View Full Version : How to use Combat list

CB Droege
July 5th, 2009, 19:08
I see the new Combat list, but I cannot figure out how to move combats from the list into the combat tracker, just dragging from the list to the tracker doesn't work. Do I have to drag each participant one-at-a-time? Is there a button or keystroke that I'm missing here?

I'm using foundation with the 3.5 extension.

Moon Wizard
July 5th, 2009, 19:34
In the d20_JPG ruleset, I have a battles section that I built a while ago, and it has a button that adds all the NPCs to the combat tracker. If you don't see a button on the battle window, you might try right-clicking on the window.


CB Droege
July 5th, 2009, 20:28
Here's what I see. Right-clicking doesn't give me any further options.

July 6th, 2009, 06:39
Ok the foundation works like this. You create a battle group by clicking on the combat (crossed swords) in the top right. From the pop up click new and then name the pop up and drag and drop monsters from personilties or the library. Then close the pop up. Open the tracker.

Here's where you probably went wrong. Click the Groups tab at the bottom of the tracker. Now you can drag and drop the grey square next to the name of the encounter on to the tracker. It should drop the monsters into the tracker.

Sadly the combat tracker doesn't fill in anything but an empty line for each monster with the name of the monster. I don't play D&D 3.5 anymore and haven't looked at the foundation tracker since it started working. I thought the tracker was populated with monsters data - that is apparently not the case.

You would probably find the d20_JPG to be more useful for you, or even the old d20 ruleset as far has having a working combat tracker. The d20_JPG now has monster encounters you can make ahead of time like the foundation 3.5

CB Droege
July 10th, 2009, 18:18
Thank you, that's the part I couldn't figure out. I was trying to just drag the groups onto the tracker.

Now, I need to figure out why the tracker isn't populating the information other than the name. It was doing it right before the upgrade to foundation. I'll make a new thread for that issue.

Thanks again.