View Full Version : [Mongoose Traveller] Interest Check (American Times)

July 13th, 2009, 20:32
Interest Check for Mongoose Traveller.

Setting: The Spinward Marches or Babylon 5

Scout Campaign, where the characters are acting in an official capacity for the military or a megacorp. If Babylon 5 this could be a Ranger game.


Free Trader Campaign would be the old you've got a ship you're trying to maintain while trying to scratch out a living ala Serenity.

Hours would be Mondays or alternating Mondays.

6:00p-10:00p PST
7:00p-11:00p MST
8:00p-12:00p CST
9:00p-01:00a EST

July 14th, 2009, 00:50
I've never played the system, but I have it and I'm interested in giving it a whirl.

I don't want to sign up yet, as I'm going to be a new father soon and I'm not certain what is good scheduling now will stay consistant in the months to come.

That said, I am interested in a Spinward Marches setting and depending on how this plays out, I'd be thrilled to participate.

July 17th, 2009, 07:43
Both campaign ideas sound fun to me I would be available every other Monday if you get this rolling. The time slot is awfully late for me on eastern time but I guess I could take a nap after work and get up to play :P

As a 3rd suggestion have you ever seen the anime cowboy bebop? I would love to play a game sort of like that instead of your standard merchant with a ship scratching out a living you are bounty hunters, it adds more adventure hooks for GM's more excuses for combat and adventure then might be reasonable for standard merchants, but keeps the small ship and tight knit crew working to make it all hold together...

July 17th, 2009, 08:14
I have indeed seen Cowboy Bebop, and that kind of a campaign could work well in the default traveller 'verse.