View Full Version : [4e] Alternating Weekend Campaign

July 8th, 2009, 22:47
I have a game I'm running on alternating weekends... that one is currently closed for the moment, as it is a small, tight-knit group.

However, for the weekends in between, I'm thinking of starting a 4th edition campaign on sunday afternoons est.

I'm deciding on the specific setting to run. I don't like running published settings, so no forgotten realms or eberron for instance. I will either run a Points of Light setting using the published gods and such, but make the world as I see it, or else make a completely new world including custom gods and such. I have several ideas I'm floating around with.

Anyway... my games are fairly story-driven overall, heavy in plot and solving mysteries and all. That can mean that sessions might pass by without combat.

That doesn't mean I dislike combat - on the contrary! But I like it to be important, part of the story.

I also like characters in my game with more than two dimensions: that means no "I'm an orphan" and such. I've actually considered making up a questionairre for players to think of their characters in a more-rounded way.

I also tend to like games of the heroic bent: you know, great evil threatening the entire world kinda thing, though I don't always run games like that either.

And as for combat, not every monster you meet is meant to be attacked and killed: I had a group in an earlier version of D&D meet an ancient red dragon at 1st level... and they thought I was a killer DM. When I pointed out the dragon had not attacked them, just threatened them, I encouraged them to roleplay with the dragon.

Other combats are meant to be avoided... if you see an entire army of orcs, its not meant for you to slaughter, but setting the backdrop story concerning an invasion.

Etc etc.

In other words, I like players who do two things: Roleplay, and think.

So, if you think you might like that playstyle, and you wouldn't mind an every other sunday afternoon (est) game (possibly moving to every sunday if the players are so inclined at a later date), then let me know.

And I'll either decide on a setting, or I'll post several and let the players vote on it.

As for books, I'm allowing everything from both PHB1 and PHB2, plus all the "powers" books. I will also allow the Swordmage... I don't have any info on the Artificer, or the monk or psion (since they have only been previewed anyway); anything else, feel free to ask.


July 8th, 2009, 23:12
As a side note, I'd allow the other classes, most likely, as they became more commonly available.

July 9th, 2009, 22:45
Anyone interested? I'm beginning to nail down my plans for the first adventure, and the setting... I'll be happy to post if I have any nibbles. :)

July 10th, 2009, 00:25
Count me as interested. I would like to hear more campaign details to help me in coming up with some character ideas. How soon do you think you would be starting?

July 10th, 2009, 01:29
Yeah, actually, I've decided what I'm going to do... I'm basically doing a "points of light" style setting, in using the basics from the core D&D books. You know, the idea of Arkhosia and Bael Turath destroying each other, the gods, etc.

But the world as a whole is going to be essentially unknown: centuries after the destruction of Nerath, and the burning of books, libraries, entire kingdoms, civilization has been nearly eradicated, and ignorance has spread rampant across the continent.

Enough so that people know very little of the world, and often wonder what lies even over the next mountain or across the expanse of forest.

So, in other words, the characters will be fairly ignorant of their world. I'm going to give some basic stuff so each of the players can create an actual background... but I want to introduce the characters to the world along with the players. :)

I used to run worlds where most of the world was well mapped out and known. I'm somewhat excited about running the reverse for once. ;)

I'm typing up a document now. Once its done, I'll copy and paste it here. Might be tonight, possibly tomorrow or Saturday at the latest.

July 10th, 2009, 02:59
Ok, I came up with a campaign name. In order to make it look a bit less bland, I'm going to create a new topic, entitled: [4e] Candles in the Dark. Look for my campaign information and respond there. :)

July 10th, 2009, 22:23
This sounds just like something I would be interested in! I enjoy a good mix of roleplay, background development and combat.

also, I think the wife will let me swing every other Sunday afternoon. Please forward me details at your earliest opportunity so that we may chat more about your plans! ;)

July 11th, 2009, 02:01
The link to the new thraed is: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?t=10581