View Full Version : Dragging (feats/spells etc.)

July 21st, 2009, 15:49
My version is 2.4.4.

When attempting to drag spells or feats from the module book onto a character sheet field, nothing happens. When I did a forum search, I noticed someone mention that this system is "touchy." So, I continued dragging the spells/feats various different ways and placing them down in different spots hoping it would work...it did not.

Am I doing something wrong here, or is this a known bug?

July 21st, 2009, 21:40
Dragging feats, spells, ect are all ruleset dependant. It will only work if the ruleset builder made it so it would work. What ruleset are you using?

Also if you have a ruleset that supports drag and dropping it typically expects data in a certain way, so it is possible that if you have customized you data modules in some way you may have broken drag and drop.