View Full Version : 4E Forgotten Realms Campaign - Looking for Players

July 18th, 2009, 15:45
I am starting a new campaign set in the FR world. I am an experienced DM but still rather new to FR (but I AM getting the hang of it).

I'm not going to reveal what I have set up and in mind for the campaign; however, I will tell you that it is going to start in the Impiltur realm. Where it goes from there is up to the PCs. I'm not going to restrict you to an area but rather build off of where you want to go. The main plot I have now will still take effect (should only last a few levels... after that I'll build new encounters and quests based off of where the PCs decide to go).

There will be a decent amount of RP and encounters. Both will be balanced. Expect a 50% split between both.

I'm open to any character ideas and anything that the PCs have to add to the game. Anything from any of the 4E books are usable. Anything you can make in the DDI Character Builder and remain legal is allowed.

As well, if you want to "modify" some of the more interesting and role-playing oriented items and spells from 3.5E so they fit into 4E (let's not make them unbalanced) that's fine too. Just run them by me, first.

I'm currently playing in a group ATM but I will still have plenty of time to DM, as well.

As for hours, I am available Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and weekends most weeks (what days change from week to week). Evenings and late nights (Central time zone... Canada here) are my preferred times.

Let me know if anyone is interested!

NOTE: I will not be available for play from around August 22nd to September 7th as I will be getting married and then going on a honeymoon. I hope this won't interfere TOO much.

EDIT: Game calendar is HERE (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calendar/index.xcp?id=420).

July 18th, 2009, 16:10
If you are considering joining, please send me a message containing your character background. I'll then mesh the accepted player's backgrounds together and create a background for why the PCs are together. I'll then run this by the PCs to see if it is appropriate for everyone.

July 19th, 2009, 19:49
In with a Dragonborn Sorcerer:

I'd like to join your FR game. I would like to play Agorthon, a Dragonborn Sorcerer (focusing on Dragon magic). Agorthon comes originally from Tymanther and is a classical Tymatherian; he despises tyranny and oppression and is an adventurer in order to spread the honor of the Dragonborn and to free others from bondage.

July 19th, 2009, 22:29
I'll, hopefully, be playing as Sir Albert Eldritch, he insists on being called Sir Eldritch, a Halfling Archer Ranger who favors the crossbow and wears a beret and cloak (as well as the normal ranger attire).

He's a witty and sarcastic, and tends to reserve himself in combat, rarely showing any flash. The halfling is more likely to slay a monster from a far with his crossbow than to engage in them in melee combat. Capable as a supporting character, especially when paired with paladins or fighters.

So, uh, hope we get some defenders!

July 20th, 2009, 04:57

If there are any conflictions, please notify me. :)

July 21st, 2009, 05:21
All important announcements will be made in the game calendar. Look there. :)

July 21st, 2009, 08:35
What a useful time slot.

*Applies For Gaem*

July 23rd, 2009, 01:52
i can't seem to get the 4e rule set to work, I don't loaded it but it didn't work. I'm depressed.

Eru the One
July 23rd, 2009, 05:23
Gardain the Healer is short in stature, tall in power, narrow of purpose and wide of vision. Gardain is a follower of Kelemvor and believes that one must seek balance between life and death in order to achieve victory.

Hailing from the Impiltur region, Gardain hopes to seek out adventurers that can find a way out of the corruption that plagues his home and bring the people back to seeing the balance of Kelemvor's ideals.

July 24th, 2009, 02:27
Tag is a wirey yet well-built youth. Marked as an abomination, he fights in hopes that others will see the man behind the scars.

From Impiltur, Tag keeps to himself. He is EXTREMELY curious and sticks his nose where it shouldn't.

July 24th, 2009, 06:29
Is there still some room in this game? I've been wanting to play a rogue type character for a while and I think it would fit into the current group pretty nicely.

July 24th, 2009, 07:27
There is indeed room! We have a party of five, and a party of six would make the encounters more robust. This would allow me to get more exciting things underway. :D

July 24th, 2009, 17:27
I think the party is full, but you never know when life kicks a player in the back of the head. Good luck, intrepid adventurers.

July 24th, 2009, 18:17
Oh yes. Looks like penlin did sign up after all. Sorry Aemoth... we're full now. :(

July 25th, 2009, 02:18
damn, well good hunting

July 26th, 2009, 04:37
Idris is a copper elf (wood elf) from the forests of Lethyr. He wields a divine power that he does not understand nor did he seek, which allows him to protect his friends from dark powers. Idris respects all the gods of the pantheon except the evil ones, but he feels a special reverence for Selune. Hearing dark rumors of gathering demonic forces, he made his way to New Sarshel without any specific plan but trusting the gods would make him useful somehow. He has wandered the environs of Impiltur in the company of some halflings for a few years watching for demonic activity. The search has been mostly unfruitful, and he is beginning to question his mission.