View Full Version : Basic Question #1: Where can I get tokens?

July 27th, 2009, 01:39
Hi all,

I was wondering where I might be able to download or buy good token sets that would allow me to start running a low-level campaign with the DND 4E ruleset. I went to RPGnow, but they don't have any examples of the work in the token gatalogs. if anyone knows how good they are, can you chime in?

I'm looking for basic stuff to represent the monster manual. You know, Goblins, rats, orcs, guards, a wizard or two, bugbears, kobolds, low-level undead, ogres...stuff like that. Not way out there aliens and aberrations and module specific monsters.

Can someone point me in the right direction?



July 27th, 2009, 05:38
You have several choices. At FUM they have sets of top down tokens for free. Devin Knight use to sell these so look for his packs: https://www.fouruglymonsters.com/community/downloads

If you don't like them it is easy to make side view tokens from the D&D mini's galleries on the Wizard's site. https://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/mix/gallery

Thread to make tokens from these here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?t=8531

Finally if you prefer portrait style tokens you can also go to the Wizards site and look at all the book galleries. https://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/4arch/ag

There is a free tool called TokenTool that can "punch" a token out of any graphic. TokenTool: https://www.rptools.net/index.php?page=tokentool

July 28th, 2009, 05:53
Great reply. Thanks!