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View Full Version : Foundation 3.5 Combat Tracker

July 6th, 2009, 14:03
There are lots of references to problems with the 3.5 Foundation combat tracker.

Can someone confirm if the functionality to copy accros monster statistics from the library or cross swords icon/thinggie will be included in the near future?

I had thought that was going to be in the 2.4 release.

i understand that the 3.5_JPG ruleset does all this, but the foundation 3.5 rules are the set I purchased and the one we are supposed to move forward with.

Has the option of adopting the JPG version as 'The Official' 3.5 ruleset been considered as it seem to be quoted regularly as the solution to bugs or functional gaps in the 3.5 foundation?



July 6th, 2009, 17:53
I can only speak for myself and my group, but d20_JPG definitely works better and has more functions. I see no reason to be 'supposed' to use one ruleset because it's official if a fan made one works better.