the full version of FG to add a ruleset, lite versions don't need it because they get it from the FG server when they connect. " and yeah, I have lite so it will work as soon as I join the server.

August 9th, 2009, 00:49
I'll run the server tonight if anyone wants to jump in and work on character creation and again Monday from 7est till around 12. Blue if you have a time you're open since you're gmt +1 I can run the server for you to make the rolls etc.

When we start and at what time really comes down to when Blue is able to jump in. We probably won't be able to do weekdays before 6est since people have jobs (unless that actually works out) So basically I'm asking for everyones "ideal" time that they'd be able to play.

August 9th, 2009, 01:03
You may want to add the game to the calendar also and I will be around tonight, be good to have others so we can discuss groups and do our rolls. Let me know the server address. And the ruleset is looking good and thank you guys for the link

Blue Haven
August 9th, 2009, 11:51
I'll run the server tonight if anyone wants to jump in and work on character creation and again Monday from 7est till around 12. Blue if you have a time you're open since you're gmt +1 I can run the server for you to make the rolls etc.

When we start and at what time really comes down to when Blue is able to jump in. We probably won't be able to do weekdays before 6est since people have jobs (unless that actually works out) So basically I'm asking for everyones "ideal" time that they'd be able to play.

Just say the time for today but try to tell me in GMT+1 format ;) so i can see if i can join :)

Blue Haven
August 9th, 2009, 17:33
Will you open a session today for character creation?? if so please tell me, i will take a look at the rulebook so we spend less time with this part :)

August 12th, 2009, 06:19
Just so everyone knows - Aemoth had to go out of town last second, but is looking at next week to get started! we started a game, so just PM Aemoth if you need an invite for the calendar!

August 13th, 2009, 01:55
Hello! I'm very well versed in 40k lore (have all the books) and I know the DH rules pretty well (have most of the books, run a real life campaign and about to start running an online game).

I'd love to play if you still have room.

August 13th, 2009, 02:42
Hi there. There is still room left in the game but you'll have to talk to Aemoth about playing. He seems to be gone for the week but hopefully he will be back soon.

August 14th, 2009, 14:25
Do you guys have a good source for a DH mod and or program to run it?


August 18th, 2009, 00:45
My little weekend excursion took a bit longer than I planned and I got some great things out of it (one being a better position) and due to all of that it took me a bit longer to get back and situated.

With that said my original plans to have the first game this Tuesday do not look possible. My next open day will be Thursday so if you're able to get on Thursday at 5est leave a message here.

August 18th, 2009, 00:48
Yay welcome back. Glad you had a good time and all. Thursday seems perfectly fine for me so I'll be there.

Blue Haven
August 18th, 2009, 14:49
Now we´re ready to go ;) don´t forget our deal Aemoth :) and other thing...i don´t want to spoil the game to anyone but i guess 4 players are enough...more than this it will become very confusing for the GM and may kill the game... but you the Master :) just an advice ;)

August 18th, 2009, 16:13
Thurs 5pm is good for me

August 19th, 2009, 00:36
Should work for me too!

August 29th, 2009, 00:48
I'd like to play, but I'm on the Pacific coast. Can play any day after 5pm PST and free on weekends.

Tai West
[email protected]