View Full Version : 3.5e Campaign Forgotten Realms - The North

July 4th, 2009, 12:56
3.5e Forgotten Realms Campaign - The North
GM: David Peters
FG Calendar Page: Here (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calendar/?id=416)
Four Ugly Monsters Event Page: Here (https://www.fouruglymonsters.com/community/events/list-all/details/236-35e-forgotten-realms-campaign-the-north)

Trying to start up a 3.5e campaign, we'll run dynamically, allowing players to miss weeks but also jump back into play.

The campaign takes place in the North and will be dynamic. The party will start at level 3 and will end uniquely to each character. We'll shoot for 1.5 hour sessions to maximize player availability and role-playing demands.

Please submit characters ideas as well as your availability to play. We'll shoot for PST unless we have more players from a specific time zone.

We'll shoot for Fridays, Saturdays, or Sundays unless player demand encourages other days. I"m based around PST but will adjust to majority of party.

We will be using Fantasy Grounds. This is my first time using this software to DM.

We will use the following:
As a reference for the system.

I own the following supplements and will use them frequently for aids and can help introduce new players to the setting:

Waterdeep: City of Splendors
The Silver Marches
Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting
Champions of Ruin

Helpful Links:
Forgotten Realms Wiki (https://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page)

July 5th, 2009, 03:47
Sounds interesting, only the Sunday would work for me though.

July 5th, 2009, 07:03
Sign me up. I am TOTALLY Down to play one night a week. All nights work for me but I cant be on before 11pm Central Sunday. I have 2 friends who would love to play also. Would you consider running Undermount?


July 5th, 2009, 13:29
Seeings as the campaign is based around the North and Waterdeep, Undermountain makes sense (though I'm not going to railroad the party into the mountain).

Everyone is invited!

There's a few hitches I'm trying to work out (i.e. images aren't showing up for my campaign).

It would be great if everyone could PM their character ideas (sheets would be helpful too). I love tailoring adventures to characters, allowing everyone a chance to shine.

I want to mix locations (city, dungeoncrawl, wilderness, naval, large battle) and emphasis (detective work, hack 'n slash, love interest). I love a balance between a living world around the PCs and the PCs still having chances to alter the world in significant ways.

If anyone is running a fighter, I'm going to include some houserules to keep their experience from being monotonous (i.e. FullAttack!FullAttack!Cleave!).


Converted a few hundred NPC portraits from 4ed, Baldur's Gate, and the Icewind Dale games - this'll allow variety for interactions
Utilizing robust NPC stat generator at https://www.hailscape.com/

July 5th, 2009, 14:39
I'll send you a character idea as soon as i come up with one that isn't a Necromancer :P


Actually it's just occured to me that i could probably do saturday too, depending on the time.

July 5th, 2009, 20:53
Hi, I'm new to FG but I would be interested in a game. If you'll have me that is, Eastern time and Sundays are perfect.:D

July 6th, 2009, 00:13
Our Calendar has three playtimes:

Fri, Jul 10th - 07:00 PM PST
Sat, Jul 11th - 07:00 PM PST
Sun, Jul 12th - 09:10 PM PST

Any further suggestions?

Content Status for 1st Adventure:

50% done with encounters/monsters (currently difficult to very difficult for party of 4 3rd level characters)
Cave system fully mapped to Undermountain (with encouters/treasure)
Undermountain Level 1 Map
20% of NPCs developed for city/tavern encounters
20% of scene/mood-setting images
4/12(?) pages of story complete

Needs from Players:

Character ideas from those that haven't submitted (sheets a plus)
Everyone to update d20_JPG from here (https://www.johnandjenn.org/docs/fg2_d20_jpg_v3_0_4.zip)

July 6th, 2009, 15:50
FINALLY, some 3.5.

I'll get around to writing up a character concept for you, but I'd prefer making the sheet on the server so no one will accuse me of cheating with ability rolls or something.

Also, do you allow content from any other supplemental books, such as Player's Handbook 2 and Complete Warrior?

Also fridays and saturdays work best for me, although depending on the time I can also go for sundays.

July 6th, 2009, 16:13
Well as stated above me what kind of supplements would you allow? and second i'd love to play been bored for months. I prefer not to play any of the races from the PHB i don't know why i just don't. If i could play as one f the races from say races of Faerun or monsters of Faerun id be all the more happier but i will play anything at this point.

July 6th, 2009, 17:16
(just a thing I noticed dpeters911. Players don't need to download the ruleset, as it will and must be downloaded upon connecting to the server)

I'd love to join but sadly my schedule and timezone doesn't allow for it.

Happy gaming!

July 6th, 2009, 19:32
Character Creation:
Due to overwhelming requests, I'd figure I'd lay out character creation. I hate being a rules lawyer but this requires some explanation.

4d6 drop lowest for each

Rulebooks allowed:
Any FR Campaign Book
Any Core Book
Savage Species (I'm down with some monster play)
PM for anything else (I have around 30+ 3/3.5 ed. books to consult)

Further guidance:
That being said, PM a character idea and we'll discuss it.

You can create your PCs client side and then ask for approval OR create then server side. If you want to create a character on server before we start, just PM me to set up a time.

Playtimes Update:
EDIT: We've got support Friday-Sunday evenings PST. My schedule is open - this is about what works for you.

The goal is this weekend - get character ideas and we'll finalize so I can finish writing the adventure before Friday. Any late adds, just submit a character idea, bio, and proposed stats.

Right now, I'm plugging along on content and need more character information (stats, especially) to keep things interesting and "off the rails".

July 7th, 2009, 02:42
(just a thing I noticed dpeters911. Players don't need to download the ruleset, as it will and must be downloaded upon connecting to the server)

It's advantageous to do so however, as then you can make local characters.

July 9th, 2009, 00:55
I went ahead and confirmed:
Saturday July 11 at 7:00pm PST

Character Creation:
For those wanting to create characters on my host machine (as opposed to creating them on yours and importing):

I'll be on from 5-6pm PST Wednesday and Thursday.
My alias is:

able luck just zone

As for Saturday, looking forward to everyone!

July 9th, 2009, 23:31
Figured I'd see if the server was up now for character creation. It is, but I'm downloading files. Gonna head to taco bell while they download.

*edit* Taking forever to download the files.

July 10th, 2009, 01:32
Was taking too long so I gave up.

July 10th, 2009, 02:02
Loading Times:
I was alerted that it took ridiculously long to load my server files.

I've optimized it. My connection isn't terribly fast but the shared token folder and campaign folder only amount to ~2.3MB worth of files.

I highly suggest preloading the server files before we play Saturday.

I'll try to keep it up 24/7 till game night
Just use the following alias to connect:

able luck just zone

Preloading Ruleset:
The latest d20_JPG revision I use is large. Uncompressed, it runs over 11 MB.

As such, I highly recommend downloading it here:

July 10th, 2009, 03:21
I missed the time i guess. I can not connect it just say connecting. I am on Skype atm, AoOKnight

July 10th, 2009, 06:55
Potential Connection Fix:
I'm hosting 24/7 again until Saturday - this allows everyone to download the necessary files.

I had a problem with my IP being dynamically assigned (voiding the port forwarding each time I connected to the internet - I'm on a wireless network). Fixed it by manually assigning my IP address, Gateway, and DNS settings and forwarding to the new internal address. This is nerd-speak for:
The problems should be resolved.

My apologies to everyone who tried to connect earlier - it was a learning process for me.

I'll be on Friday from 5-7 pm PST for helping people create characters. This will also help test the latency for our group (we have players from two - maybe three continents).

Content Creation:

entire cave re-mapped (including links to PC, GM notes and encounters). It's intuitive enough that others should be able to "pick-up" GM duties should I be unavailable but have content prepared.
Fixed token issues and reduced file load for players (rejoice!).
Three story pages and one encounter left to go (done by noon tomorrow hopefully).
Treasure/Traps placed - mostly unique items (no one +1 generic sword of blandness) and unique effects.
scaled handouts to fit in windowed mode (yet still look good - save for cavern map).
plot seeds for next adventure developed, depending on outcome.

Best wishes and hope to see you come game day!

July 10th, 2009, 08:09
You'll need to get a new alias if you've fixed the IP stuff; each alias is uniquely linked to each IP.

I assume you've also run the new connection test and got a positive.

July 10th, 2009, 08:22
You'll need to get a new alias if you've fixed the IP stuff; each alias is uniquely linked to each IP.

I assume you've also run the new connection test and got a positive.
I've run both the connection test in the program and at canyouseeme.org

It had to do with manually assigning my address on my computer's side and changing the router to force my MAC address to get a particular internal address.

New Alias:

quiet idol able luck

July 10th, 2009, 17:24
New alias isn't working if the server is up.

July 10th, 2009, 18:39
I am now running Hamachi to create a VPN. No more alias, no more problems with my IP.

The address is:
use this to connect

I successfully connected to it with a second FGII open. It downloaded in around 4 minutes (a little slow at first)

This should solve everything!

Module Download:
I also exported the adventure as a module! This means you can preload (just drop into the modules folder in your FGII data folder).

You can download it from:

It is limited to 10 total downloads - use it wisely.

July 10th, 2009, 22:53
Downloaded the module and placed it accordingly. I cannot connect to your hamachi server however. Not sure if it's up right now or not.

On a good note, what small bit of information is in the shared to be downloaded is being downloaded, albeit slowly. But it's going.

July 11th, 2009, 01:20
I'm taking care of family matters but will be back late tonight. As such, I'm not going to be on my home computer till late tonight.

Feel free to roll on the server (I can't check if it's up from here). I'll review any characters, assuming it's up and you want to put them on there.

Thanks for your patience!

July 11th, 2009, 02:14
You'll need to create a network on Hamachi and then we join that network; since Hamachi 'fakes' a LAN.

July 11th, 2009, 02:31
I got connected and made a char. See you guys tomorrow XD

July 11th, 2009, 03:11
Wait, how'd you manage to connect without a hamachi network?

July 12th, 2009, 00:11
This is a last call for the Saturday session. If you haven't logged onto the server yet, I suggest you do so.

Unless you already have the campaign.dat file, some users are experiencing up to an hour to download the requisite files. Granted, there were several groups players connecting at once.

I hope no one waits until the last minute and finds out they'll finish downloading the content by the end of the session. :(

With that in mind, I'm going to copy the campaign.dat file with instructions on how to place it in your campaign folder. If I can't get it up in time, I'll toss one up after the session tonight.

The Hamachi IP is: under network named dpeters911

My other IP is:

It all depends on what you use.

Catch you tonight, Saturday 11 2009 @ 7:00 PM PST!

Game starts at 7:00 PM PST. The server will be up until then.

July 12th, 2009, 04:10
After several crashes and disconnects, I'm calling tonight a bust. I suspect that something you're trying to load is causing it to lock up.

July 12th, 2009, 04:47

I tried sharing an image - it caused the first crash tonight. After that, I can only blame my connection and myself. If I can find another access point, I'll try that with everyone. I a few place sI could go but not tonight.

I'm still online working it out with one player right now.

July 12th, 2009, 10:04
We had several crashes on my side but eventually got the game running after a half-hour. We ran over time, finishing nearly 7 hours after we planned to start.

Session 1.0
PCs: Morganth, Shou Lui, Kahn, Marcus, Azriel
NPCs: Ebocaas, Rin (meant to be PC, no show)

The party met for a night of drinking before getting introduced to tavern owner, Ebocaas at The Beer Golem. He spoke of a cave system recently unearthed on Mount Waterdeep. Rin, a bard, got the party permission to enter the cave system.

Along the way, the party witnessed a trial for a minotaur, who was freed into the party's hands at the behest of a high priest of Tyr.

They began their descent into the cave

***this is where we crashed and lost players***

Session 1.5
PCs: Kahn, Marcus, Azriel
NPCs: Ayn Satre

The party found dens of kobolds and orcs in the caves. Each battle grew in size. The victory (which nearly cost Marcus' life) lead to several caches of enchanted gems and weapons. Two fire elementals guarded a human cleric, Ayn Satre, who propositioned the party. They rejected her advances, preferring to enter Undermountain through the Yawning Portal Inn.

Level Up!


That said, it was competent, if not thrilling for a first adventure. There were a few "rails" or forced encounters but gradually they disappeared. The last few encounters had lots of ad-libbed material (due to smaller party size and party choices).

I'll post more times for next week - same voting system as last time (check calendar).

Please PM times that work for you. I now realize that 3-4 hour sessions are preferrable (and more rewarding).

Thanks again!
David Peters

July 13th, 2009, 20:20
I am very interested to play a 3.5 setting such as this one. I am applied on the game calendar. I'll change my level to level 4 as the other PCs have leveled up. I hope you are willing to have me. :D

July 14th, 2009, 05:52
I am truly sorry I missed it. But we shall ride again. And I shall bask in your reflected glories.

Hope y'all have a superior couple o' days.

Dr Babylon

July 16th, 2009, 09:29
Next Session:
It's Thursday morning and I have no plans to GM this weekend (partly due to watching kids).

That being said, I'm planning for a session between Thursday 23rd and Sunday the 26th. I'll post the dates this weekend for voting.

I'm going "content-lite" due to my bandwidth restrictions (we could only keep stable for two hours at a time). This means fewer handouts (just a map and%

July 17th, 2009, 02:58
Sent you two PM's with a proposed character write up and applied to join on your game calendar :) ... It might be premature for me to ask this since I'm not sure if I've been approved to join the campaign and all :p so apologies for any assumptions I'm making on my part .. having said that - what do PC's start out with in terms of equipment and funds? The Dungeon Master's Guide (page 136 table 5-1 version 3.5 of the DMG) mentions 2,700 gp starting funds for a 3rd level character but don't know if you'd consider this to be a little bit high or not :p .. either way I'm easy but I'm just not quite sure how to equip a starting PC?

July 17th, 2009, 07:01
Party Concept (borrowed from FearTheBoot):
Since our party has changed bodies again, I'm throwing the opportunity for the players to create their joint party back story.
In just a few words, what is this group supposed to be?

What common experiences has the party been through?

What's the current status of the group and its members? Where are they? What are they doing? What sorts of things are they interested in right now?This gives a chance to roleplay before the session and work out kinks. Instead us just meeting at a bar (like last adventure), I'm leaving it up to the players.

This gives several benefits: encourages roleplay between players, gives hooks and ideas for the campaign, and gives a more substantial reason for being.

That being said, the choice is yours...

July 17th, 2009, 17:40
Strange as this sounds I'd like my PC (Alissa the female half elf rogue/fighter) to be a newcomer to the group - but someone who has a reason for joining the group too, preferably an NPC advising her to hook up with the PC's for whatever reason (difficult to brainstorm this without knowing too much of what happened in the first gaming session - maybe she uses her seductive charms on the same NPC who gave the PC's permission to go into the caves and meets up with the PC's later on as a late arrival? Perhaps she's run into Ebocaas at The Beer Golem and Ebo described the PC's appearances to her?... she's out there trying to protect innocents from the forces of Evil so she'd join up with an adventuring group, if nothing else, in case she ran into any bad guys she could send to their final reward...

July 17th, 2009, 23:37
Out to protect innocents from the forces of evil eh?

July 18th, 2009, 00:15
You running an evil PC Phoenix ? ;) I know I know "protect innocents from the forces of evil", it's a total cliche :p

I took the liberty of suggesting some 7pm PST / 10pm EST game times Thurs July 23rd, Sat July 24th and Sun July 25th on the game calendar, hope I'm not presuming too much and overstepping my boundries by doing so, if so my apologies ! Also I don't know if dpeters911 is available 7pm PST to run the game ... if you are though david that would help me out a lot ! If not I can make 11pm EST work too though :) .. 3 to 4 hour game sessions right? :)

July 18th, 2009, 01:51
I am indeed running an evil PC, although innocents don't need protecting from him thanks to a plot device, but i think we have another evil PC as well.

July 18th, 2009, 09:40
Khitam al-Nar is a young human woman from distant, exotic Calimsham. Out of her element in the north, she is likely to start off somewhat aloof regarding her past but it's clear to any observer she has little interest in returning to her homeland. For the first time in her life, Khitam has the freedom to make her own choices and she is using this opportunity to decide what she wants to do in this world. Her upbringing has made her openly disdainful of northern "barbarian" civilization, despite her lack of experience, and her outspoken (and insolent) nature will make it difficult to fit in quickly. Khitam maintains a genuine desire to test her mettle, uphold her principles, and see the world. It might occur to her that traveling alongside a band of mismatched vagabonds, outcasts and renegades would prove a good opportunity to achieve these goals.

Yep. I'm on the cliched / good guys side. And the battle lines are drawn. Aren't we all just shades of grey though? Admittedly, some shades have more vivid red splashes on them than others...

I remain uncertain as to how Khitam al-Nar will officially join with the rest of you. Perhaps Alissa and my Calishite have already met and have but to catch up to the party at its current location? Bah. I am usually better with pasts then presents.

Dr Babylon

July 18th, 2009, 11:09
A self-righteous protector of the innocent and a person who disdains barbarian civilsation. You two are going to love Kahn.

July 18th, 2009, 17:22
Yay someone else is running a female PC way cool Dr. Babylon ! :) Far as I'm concerned that sort of thing adds some much needed variety to the "all male PC's all the time" scenario ...

Dr. Babylon is doing a great thing here that should have occured to me ages ago - giving a description of the PC ! Here's my two cents hope it's not TOO long :p

Alissa Talavace is an entire 5 feet tall, slim, long curly black hair, brown eyes, a natural beauty (14 Charisma) which contrasts with the cold, expressionless look on her face, pale skin, heavily favors her elven ancestry far as her face but recognizable as a half-elf to those familiar with elves and their kin (dad was a moon elf).. dark leather studded armor (even the studs are dark), two short swords one on each side of her belt. She looks her age, 22 years old. She spent a long amount of time in the city of Waterdeep (apparently the biggest city in the campaign world) and I'm guessing she'd come across as "civilized" in words and manner to an outside observer in comparision to say a barbarian.

Far as personality.... imagine a volcano crusted over for a long time with a layer of cool rock.. unfeeling and cold on the surface but there's an explosion waiting below if you can crack the exterior. If pushed she flies into a rage which is usually directed at NPC's and not fellow PC's (I understand you have to play a PC in such a manner as to get along with fellow PC's ) .. still it's not unheard of for her to get into a brawl (unarmed non lethal damage of course I'm not a fan of PC's doing lethal damage to each other, kind of disrupts the whole campaign ) with a PC who makes a point of trying to antagonize her... It's safe to say she's a little "unhinged"...

She makes a point of trying to maintain a cold, emotionless killer sort of demeanor. She's actually "Neutral" in alignment - the only thing stopping her from being "Good" aligned is her willingness to (unless held back from doing so by the other PC's) deceive, torture, maim and kill in the most brutal manner anyone she considers or suspects of being "Evil".

Around helpless women and children she's a completely different person, soft, gentle, caring... and as mentioned she makes a point of protecting innocents from the forces of evil,to the point where she's practically obsessed with it.

If anyone's interested there's more on Calimshan on page 155 of the Forgotten Realms Campaign setting or you could check this website


After reading the wikia entry, normally I'd recommend calling Khitam a "Calimite" the moment she annoys your PC :P .. except I don't know if the other PC's would know enough about Calimshan to even be aware that's considered an insult to begin with... I get the impression it's an "arabian knights" sort of area - the chauvenism in Calishan the F.R.C.S mentions had to make life.. interesting.. for a female PC to say the least, so will be interesting to see how that shaped her personality as we get to know her better ;) .. unless she was protected against it for some reason?

I'd rather Khitam didn't know Alissa prior to the game starting if it's ok with you Dr. Babylon? (no offense ! :) ) .. Only because I'd like the party to meet her for the first time when she's introduced to the others, will have to work out with dpeters911 exactly how that's going to happen... Personally , it would also be a lot of fun for me :) to know how Khitam and Khan (Pheonix-IV)'s characters look like in terms of physical appearance.. apparent age, height, weight, eye/hair/skin color and length of hair, general level of attractiveness, visible clothing/armor/weapons/holy symbols et cet..

Also Dr. Babylon on the fantasy grounds game calendar dpeters911 set up


... the dates/times dpeters911 mentioned for game play, do they work for you too?

Long as I'm asking questions... to be honest I'm wondering how many players we have in the game and what happened to the PC's from the 1st game session .. a few were mentioned in the July 12th post, PC's named Marcus and Azriel, but don't see them on the game calendar so I'm not sure if they'll be joining us next game session... Phoenix / Kahn any thoughts on those two guys? (Marcus and Azriel)

July 18th, 2009, 17:25
Also regarding Khan/Phoenix ... bear in mind Alissa is not a paladin with the inherent "Detect Evil" radar such persons have ... long as Khan doesn't let on he's (she's?) evil Alissa has no reason to suspect him (her?) of being evil - if he (she?) slaughters a helpless mom and her cowering children right in front of Alissa that will be a different story but (correct me if I'm wrong) most evil PC's aren't that BLATANT to begin with around other PC's ...

July 19th, 2009, 00:16
Kahn's a Minotaur, you won't be needing Detect Evil to determine his Evilness.

As for the last session, we were all sent into a part of Undermountain, inside we ran into a handful of Kobolds and a bunch of Orcs, slaughtered the lot of them, Marcus nearly got slaughtered in return when he was gang-banged by Orcs, Kahn got lucky in that the DM kept missing him.

After that we managed to kill a pair of Elementals and then found a wierd woman who wanted us to jack a relic of Tyr, Kahn, being in the service of Tyr whether he likes it or not wasn't too impressed with this idea, and player paranoia got the best of Marcus and Azriel, so we turned her down, at which point she attempted to vanish, rolled a 1, then tried again and actually did vanish.

Oh, she was offering us a key in return that we could use to get into Undermountain proper, without the key we'll have to go in one of the other old fashioned ways.

Azriel is our skillmonkey Rogue, when combat threatens he basically runs away to hide around a corner somewhere and sneak attack them to death, i think he's also supposed to be Evil, possibly Neutral Evil as i remember a conversation about somone being Neutral Evil but roleplaying more like Chaotic Neutral or something, but i could be mistaken there.

July 19th, 2009, 17:13
Tyr is actually Alissa's patron deity so that opens up possibilities as far as Alissa knowing OF Kahn even if she hasn't met him yet before in person ... to recap the previous (July 12th) entry on this thread, Kahn was freed into the party's custody at the behest of a high priest of Tyr... Alissa has had dealings with the church of Tyr before, she could have been directed by the priests to hook up with Kahn and keep an eye on him? ... Could lead to roleplaying possiblities ... Kahn (to Alissa): " Stop following me around ! And if I catch you staring at me one more time I'll shove those two pointy little knives you're so fond of down your throat ! " :p

Just curious Pheonix.. have to admit I pulled this info from the dragonlance campaign setting sourcebook because I wasn't sure where else to find such info on minotaurs ... but page 42 of the book mentions minotaurs fall between 6 and a half to 7 and a half feet tall, 300 to 400 pounds, fur ranging in shades from red to brown with occasional black, tan or white furred individuals, brown or black eyes - does any of this fit your PC far as his appearance? I get a big kick out of knowing how the other PC's look that's the only reason I ask :) ..

Still wondering how to work Dr. Babylon's PC into the mix... the July 12th entry on this thread mentions going into the undermountain of waterdeep.. after reading this wiki thread


I get the feeling the PC's started out in the city of Waterdeep and then decided to explore the caves underneath Waterdeep? (correct me if I'm wrong Pheonix)... if so given that Waterdeep is supposed to be THE big city of the campaign setting and sort of a great big melting pot maybe Dr. Babylon's PC chose to set out for that city as part of the whole making her own way in the world sort of thing? Of course this doesn't explain why she'd hook up with the PC's though... Pheonix could you tell us more about why the group was sent into the caves underneath Waterdeep to begin with? Were the PC's sent there on some sort of mission or is it more the PC's saying " Hey we want lots of gold and treasure where's a good place to kill monsters and find goodies? " :p

And thanks for the info on Azriel Pheonix it's much appreciated :) .. now I'm just wondering who Marcus is (lol) ...

July 20th, 2009, 03:24
Close, but Dragonlance Minotaurs are smaller and more PC friendly, i'm playing the Savage Species Minotaur class, so by the time Kahn's at level 6 he'll be Large size, topping 11 feet and weighing around 900 pounds.

And yes, we 'started' in Waterdeep, and were then briefly borrowed by the Waterdeep government to check out some nearby caves that were blown open recently by a magical accident; Waterdeep's pretty wary about Undermountain after all.

As for anyone knowing about Tyr, it's possible the angel that conscripted him told other servants of Tyr, all Kahn knows is that he can expect dire consequences if he doesn't do whatever it is he's supposed to be doing.

July 20th, 2009, 15:57
Thanks again for the info Pheonix :) ... okay conscripted by the government .. that makes it even easier far as Alissa's involvement, she could simply be pointed (by the Waterdeep government) in the direction the PC's already took .... she would basically come to the church of Tyr, who in turn would point her towards the waterdeep government ... she' state flat out (to the government) her intention to try and assist others with the understanding she gets a share of whatever loot/treasure she comes across while doing so ...

July 21st, 2009, 23:25
Darkalloy took the liberty of posting this for you, hope you don't mind...

See this wizards of the coast entry for info on the Kenku:


Here's darkalloy's description of his kenku bard, Rin:

" Rin stands 5'2" tall 2 inches taller than your average kenku and is slightly stockier too. Considered rather handsome in his own race he has a very great personalilty(18 Charisma). He has a scar over his right eye from a battle he is not very open about. His left eye is yellow and for obvious resons his right eye is white. His hands and feet have sharp talons on them giving him a slightly menacing look to the other races. His feathers are pitch matte black and his skin is a yellowish brown. He wears lightly colored leather armor with a hood over his head most of the time only his beak protrudes. He carries a whip that seems to gleam in the sun."

Darkalloy mentioned that his character's bio (submitted to depeters911 I'm certain) already went over the reasons he's with the other PC's far as the whole shared background thing.

July 22nd, 2009, 00:50
lol thanks Andre been trying balance getting tha computer up and running and getting FG2 up and running agian.

July 22nd, 2009, 11:21
Khitam al-Nar is a tiny wisp of a girl, short even among Calishites (who tend to be on the small side for humans), and gifted with the lithe build and natural grace of a dancer. She has long, wavy tresses the color of the desert sky at midnight and fierce, dark eyes like smoldering coals. Her deep olive complexion and exotic, delicate features would make a better impression if not accompanied by her almost perpetually defiant posture. At her most affable, Khitam wears an expression of wary cynicism, often changing quickly into cool disdain or combative indignation. Khitam imagines that she wants to be perceived as tough and independent but true callousness escapes her. She is too sensitive and passionate to adopt the empty lifestyle of the threatening loner.

Khitam garbs herself in the somewhat flamboyant, baggy accoutrements befitting a performer from a warm, arid region. Astute observers will take note of the chain shirt not quite concealed by her motley tunic. Her soft-soled desert boots are better inclined for traveling than tumbling. At her left hip hangs a sheathed falchion, a weapon that seems almost too massive for her slender limbs to wield. The rest of her belongings are stowed in a pack on her back. This young woman is ready for whatever adventure the world sees fit to throw her way.

Dr Babylon

p.s. Thursday and Friday are my weekend this week so I'm good with those days at whatever times you guys wish.

p.p.s. She should be 4th level now, yes? Just crunching the final numbers...

July 22nd, 2009, 19:56
Wow nice description Dr. Babylon, way better than my own ! :p ... I originally submitted my PC (Alissa) as a 3rd level character and dpeters911 let me bump her up to 4th level so I'm guessing your PC would be 4th level too?

Any thoughts on what might serve as motivation for her to follow the PC's into the dungeons below mount waterdeep? So far we know that the government of waterdeep recruited the PC's to head down there ... I dunno, maybe she shows up being all haughty and imperious ( I think you described her that way ?), demands to know where a suitable inn is and has the misfortune of running into some native Waterdeep'ers who, annoyed by her attitude, decide it would be humorous to send her to Skullport (the city of Waterdeep's evil twin apparently, home of various evil races underneath the city proper) ... not knowing what she's heading into until it's too late the PC's stumble across her in one of the more dangerous areas she's gotten herself into in the afformentioned dungeons (which I think are accessible through skullcap)? Just a thought, not sure if it would be suitable for her though you know her as a PC better than I do of course ;) ..

July 22nd, 2009, 21:56
hmm still trying to get everything done all over again inculding my character but i'm most definately going to be on the next game even if i have to re-roll Rin. Ugh i just gave myself the shivers i knew i should have brought my books. well see yall then.

July 23rd, 2009, 03:09
Group Template:
I haven't finished reading everything but I am very excited at the way this is turning out.

Campaign Folder:
As I messaged everyone that is on the game calendar, I will be uploading the entire Campaign folder (with installation directions) tomorrow night. Check back here for the results!

Next Session:
We're still torn between Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. If you haven't applied via the game calendar, click here and vote (https://fantasygrounds.com/calendar/index.xcp?id=416).

The adventure will be very spontaneous to adjust to party choices. I'm writing a bunch of encounters that don't string together linearly. It's a lot of work, a lot of notes, but should be a departure from last week's dungeon crawl.

July 23rd, 2009, 10:54
Under his shiny cresent moon engraved helmet are passonate green eyes, and long straight chestnut hair with a silvery sheen. Tharamil has on a green shirt that accent his eyes under his highly polished cresent moon engraved breastplate over the studded leather sleeves with the green leather gloves showing. His sword is on his left hip in a green scabbord decorated with cresent moons with his morningstar slung threw a hoop attached to his black leather belt on the opposite hip. His cloak is a startaling emerald color with his composite longbow and quiver slung diagaly over his shoulders protruding over the right. His pants are also black studded leather under his cresent moon engraved greaves that are just as shiny as the breastplate itself, and end partially covering his green leather boots. Tharamils darkwood shield is in his left hand and at the center of the shield is Corellon Larethians cresent moon ensignia. His cresent moon holy symbol is worn around his neck.

Tharamil was just struck by the need to see the world, he loves the forests of his homeland but wants to see more. His deity is a god of chaos and his life had seemed to become munotonus so he decide to change it. he has been on the road for quiet a few years now, and has got to do the things his deity stand for. he has protected the weak, he has vanquished evil, and in the prossess seen his share of battlefields.... it just so happened that he did this while living a less then.... predictable life style. now his travels have brought him to waterdeep..... and im not sure how to include him into the party yet :) maybe, theres a sect of his church here in waterdeep and while he was visiting it the church recieved word about the party entering undermount and decided to have him check it out?

July 23rd, 2009, 18:04
I think we should go for Sat Jul 25th far as this weekend's game session - everyone seems to be available that day and Dr. Babylon is only available Fri or Sat

July 23rd, 2009, 22:38
Friday would be grand but I actually work late on Saturday. Turns out that I can swing Sunday night without too much difficulty. I get off a little earlier. Bless you Westerners and your different timezone. What an age we live in.

I won't fault you all for doing what's best for the group. Either way, play safe and have fun.

Dr Babylon

July 23rd, 2009, 23:18
oops my bad - do we want to shoot for sun july 26th then guys?

July 23rd, 2009, 23:47
Also any chance of having the server up and running early ? I'd like to connect early to download all the stuff I need to for the game and to input my PC's stats into FG ..

July 24th, 2009, 00:23
oops my bad - do we want to shoot for sun july 26th then guys?

Ya, I think everyone is available that day. Except maybe KainVorador who hasnt voted his available days. Does anyone know him? maybe find out if it is a good day for him?

July 24th, 2009, 03:59
Wait for Tomorrow
I haven't finished the campaign folder - lots of family and work stuff came up this morning.

I'll upload it before 18:00 PST tomorrow night.

July 24th, 2009, 15:57
Forgive me for sounding ignorant folks but .. when dpeters911 says upload the campaign folder, does he mean he'll have his computer (FG server) up and running during that time and we can connect to it and download all the stuff we'll need to play in an FG session with dpeters911 (and thus bypass the lengthy download time that occurs sometimes when you log onto an FG campaign for the first time?)...

This is a general ? aimed at all my fellow players too not just dpeters911 since I'm sure someone knows more about this than I do :D

July 24th, 2009, 20:12
im pretty sure he is going to piost it like he did wiht the last one

July 24th, 2009, 20:29
So does that mean I should run FG and try to connect to dpeters911's server around 18:00 PST tonight (Friday) to download the campaign folder he mentioned ? And if so would I use (or on himachi if that one doesn't work) to connect to the FG server? Again forgive the ?'s, not that familiar with the "connectivity" aspect of FG ..

July 24th, 2009, 22:13
well if he doesn't post it here on the forums by then then yes i would guess thats what he means.

July 24th, 2009, 23:40
Tried several times to connect on FG using both and on himachi with no luck between 6 to 6:40 pm PST .. will try to connect again later on tonight (Friday)...

PS - dpeters911 I added you on msn IM I show up as andrepartthree on there ...

July 25th, 2009, 01:58
Sorry about the delay - I picked up a massive head/stomach flu.

I'm uploading the campaign folder (called "campaign.zip") right now.

I'll post the link here when it's done!

EDIT: Connections being a bit fickle: 17% though I had to restart thrice.


July 25th, 2009, 02:12
sorry to hear that! Hope you get well soon !

When we run our next game session ... any chance the FG server could be up and running say an hour before the game session actually starts? Would give me a chance to download any remaining FG data and if necesary (if there's a "hiccup" of some sort, already have her stats in FG on my PC but...) input my character (Alissa the half elf rogue/fighter) into FG ...

July 25th, 2009, 02:45
Campaign Folder:
You can download the campaign folder here:

Installation Directions:

Place the uncompressed folder:
"3.5e Forgotten Realms - The North"
into the "cache" folder in your FGII data.

You can find your FGII dolder by going to the start menu and looking for the program group "Fantasy Grounds II" and clicking "Application Data Folder"

i.e. (I use Vista)
C:\Users\David Peters\AppData\Roaming\Fantasy Grounds II\cache

*\Fantasy Grounds II\cache\3.5e Forgotten Realms - The North\
should contain one file:

It should weigh in around 16,126 KB
It's still a toss-up between Saturday and Sunday. Anyone have ideas on how to break this? I'm almost at coin-toss mode.

EDIT: If Phoenix is out for Sundays and Mondays his time (Australia), I'm going to say Sunday as both the play times fall onto Sundays or Mondays in Melbourne.

July 25th, 2009, 02:49
I'd say toss a coin ;) - either day, Sat or Sun is fine with me :)

July 25th, 2009, 08:08
Based on the relial, cosmic properties of the coin toss:

This Week's Session:
Our game will take place on Sunday at 7:00 PM Pacfic (PST).

Here's series of images that allude to the adventure (feel free to guess):

July 25th, 2009, 16:18
Ya! Female pirates mudwrestling, i dont think it gets any better then that :D

July 25th, 2009, 17:37
Heres Tharamils finished backstory

Tharamil Moon Elf heratige caught up to him and he was struck by the need to see the world, he loves the forests of his homeland but wants to see more. His deity is a god of chaos and his life had seemed to become munotonus so he decide to change it. He has been on the road for quiet a few years now, and has got to do the things his deity stand for. He has protected the weak, he has vanquished evil, and in the prossess seen his share of battlefields.... it just so happened that he did this while living a less then.... predictable life style. but long before he set out on this journey Tharamils friend Ais was exiled from moon elf society because he was falsely accused of stealing from the holiest of Corellon Larethians' temples Ais and Tharamil were good friends prior to Ais being accused (a rogue passing through the area did a REALLY good job of framing Ais before vanishing with what was stolen from the temple)... Tharamil, knowing this was a big misunderstanding, worked to clear Ais's name even after Ais fled , pointing out that Ais, a herbalist by trade, was not leading any sort of "double life"... Tharamil convinced the elves not to hunt down and kill Ais and a few months later managed to officially clear Ais of the crime.. but by then Ais, a shy and bookish newcomer to the human society he now found himself in, had already lost his heart to a comely human woman, Lisette... Ais flat out refused Tharamil's pleas to return to moon elf society, offended and hurt beyond measure that they would even suspect someone as meek and humble as himself (Ais) of committing such heresy. The two parted amicably as friends. 25 years later, while Tharamil was on his journey he decided to look for his old buddy Ais and see how he was doing. At the village Ais had indicated he was going to settle down in with Lisette... Tharamil found the villagers to be rather surly and uncommunicative, basically ignorant backwater peasants suspicious of any non-humans and was attacked by some of the brutes in an ambush as he was leaving. They were no match for Tharamil who, getting one in an armlock until the peasant howled in pain, finally got the real story... twelve years ago Ais's eldest daughter, Alissa, turned down the advances of the mayor's son (son wasn't looking to marry or her or anything just wanted to sleep with her) and the mayor whipped the villagers into a rage – they killed Ais by accident (a public beating gone out of control) when Ais tried to defend his daughter… apparently Lisette went into shock, practically a vegetable, and Alissa packed her mom and younger sister Ariana up and left the village… after learning this Tharamil goes back to the village and storms into the Mayors home and executes both the mayor and his son by beheading them before leaving the village hastily. Concerned Tharamil trys and track his old friend’s family down. Inquiries eventually lead him to Waterdeep. once there he dosent find much on them until strangely enough, while trying the various churches, Tharamil gets a bit of a lead from the church of Tyr.. apparently Alissa volunteered, at the government’s request, to accompany a group of adventurers who have been commissioned to undertake a task in the dungeons below Mount Waterdeep… the Tyr priests had a distinctly uncomfortable look on their face, almost embarrassed, and flat out refuse to tell me anything more about my old friend’s daughter mumbling something about having to maintain the privacy of whatever has been confessed to them.

July 25th, 2009, 17:50
crap ! Sorry forgot to tell you Damaul so it's my bad .. Damaul could you delete the part of the story involving Ais (Alissa's mom), what happened to Alissa and so forth from your post? This is stuff I didn't really want the other PC's to see just yet ... dpeters911 has already been made aware of it , I sent a PM with a copy of the info you posted to him before you posted this...

July 25th, 2009, 22:51
The FG website isn't letting Damaul edit the post above so just to clarify .. the backstory above regarding Alissa's father, Ais, and what happened to Alissa and her family in the human village .. unless dpeters911 says a PC would know otherwise for some reason, Damaul's PC , Tharamil , would be the only one aware of this information due to his relationship with Ais - the assumption is that the other PC's are meeting Alissa for the first time ...

July 26th, 2009, 09:50
Mighty Misfits march!

I will likely be a few minutes late tomorrow as I work until 0700 hours PST. I will attend with due diligence. I still hope to meet the majority of you all tomorrow, in some form.

Sally forth.

Dr Babylon

July 27th, 2009, 00:05
I would like to join the game, if possible. Again, I'm still getting used to FGII, but I would be willing to be involved.

July 27th, 2009, 00:41
What You Will Need:
Everyone will need to be on Hamatchi for tonight. My router has locked me out of port-forwarding (factory reset isn't fixing it either). It's free to use and eliminates a lot of hiccups.

The being said:
Go to Download Now

The Hamatchi VPN is called:
dpeters911 is my address.

Character Upload:
I'm keeping the server open from 1800 (6:00 pm) PST onward for people to get characters uploaded and set.

Try not to look too deeply into where I might be leading the players, I have the adventure in an island format. The first scene puts us in the middle of the action with sides to take or even ignoring the debacle altogether.

It took a lot of effort - 3 main branches of the adventure, each tunneling into three distinct paths. NPCs may not appear in some adventures and will in others. There's even an 100% non-combat path (yields greater xp in exchange for no monster xp, items).

Download Times:
It takes a good while to download, even with the campaign.dat alleviating some issues. You're been warned!

Don't screw around too much with the campaign folders while connecting - we've seen one guy accidentally force the program into deleting everything but the cache and globalregs (!!!!!). Serious problems!

Thread Subscription:
With the amount of play rotation we get, I'd recommend subscribing to this thread. PM'ing everyone is a bit unintuitive at the moment (since FGII can't sort contacts by game activity - we drop and add).

New Thread?????:
I'm debating a new thread since I can't figure how to open this one up to changes. It would nice to edit that first post and have the latest session material there and active player list. I'm contact the mods on this.

July 27th, 2009, 03:11
dpeters911 you could try www.freeforums.org ... great thing about that is you can include folders for players who want their PC's to have conversations with each other out of game sessions (such as myself I'm a big fan of that sort of thing :) ) .. here's an example of one for an FG campaign I'll get around to running someday


With a format that I shamelessly stole from another DM, Cirra :p

July 27th, 2009, 07:28
Session Story Synopsis:
After the misadventures last week, the adventurers found themselves in the newly erected Temple of Tyr, watching a heated debate between Piergeiron, Warden of Waterdeep, and Julian, High Priest of Tyr.

A prostitute's corpse was decapitated and thrust upon the shrine of Tyr's Fist.

The Party chose to gather information about this and any surrounding events before reconvening the following night to catch the culprits.

While Morganth studied in the Waterdeep's archives for clues, the other adventurer's questioned Ebocaas, bar-owner and former boss of Rin.

He admitted that an old spell-scroll book of his had been found with mysterious spells accidentally misfired from its cursed pages. This let to undead activity in the city's graves.

Morganth returned from the library and reported on the increased disturbances and that a high-profile pirate disappeared, her corpse likely strewn with the unnamed dumped at the graveyard.

Ebocaas points the party in the direction of the City Undertaker and some brief information on the Bard College Dean before giving the Party a room at the Beer Golem Tavern.

While resting, the party is waylaid by a trio of thieves....

It took around an hour after start time to get everyone online. Lots of connection issues - Hamachi was a mixed blessing. The session would not have occurred without it (router issues) and it allowed us to still chat while "offline" in FGII. However, there were still issues.

That being said, I hope to switch ISPs/Routers to fix this, this week.

OOC Notes:
Rimjobs are a priveliged skill, not a "right". :p
Waiting in line seems to alleviate bandwidth woes - and boredom thanks to comments.
Mage Hand can destroy buildings - be careful!
Errand Boys oftentimes speak out of turn and are vague about demands

Bright Shiny Star Moments:

Morganth running a side research mission and rolling Gather Information checks while everyone else chatted with Ebocaas.
Rin sheepishly admitting to why he pissed off the Bard College Dean.
Alissa convincing the Priest.
Khitam payin a copper to an errand boy, despite her bad-*** exterior.
Morgan's spells fly away, Kitam's feint doesn't fool anyone, and Rin grappling a Thief on the floor.Next Session:
We've got thieves in our bedroom, something afoot at the Temple, and some undead wandering the graveyard!

Check here for times (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calendar/index.xcp?id=416). PM to suggest more.

July 27th, 2009, 09:08
Beware the evil bottle of wine rin now carries or not it could just be normal wine who knows. but all i can say is only Dpeters knows what it is for.

July 27th, 2009, 14:34
Due to FGII board limitations, I can only mail five people a given message at a time. I have seven thus far and expect more as we go along.

Be sure to check this thread (https://fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?t=10554) and the calendar (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calendar/?id=416) for updates regarding playtimes.

Oh, and don't forget the session notes from the Sunday 7/27 (https://fantasygrounds.com/forums/showpost.php?p=76510&postcount=80). Everyone played well and put in quite a bit for the next game.

July 27th, 2009, 20:11
dpeters911 could you post the total # of xp we got for the Sun July 26th game session? I know we got 300 xp but I'm trying to remember if we got another 600 xp after that or if it was just wishful thinking on my part? :p

Alternately if any of my fellow players remember how much we got total please feel free to post here and let me know? :)

July 27th, 2009, 21:44
Every step we take is a step up, lads. Good work all. What fun!

Just wanted to say that if any of y'all require a portrait for your character I can certainly check my stocks. I compulsively collect them it would seem. I am quite sure I can put together a selection for any of you.

Until the next time.
Dr Babylon

July 28th, 2009, 11:57
Is your group full ?

July 28th, 2009, 14:48
Joining Us/Future Players:
I've received a ton of interest from potential players. We're a stacked group right now (six active). I don't like turning people away, never have.

That said, I'm going to leave this in the hands of the players.

Talk here, ask about their experiences and whether to join or not. We'll discuss new players. I encourage diversity but not at the expense of Game Mastering (it's tough to give everyone a moment to shine in very large groups).

An idea: if we're still seeing a huge demand in a month, I might start a second game. My first priority till then is to the established group.

I can see an 8+ group falling apart for a number of reasons (story-telling, party leadership, balancing issues, multi-tasking, etc.). I came from a family of eight kids - now imagine if we weren't related and all adults and we have to introduce ourselves each week. Yikes! I don't want to make the call on my own for this reason.

Anyways, rule #1 is wait and see about a new group.

Adventure Design:
I'm proud that last week worked so well (technical issues aside). I got to give credit to the players: through PM, the thread, and chat, they established and owned their characters.

We split the party up to complete tasks without it feeling contrived or fake. I didn't plan this; I didn't expect it. It was a natural surprise from the players. It's a kick when the DM is surprised by the adventure's direction.

The Adventure After the Adventure of Tomorrow:
Obviously, our next session will be spent finishing where we left off. There's a lot of potential encounters, depending on where the party takes this investigation.

After that, I though about doing a special session. I'd post dozen pictures (similar to last session) and let players come up with adventures hooks around them. This is inspired by FearTheBoot's recent episode where they discussing roleplaying through a dozen random images.

Next Session:
Friday look like the best day. I'll keep voting up for the other days, in case things change.

I'll confirm by early Thursday about the play time.

July 28th, 2009, 18:01
I was one of those that expressed interest in joining your group, and Dpeters911 was kind enough to instruct me to post here.

So, I am not sure how do you select new members, and what are your feelings about newbies.

My expirience is from years back, when we played MERP as kids, and even then it was old. Couple years after that, I used to play on one of the yahoo groups, and I think that was modified gurps system.

At any rate, I'm new to Fantasy Grounds but I'm quick learner and I promise not to slow you down much at first.

July 28th, 2009, 23:37
Here's a package for Damaul. Couldn't figure out how to send it through PMs. Hope at least one of these suits your needs. More work can be done if required. I will not be offended if they ain't right.

Lemme know?

Dr Babylon

July 29th, 2009, 17:25
I'm fine with adding maybe 1 more player, but after 6 people we need to find a way to keep the chat and our out of combat actions structured and in order so the DM doesn't get over-whelmed with requests.

The best way I can see this happening is to let the players talk amongst each other first before they all start asking the DM the same questions. Such as when Alissa,Rin and Khitam were questioning Ebocaas. The PC's could whisper to each other or use Hamachi or discuss it in game with each other first, then elect one person to 'Do all the talking' so to speak. They could of course rotate, but as long as it's one person at a time for the DM to respond to, it should mesh well.

The other problem is with the group splitting up to accomplish tasks. I think the same system should work well and would create alot of RP oppurtunities. Such as when Morganth went to the library on his own, a PC or two could have accompanied him, even if they aren't very well schooled in that type of investigating. But I think everyone in our party can read, not sure about the minotaur :)

That way Morganth could have had helped with the research and it could have taken a PC out of their element. Likewise, Morganth could have tagged along with someone else and been taken out of his element.

Just my 2 coppers.

July 29th, 2009, 19:34
I'm fine with adding maybe 1 more player, but after 6 people we need to find a way to keep the chat and our out of combat actions structured and in order so the DM doesn't get over-whelmed with requests.

The best way I can see this happening is to let the players talk amongst each other first before they all start asking the DM the same questions. Such as when Alissa,Rin and Khitam were questioning Ebocaas. The PC's could whisper to each other or use Hamachi or discuss it in game with each other first, then elect one person to 'Do all the talking' so to speak. They could of course rotate, but as long as it's one person at a time for the DM to respond to, it should mesh well.

The other problem is with the group splitting up to accomplish tasks. I think the same system should work well and would create alot of RP oppurtunities. Such as when Morganth went to the library on his own, a PC or two could have accompanied him, even if they aren't very well schooled in that type of investigating. But I think everyone in our party can read, not sure about the minotaur :)

That way Morganth could have had helped with the research and it could have taken a PC out of their element. Likewise, Morganth could have tagged along with someone else and been taken out of his element.

Just my 2 coppers.

I agree, this would be a very good idea. Also, if the group does split up for safetys sake we should split it evenly cuz u never know when the GM will throw something at us

July 30th, 2009, 21:45
I hate to be the mean person saying no here :cry: , but ... I think if we add any more players than we have right now none of the players involved will have a good time - dpeters911 did a great job juggling us during the last game session but there's a human limit to how many players any DM can juggle ..

It would be helpful to know how many additional players have applied so far beyond the six in the current campaign ? I think if dpeters911 has the time, running the same campaign with two different groups of players would be the better option ... normally I'd volunteer to hop to a brand new group of players (running the same PC Alissa the female half elf rogue) to even things out but this would depend on Damaul - his PC's history and mine are intertwined and it might bum Damaul out a bit if Alissa hops to a new group and leaves poor Damaul all by himself :P ...

Personally I've always been of the opinion that 3 to 4 players, 5 maximum, is best, gives each PC a chance to shine and makes life much easier for the DM.

Far as splitting up that's a tough one - I think the more RPG's mimic "real life" the better, and in real life it's entirely possible one or two PC's might strike off on their own.. while we covered a lot of ground this way (got info from two contacts at the same time instead of one) I can only imagine how tough this is on dpeters911 ... me personally I do my absolute best to avoid splitting from the group for long periods of time to make life easier on the DM.

Searching my memory here - did the three PC's (Rin the bird-man :p bard , Khatim the female human from far away lands and Alissa female half elf not so friendly rogue/fighter) ask the same ?'s .... I got the impression different ?'s were asked and even if they were the same this would just mean the DM (speaking as an NPC) would nail multiple similar ?'s with the same answer...

I do agree that players should definitely chat with each other out of character on something other than FG (Himachi sounds great) if nothing else to strategize... example, something that totally slipped my mind .. people of Rin's race, Kenku, get a +3 on aid another rolls rather than a +2 (see


"great ally" feature )

Alissa could have simply tried being nice to the Beer Golem innkeeper (which she's capable of believe it or not :p ) and if she'd gotten 10 or higher on her diplomacy roll she could have given Rin a +3 bonus on his diplomacy rolls vs the innkeeper (see page 65-66 of the version 3.5 Player's Handbook "Aid another") .. if I'd been thinking straight I would have messaged Rin on Himachi suggesting precisely this. Might not have been necessary with the innkeeper since he was buddies with Rin to begin with but could come in handy if Rin is trying to sweet talk say an angry city guard for example.

I agree that Rin with his 18 Charisma and all should be the party spokesperson and the official question asker ;) .. Rin just curious what's your bonus on Diplomacy rolls? (Alissa has +9 on Dip. rolls total including Cha, ranks and half elf bonus - a shocker given her pesonality I know :p - but you have that 18 Charisma and the potential +3 with the aid another thing ;) ) ..

July 30th, 2009, 21:46
I checked up on who wins a tie with opposed skill checks such as Alissa's feints in combat (she'll be feinting a lot so figured I better check it out ;) ) ..

Page 64 version 3.5 of the player's handbook under "opposed checks" .. " In case of a tie the higher skill modifier wins. If these scores are the same roll again to break a tie".

I would interpret this to mean you'd compare Alissa's charisma modifier to die rolls (Bluff is based on Cha) of +2 vs the opponent's Wisdom modifier for Sense Motive rolls, whoever has the higher mod wins the tie otherwise both characters roll again.

To further clarify the opponent gets to add it's attack bonus to it's sense motive roll (see "feinting in combat" under "bluff" page 68 PHB) ... a successful feint means the opponent doesn't get it's dex bonus (if any) to it's AC and Alissa can do sneak attack damage (page 50 "sneak attack " PHB) .

Alissa can feint as a move rather than a standard action since she's taken the "improved feint" feat (page 95 PHB)

July 30th, 2009, 23:59
well in not sure if rin earned a lvl when i was gone for the first game but other than that if i was lvl 4 it would be the same as Alissa's right now but im not sure if rin lvl'd then so i have a 8. and i did forget about that as i have only used assist moves for like climbing and other things of a physical nature so i just wasn't think about the diplomatic aspects of it.

July 31st, 2009, 00:13
I would interpret this to mean you'd compare Alissa's charisma modifier to die rolls (Bluff is based on Cha) of +2 vs the opponent's Wisdom modifier for Sense Motive rolls, whoever has the higher mod wins the tie otherwise both characters roll again.

To further clarify the opponent gets to add it's attack bonus to it's sense motive roll (see "feinting in combat" under "bluff" page 68 PHB) ... a successful feint means the opponent doesn't get it's dex bonus (if any) to it's AC and Alissa can do sneak attack damage (page 50 "sneak attack " PHB) .

It's the skill modifier, as in the total bonuses you add to the roll. So it'd be Cha + ranks in Bluff + any other bonuses to Bluff + any Feinting bonuses, while your opponant would get Wis + ranks in Sense Motive + any other bonuses to Sense Motive + any special bonuses for trying to 'sense' a feint. Whichever of those two modifiers is higher would be thet one that wins.

July 31st, 2009, 00:49
I hate to be the mean person saying no here :cry: , but ... I think if we add any more players than we have right now none of the players involved will have a good time - dpeters911 did a great job juggling us during the last game session but there's a human limit to how many players any DM can juggle ..

I think Andrepartthree has a point but....

I think if dpeters911 has the time, running the same campaign with two different groups of players would be the better option ... normally I'd volunteer to hop to a brand new group of players (running the same PC Alissa the female half elf rogue) to even things out but this would depend on Damaul - his PC's history and mine are intertwined and it might bum Damaul out a bit if Alissa hops to a new group and leaves poor Damaul all by himself :P ...

If dpeters911 were to have time for this I wouldnt mind going with andre to keep Alissa And Theramil together of course :D I think their shared history will be alot of fun.

July 31st, 2009, 01:43
(No?) More Players:
The general consensus is what I suspected. We won't be accepting any new characters for the foreseeable future. If a player leaves, I'll make a note in the thread, opening it up.

I haven't ruled out a second game - I just want to give it more time, as my own schedule increases with school/new job. I'll post another thread if an alt. game seems viable.


I'm fine with adding maybe 1 more player, but after 6 people we need to find a way to keep the chat and our out of combat actions structured and in order so the DM doesn't get over-whelmed with requests.

The best way I can see this happening is to let the players talk amongst each other first before they all start asking the DM the same questions. Such as when Alissa,Rin and Khitam were questioning Ebocaas. The PC's could whisper to each other or use Hamachi or discuss it in game with each other first, then elect one person to 'Do all the talking' so to speak. They could of course rotate, but as long as it's one person at a time for the DM to respond to, it should mesh well.

The other problem is with the group splitting up to accomplish tasks. I think the same system should work well and would create alot of RP oppurtunities. Such as when Morganth went to the library on his own, a PC or two could have accompanied him, even if they aren't very well schooled in that type of investigating. But I think everyone in our party can read, not sure about the minotaur :)

That way Morganth could have had helped with the research and it could have taken a PC out of their element. Likewise, Morganth could have tagged along with someone else and been taken out of his element.

Just my 2 coppers.
This. I'd find myself quite stretched had we even had our other two players actively participating (Theramil rolled his character half the session, Phoenix-IV had something IRL to attend to). Chat is incredibly slow as you're getting request while answering the first one. This'd get compounded by more players, drawing away from everyone's experience and dwindling my resources as a man with one keyboard. ;)

July 31st, 2009, 07:15
It's the skill modifier, as in the total bonuses you add to the roll. So it'd be Cha + ranks in Bluff + any other bonuses to Bluff + any Feinting bonuses, while your opponant would get Wis + ranks in Sense Motive + any other bonuses to Sense Motive + any special bonuses for trying to 'sense' a feint. Whichever of those two modifiers is higher would be thet one that wins.

Ohhh okay thanks Pheonix ! So as a correction...

"I checked up on who wins a tie with opposed skill checks such as Alissa's feints in combat (she'll be feinting a lot so figured I better check it out ) ..

Page 64 version 3.5 of the player's handbook under "opposed checks" .. " In case of a tie the higher skill modifier wins. If these scores are the same roll again to break a tie".

So you'd compare Alissa's charisma modifier to die rolls (Bluff is based on Cha) of +2 plus her ranks in Bluff (6 ranks) vs the opponent's Wisdom modifier for Sense Motive rolls and the opponents ranks if any in Sense Motive and opponents's base attack bonus... whoever has the higher mod wins the tie otherwise both characters roll again.

To further clarify the opponent gets to add it's attack bonus to it's sense motive roll (see "feinting in combat" under "bluff" page 68 PHB) ... a successful feint means the opponent doesn't get it's dex bonus (if any) to it's AC and Alissa can do sneak attack damage (page 50 "sneak attack " PHB) .

Alissa can feint as a move rather than a standard action since she's taken the "improved feint" feat (page 95 PHB) "

Let me know if I'm off base Pheonix :)

July 31st, 2009, 07:27
well in not sure if rin earned a lvl when i was gone for the first game but other than that if i was lvl 4 it would be the same as Alissa's right now but im not sure if rin lvl'd then so i have a 8. and i did forget about that as i have only used assist moves for like climbing and other things of a physical nature so i just wasn't think about the diplomatic aspects of it.

Darkalloy b.t.w plays Rin our bird-man bard ;) .. had to look that up on the game calendar to make sure though probably not everyone's brain dead like me :p ...

Anyways I think Darkalloy is saying Rin has a plus 8 total on diplomacy rolls? While Alissa has a plus 9 , I still think Rin would be the better spokesperson thanks to the whole "great ally" trait for his race, add the +3 and you'll get a +11 total for Rin :D (just keep remembering to keep putting skill points into Diplomacy as you level up Rin - congratulations you've just been elected official party spokesperson ! :p ) ..

Having said that Rin I'd recommend letting Alissa "soften up" any NPC's we're trying to be nice to first (i.e. give her a chance to make a successful diplomacy roll so Rin gets his +3) before Rin moves in for the (verbal) kill :)

One thing I wanted to clarify - page 65 PHB version 3.5 "aid another" mentions you need to quote "if you roll a 10 or higher on your check the character you are helping gets a +2 bonus (or +3 in Rin's case) " ... I'd take this to mean the actual die roll has to be 10 or higher not the total result after adding skill ranks and ability score mod's and so forth.. Pheonix any thoughts on this ?

July 31st, 2009, 07:31
dpeters911 are we having a game this Friday July 31st at 8pm PST (11pm EST in my case :) ) ? Looks like that's the day everyone's available according to the game calendar and figured I better ask since (looks at the time) - cripes it's 2:30 am Friday already ! Wonder who else can't get to sleep :p .....

Anyways, game this Friday?

July 31st, 2009, 14:26
Darkalloy b.t.w plays Rin our bird-man bard ;) .. had to look that up on the game calendar to make sure though probably not everyone's brain dead like me :p ...

Anyways I think Darkalloy is saying Rin has a plus 8 total on diplomacy rolls? While Alissa has a plus 9 , I still think Rin would be the better spokesperson thanks to the whole "great ally" trait for his race, add the +3 and you'll get a +11 total for Rin :D (just keep remembering to keep putting skill points into Diplomacy as you level up Rin - congratulations you've just been elected official party spokesperson ! :p ) ..

Having said that Rin I'd recommend letting Alissa "soften up" any NPC's we're trying to be nice to first (i.e. give her a chance to make a successful diplomacy roll so Rin gets his +3) before Rin moves in for the (verbal) kill :)

One thing I wanted to clarify - page 65 PHB version 3.5 "aid another" mentions you need to quote "if you roll a 10 or higher on your check the character you are helping gets a +2 bonus (or +3 in Rin's case) " ... I'd take this to mean the actual die roll has to be 10 or higher not the total result after adding skill ranks and ability score mod's and so forth.. Pheonix any thoughts on this ?

lol that works both ways Andre i can also give a +3 bonus.

July 31st, 2009, 17:41
lol that works both ways Andre i can also give a +3 bonus.

True, and since Rin is the spokesperson he would probably soften them up and u can go in for the kill :D

July 31st, 2009, 19:55
Tonight (Friday) Session:
I thought I had confirmed Friday's game. This is the confirmation.

19:00 July 31st Friday - We can push it back later if people are just getting home from work then.

July 31st, 2009, 20:48
True, and since Rin is the spokesperson he would probably soften them up and u can go in for the kill :D

Hmm true true ... Okay put it this way I think Rin should ask the actual ?'s because he's probably going to be better at thinking of important things to ask than I am :p ...

Rin and I should probably decide ahead of time which of the two of us is doing the "aiding" (to give the other PC a +3 bonus on their diplomacy or bluff roll) and which of us is the one being aided ... that way the one being aided knows to add the plus three bonus to their roll if the other PC is successful. Rin you and I can chat via Himachi to set it up as necessary during FG game sessions.

Just curious Rin do you have any of these Skills? Alissa has them and I'm thinking the aid another thing could come in handy if we do the teamwork thing on them too ;) (apparently both PC's need to have the same Skill in order to benefit from the aid another action)

Disable Device
Gather Information
Open Lock

Also Rin I'm thinking we should make a point of ganging up on (flanking) foes to give you your racial "great ally" +4 on attack rolls (rather than +2) and to let Alissa do her sneak attack damage (since she'd be flanking) ... for example the theif you have entangled right now, if he breaks free Alissa could move to one side of him, you the other side and we can play whack-a-mole with him :p

July 31st, 2009, 21:01
lets think i know i ahve bluff, gather, and intimidate. I think i have disguise 85% sure on that. Disable device i dont think i have and open lock it's a 50-50 chance i got it. Lol whack-a-mole is fun and given that i have a Nagaika i don't think i take a minus to hit with subdual but im not sure. oooh i also have the inspire compatance song and the courage song i keep forgetting. Usless singing ppl ftw. On an off note 1st edtion bards were the ultimate class.

July 31st, 2009, 21:23
Okay put it this way I think Rin should ask the actual ?'s because he's probably going to be better at thinking of important things to ask than I am :p ...

Cant deny that :p i just figured goin in for the kill so to speak was more along Alissa personality :D

August 1st, 2009, 00:58
I am good for the time and duration tonight. Actually had a Friday night off and the house to myself. I presume the world outside is burning down without me.

See ya real soon, kids!

Dr Babylon

August 1st, 2009, 02:12
Tonight's Session:
I'm going to another house tonight - should have VERY stable internet but I might run a little late (or early - who knows?).

You've been warned. :bandit:

As a heads up, I'll rehash parts of last adventure before we dive straight into combat and figure out why (and how) the thieves got in.

There's a lot of ground (or very little) to cover - all depends on investigative and combat skills. I designed this adventure as islands instead of railroads, letting the characters set sail to encounters with NPCs/Monsters/Etc.

August 1st, 2009, 05:48
I never got a confirmed time. I can't just show up when we decide to play THAT day and don't announce it until THAT day.

Sorry. I just got home.

August 1st, 2009, 09:29
How are we for magic weapons guys? (i.e. which PC's have magic weapons?) We could sell the two plus one rapiers we got from the theives but I'm thinking it would be handy to keep them for now in case we run up against an opponent who can only be harmed by magic weapons (and we all know there's plenty of those types of opponents in the D&D world ;) ) ...

Thoughts, opinions? I'm for keeping them and giving them to interested PC's in the party but we need to get everyone's input on this :)

August 1st, 2009, 09:42
Apologies to everyone who got the memo late (I should've sent it Thursday, not Friday). This goes out to Ryn (Kain-PC/Morganth), who found out LATE in the night. It won't happen again.

Session Summary:
The party staved off three thieves who broke into their bedroom. Interrogating them, they discovered a man named Turek hired them (as well as other gangs). THe surviving thief was hauled off into custody.

Through telepathic spells, Morganth ascertained that Turek was in cahoots with a cleric and was planning in and around the city graveyards. They also learned of a meeting between other gang members near the Jung Apothecary.

With this knowledge, the party decided to investigate further, despite the late hour.

Upon arrival, they witnessed a sneak attack by two dark figures atop a precipice upon Kahn, Tharamil, and the City Undertaker.

Interrupting it, the assassins darted amongst the roof tops, charged by the two parties. The assasins hide in the shadows in ambush before striking. Kahn gored one through the chest, while another leapt at Rin from the rooftop, falling to the railings in desperate rage. Another strike left him on the verge of conscious.

The Undertaker healed the party and the unconscious assasin for questioning, while a quarrell erupted between Alissa and Tharamil, whose history has not been fully revealed to the other party members.

Not wishing to publicise the argument (nor the corpse and prisoner), the group retreats to the Undertaker's workshop.

Reward Notes:
40 GP, 30 Sp
(2) enchanted rapiers
300 xp for defeating first batch of thieves.
400 xp for defeating the two assasins.
100 xp for successful interrogation(s).

Individual Rewards:
Should we finish the investigation next session, I'll reward individual rewards (and punishments) according to actions. I will be introducing alignment points for gradual character change. It'll take many to change in a given direction.

Next Session:
I'll post times at the start of the week. Again, vote and decide what works for everyone.

DM Review (spoilers):
Okay game - slow second act. The party is more diverse and tense than ever, totaling six. I had not planned the assassin encounter introduction but felt we needed something more rewarding than another "Meet + Greet". Lots of RP potential due to rifts in the party - big egos, vengeance, and more. Looking forward to getting a few random encounters ready for next session, depending on how things turn out with the prisoner and the Undertaker. No one trusts each other - this lends the game a slightly paranoid bent (possibly adding to horror elements for next session).

August 1st, 2009, 10:25
Nah. We all had a good time.

As far as magicked weapons, Khitam is, for now, accessorized as need be. You fellas take what you like.

Just in case Rin needs a new bird-head shot, I have included some to consider. I hope I've not overstepped my bounds.

Until Next Time,
Dr Babylon

August 1st, 2009, 15:27
I think we should keep the swords, let Alissa and Rin have them. They can probably get the best use out of them.

August 1st, 2009, 16:07
To clarify Alissa 's plan was to grap the +1 rapier to use in the fight against the assasins w/crossbows as a one time thing until we decided what to do with them she wasn't trying to lay claim to them :P ... having said that I wouldn't object or anything to grabbing one ;) but we need everyone else's input too...

If Alissa gets one rapier I'll treat it as an "IOU" to the rest of the group, deducting the gp value of it (2,320 I think see page 222 dungeon master's guide version 3.5) from any share of treasure she gets (basically giving that treasure to the rest of the group) until she's "even" with everyone else again.

(Long term I'd really prefer a +1 magic short sword or even two of 'em (Alissa fights with two swords at a time, 2 weapon fighting feat) far as buying magic items (if available) with my share of the loot in the future but for right now I still think at least one PC, maybe two, should be equipped with the magic weapons we have right now in case we need them against something that can only be damaged by magic weapons)

But who else wants one? KainVador/Morganth, Pheonix/Kahn, DarkAlloy/Rin Speak up :) , if there's two other PC's who want one besides her Alissa will gladly give a rapier up, assuming that the general consensus isn't to just sell them to begin with (so far 3 votes to keep rapiers, Alissa , Dr babylon/Khitam and Damaul/Tharamil elven cleric) ...

I'm discussing this on the thread mainly so we don't waste game time during FG sessions dividing up the loot ;) ...

August 1st, 2009, 18:36
Well it would probably be better for me to have a higher damage weapon for AoO's than my claws. As for The pics Babylon thanks. Now here is the bigger question we have been discussing about a bag o holding 1 and thought since it would be a party item everyone should pitch in for it. now i have no problem with buying it my self but if yall want to do that then it is fine. as for everything else that was a great game.

August 1st, 2009, 22:16
Okay kainvorador/morganth and pheonix/kahn your thoughts on the rapiers?

Also I have no prob pitching in towards a bag of holding.... it costs 2,500 gp for a bag of holding type I right? (page 248 dungeon master's guide vers. 3.5).. divide by 6 party members to get roughly 417 gp which becomes Alissa's IOU to Rin as I still don't have enough cash to pay Rin that either - so the first 417 gp of my earnings go towards Rin and the next 2,300 gp after that towards the entire party for the + 1 rapier (assuming morganth and/or Kahn don't want it) - I'm a walking debt ! Hmmm, maybe we should go pick a fight with a dragon :P

August 1st, 2009, 23:21
Kool, my next 417 g go toward rin ;) As for the rapiers, I'm not interested. We can always keep them around until we get something better then sell them ;)

August 2nd, 2009, 00:21
Morganth doesn't need the rapiers. He's been trained to use a longsword as part of his elven upbringing and that is what he'll always use. Rapiers can go to whoever, just RP that with Morg in session since they're in his possession.

As far as the bag of holding goes, I've got enough to buy a type 1 all by myself and might do that. But I can still pitch in to buy one for group loot. Just remember, don't put anything sharp in it...it can puncture the bag and ruin it AND the contents inside.

I'd also like to say a little bit about "god-modding." We need to be careful what we say our characters do. When it comes to involving another character, it's not just up to one person...For example...if Morganth had the rapiers on him and Alissa tried to take one and give it to Rin, Morganth could have acted...it's not an automatic success.

August 2nd, 2009, 00:26
Thinking more on that i could just buy the bag out right and keep the rapier wiht no debt on me or anyone. well except andre if he keeps one of them too;) .

August 2nd, 2009, 00:29
Morganth doesn't need the rapiers. He's been trained to use a longsword as part of his elven upbringing and that is what he'll always use. Rapiers can go to whoever, just RP that with Morg in session since they're in his possession.

As far as the bag of holding goes, I've got enough to buy a type 1 all by myself and might do that. But I can still pitch in to buy one for group loot. Just remember, don't put anything sharp in it...it can puncture the bag and ruin it AND the contents inside.

I'd also like to say a little bit about "god-modding." We need to be careful what we say our characters do. When it comes to involving another character, it's not just up to one person...For example...if Morganth had the rapiers on him and Alissa tried to take one and give it to Rin, Morganth could have acted...it's not an automatic success.
neat thing about the bags of holding and sharp things if it does not have a sheath then ya don't put it in there unless you wrap it up in cloth or leather also on that note i can't carry or open the darn thing on account of my claws but as long as the sharp object has a barrier between it and the bag's side then it is alright.

August 2nd, 2009, 01:41
Andre, we need a means to RP outside of the sessions. Make it happen :bandit:

August 2nd, 2009, 02:43
Andre, we need a means to RP outside of the sessions. Make it happen :bandit:

You're absolutely right ! A couple of things have occurred to me but the problem is I need dpeters911's approval on it

- Himachi can be used for RPing between just two PC's so their conversation doesn't fill up the entire FG chat window :p .. a copy of the conversation (the old cut and paste thing) can be e-mailed to dpeters911 after or even posted online for people to see (I think we're all mature enough to keep player knowledge seperate from out of character knowledge ;) ) for everyone's entertainment.. and speaking of posting...

- see page eight of the thread we're posting on right now, comments 78 and 79 by dpeters911 and myself respectively


... I'd love to set up a forum for us similar to this one:


But I need dpeters911's permission to do so, since he's the DM I don't think he'd be very thrilled with me going ahead and setting this up without his approval or knowledge :p .. also I'd need to know if he wanted to follow a format similar to the one I have set up there or if he'd want to limit it solely to being a vehicle for out of character discussions ..

I'm a HUGE fan of posting conversations on forums between my PC and another player's PC (conversations that are assumed to take place during "down time" in the campaign when we're on the road or at a tavern or something) , that is one PC would start a conversation with one (or more) other PC's on the board outside of regular game sessions, other players would check it and respond from the point of view of their PC's by posting a reply of their own, first player checks and posts a reply back et cetera.. don't know if anyone else is into this sort of thing though or if it's just me?

August 2nd, 2009, 02:50
I'd also like to say a little bit about "god-modding." We need to be careful what we say our characters do. When it comes to involving another character, it's not just up to one person...For example...if Morganth had the rapiers on him and Alissa tried to take one and give it to Rin, Morganth could have acted...it's not an automatic success.

True true ... but I assumed that if Morganth had really objected he would have acted ("Morganth slaps his hand over the rapier before Alissa can grab it saying " WHAT do you think you're doing ?!?" , that sort of thing) ... apologies if I overstepped but I've noticed FG game sessions can crawl to a very slow pace, start DRAGGING, if players aren't a little pro-active - rather than taking the time to RP the whole " Morganth can I grab the rapier" bit with Morganth (who could have been busy having a whispered conversation with the DM due to one of his divination spells for example at the same time I'm bugging Morganth about the rapiers) I figured the quicker solution to keep things moving was just to grab the rapier and go on the assumption Morganth would put up a fight if he was opposed to the idea :p

As previously mentioned Alissa is NOT a nice person and I as a player don't take it personally if someone smacks Alissa around as a result - Morganth will probably be a good candidate for said smacking of Alissa whether magical or otherwise given the grief Alissa gives him on a routine basis ;) ..

August 2nd, 2009, 02:52
Thinking more on that i could just buy the bag out right and keep the rapier wiht no debt on me or anyone. well except andre if he keeps one of them too;) .

Cool looks like things are settled with Rin then if everyone's ok with that? :) (pheonix/Kahn still need to hear from you on the rapier thing - I'm guessing a minotaur would rather stick with his horns than a puny little human needle pretending to be a weapon but you never know :p ) ... But yes far as I'm concerned Alissa still owes the rest of the party 2,300 gp for her rapier if everyone's ok with giving one to her and one to Rin (it sounds like this is indeed the case long as Pheonix is okay with it )

August 2nd, 2009, 03:20
Lol ya i'll be buying the bag but i won't be able to open it stupid claws. but i can carry it so no one has to worry about the extra weight but you'll have to pull it offa me so you can open it and i know there are ways to keep anyone but a selct few from opening said bag ie. it only opens for our party memebers deemed at the time of enchanting. hmm maybe i should buy some thick leather gloves.

August 2nd, 2009, 18:31
True true ... but I assumed that if Morganth had really objected he would have acted ("Morganth slaps his hand over the rapier before Alissa can grab it saying " WHAT do you think you're doing ?!?" , that sort of thing) ... apologies if I overstepped but I've noticed FG game sessions can crawl to a very slow pace, start DRAGGING, if players aren't a little pro-active - rather than taking the time to RP the whole " Morganth can I grab the rapier" bit with Morganth (who could have been busy having a whispered conversation with the DM due to one of his divination spells for example at the same time I'm bugging Morganth about the rapiers) I figured the quicker solution to keep things moving was just to grab the rapier and go on the assumption Morganth would put up a fight if he was opposed to the idea :p

As previously mentioned Alissa is NOT a nice person and I as a player don't take it personally if someone smacks Alissa around as a result - Morganth will probably be a good candidate for said smacking of Alissa whether magical or otherwise given the grief Alissa gives him on a routine basis ;) ..

I understand, but assume from now on that Morganth would react. Such reactions can vary from simply pulling away reflexively, or having things explode/melt/distinegrate.

Just ask from now on, if you wouldn't mind. Most of the time, when asked politely (a stretch for Alissa, I know) followed by sound logic, he'll do what's asked of him. But when it's assumed or demanded of him...he tends to resist and play devils advocate. And at that point anyone will have a real hard time of convincing him of anything without some solid logic. Moral debates don't tend to go far as Khitam found out with the "Do you only right the wrongs that tug at your trousers?" and Morganths simply matter-of-fact answer. "Yes." :rv:

August 2nd, 2009, 18:36
A side note about no one in the party trusting each other

Morganth trusts Tharamil...completely. And he's never even met him. :D

August 2nd, 2009, 18:49
I understand, but assume from now on that Morganth would react. Such reactions can vary from simply pulling away reflexively, or having things explode/melt/distinegrate.

Just ask from now on, if you wouldn't mind. Most of the time, when asked politely (a stretch for Alissa, I know) followed by sound logic, he'll do what's asked of him. But when it's assumed or demanded of him...he tends to resist and play devils advocate. And at that point anyone will have a real hard time of convincing him of anything without some solid logic. Moral debates don't tend to go far as Khitam found out with the "Do you only right the wrongs that tug at your trousers?" and Morganths simply matter-of-fact answer. "Yes." :rv:

I see some interesting RP'ing going on here in the future :p .. but duly noted Alissa will ask - whether or not she asks politely is another question entirely :p .. anyways the typical Alissa response to this might be something like :

" I've heard stories about creatures.. undead, other things.. that can only be harmed by magical weapons."

As usual Alissa's voice is cold and expressionless - it matches her facial expression.

"If no one objects"

Alissa looks hard at the entire group

"We should use those enchanted rapiers you mentioned, keep them on us in case they're needed... hand them out to whoever's interested. I know how to use them, don't know if anyone else does... if I take a rapier you can take my share of the earnings out of any loot we stumble across until I'm even with the rest of you - soon as we find out how much one of the rapiers goes for.

"So who wants one? You know how to use them?" Alissa directs the question at Morganth.

(yes yes I know we're not actually IN an FG game session right now but let's get it settled here on this thread so we don't have to waste FG game time RPing it out ;) ... let's assume this takes place when we get back to the beer golem inn where I think morganth left it.. Morganth's reaction is ? < and Kitanth/Dr Babylon already turned one of the rapiers down in-game I think, I think we can assume Damaul/Tharamil the elf cleric will say no too from what their posts have been on this thread, Rin/Darkalloy will say yes he wants one judging from his post on this thread... just waiting on Morganth's response right now ;) )

August 2nd, 2009, 18:51
Please note that I am NOT saying the guy is going to actually join us as a player, I'm aware we have a full roster ;) ... fellow named moonknight here on FG would like to sit in as an observer on a few FG sessions though to see how FG runs, was wondering if anyone would object to me giving him the IP address to log onto for our next game session?

August 2nd, 2009, 20:06
"Your assumption about certain creatures only being harmed by enchanted weapons is correct. But it has less to do with the weapon and more to do with the magic contained within it. Although I can use these weapons, it is not my style."

"Furthermore, we did not purchase these weapons. We found them on our assailants. Letting someone in our group use them should not default to a debt owed. They were free to us, they should be given freely to whoever amongst us can use them."

August 3rd, 2009, 01:11
Alissa blinks at Morganth's unexpected generosity, unable to hide the look of surprise on her face.. then the cold, expressionless mask slips back into place.

"Thank you sun el --- Morganth"

The half elf forces Morganth's actual name out with difficulty .. clearly this is someone to whom even the most basic courtesies don't come easily.

"But I don't know if everyone else feels the same way... I still owe you all whatever this is worth" Alissa eyes the rapier. "It's only... fair."

(ok so basically it sounds like we can assume Alissa gets one +1 rapier and Rin gets one - unless phoenix/Kahn wants one in which case he can have Alissa's - and Alissa insists on paying everyone back the worth of the rapier out of future shares of treasure ;) .. of course if Morganth refuses to tell her how much it's worth in the first place this could be fun for Morganth and difficult for Alissa, just a thought :p .. again I'm serious , I'm not a fan of lethal damage between PC's but if anyone feels like smacking Alissa for non-lethal damage or otherwise giving her grief feel free she practically begs for it sometimes :p Thanks much guys, Alissa relies on the weapon finesse feat - use dex instead of str for attack rolls with her whole strength score of "9" and rapier is one of the few weapons you can use with weapon finesse I appreciate it ! :) ) ...

August 3rd, 2009, 02:29
Kahn's already got a +1 Greatsword, he has no need for your puny rapiers.

August 3rd, 2009, 04:24
Lol yes Kahn technically has 2 of them built on to his noggin. Which raises the question Pheonix if Rin were to jump onto kahn's back and yell Mush or better yet Giddy up what would kahn to to rin and would he need massive reconstructive surgery? Or would everyone just smell roast chicken and sit down to eat before they relized Ohno this isn't chicken it's crow.

August 3rd, 2009, 05:28

August 3rd, 2009, 16:10

Yep I agree - I sent a PM directly to dpeters911 asking for approval on one or both of the ideas I mentioned before but haven't heard from him yet - and I'm a bit uncomfortable setting up a forum without his approval don't want to overstep my bounds :( ...

If dpeters911 doesn't respond by next game session worst case scenario we can ask him then (kainvorador maybe help me to remember to ask dpeters911 next game session ? :) ) .. poor dpeters911 is probably busy between his job, munchkin (as a parent myself I tip my hat to dpeters911 for just having the time to run the game ! Munchkins keep you BUSY I have no idea how he does it ! :p ) et cetera

August 3rd, 2009, 16:12
Gives the phrase "eating crow" a whole new meaning .. :p

Just curious are there spurs of speed listed as a magic item in any of the WOTC sourcebooks? If not maybe we can get Morganth to make one, give Kahn like a double his normal movement speed or something if Rin is riding Kahn :p

Lol yes Kahn technically has 2 of them built on to his noggin. Which raises the question Pheonix if Rin were to jump onto kahn's back and yell Mush or better yet Giddy up what would kahn to to rin and would he need massive reconstructive surgery? Or would everyone just smell roast chicken and sit down to eat before they relized Ohno this isn't chicken it's crow.

August 3rd, 2009, 19:22
Gives the phrase "eating crow" a whole new meaning .. :p

Just curious are there spurs of speed listed as a magic item in any of the WOTC sourcebooks? If not maybe we can get Morganth to make one, give Kahn like a double his normal movement speed or something if Rin is riding Kahn :p
lol maybe but then again what if you just said my foot talons were already spurs of speed. Hmm on second thought maybe i shouldn't jump on his back i don't want to hurt him.

August 3rd, 2009, 21:16
Sorry, I have a plan with my feats and I can't squeeze in any item creation feats. I don't have a single feat to spare with my plan.

August 4th, 2009, 01:19
Hah, just you wait until Kahn becomes Large.

August 4th, 2009, 03:19
Hah, just you wait until Kahn becomes Large.
Lol kanh is just perfect size to serve as a mount to rin considering he weighs 105 lbs soaking wet with his armor and weapons on him. which is why i stress this little fact. Never Ever let me grapple someone unless the are tiny sized.

August 5th, 2009, 13:06
Next Session Dates:
Calendar Dates are UP! Vote!

Please vote. Due to posting the dates late, Friday may be problematic for other players. If everyone can vote by 23:00 PST Wednesday, I'll narrow it down and post (if nothing is posted by Thursday afternoon for some reason, Friday is off).

Ideas for the Future:
Anyone here a fan for rotating DMs? Do players prefer consistency and not "peeking behind the curtain"?

I'm not going one way or the other: just gauging opinion with my upcoming school year (it's a mess now that I registered: Spanish, Business Administration, and Computer Science).

New Player Policy:
We're capping at 6 players right now. However, I'll allow two or fewer to "ghost" or spectate our sessions without playing or cluttering game chat (use Hamachi for questions). This is for bandwidth and DM management.

This gives you a feel for how we play (we're a mix of RP'ers, Min-Maxers, and general enthusiasts - some sessions don't even have a full combat encounter.)

"Official" RP Board for Out-of-Session Play:
I've had suggestions of this. What are the votes? I'm down with it (even encourage it due to the "party concept" questionnaire I sent out).

I wish I could edit my very first post so that everyone could get information like this and the campaign.dat files, ruleset, etc. (*hint hint FGII mods*).

I like to think that organizing threads better on-site would enable games to flourish. I tried to be exhaustive when I started this thread but the learning curve in FGII (plus Hamachi) really skews things to messes.

August 5th, 2009, 15:41
cool ! I've invited one person already moonnight to "ghost" us - again not actually joining as a player just there to observe.

I'll work on the RPing forum at www.freeforums.org as soon as possible I'll try to get it up, will send you all the link to the forum and work on making dpeters911 an administrator on there too .

August 5th, 2009, 17:55
I work all weekend so on Friday and Saturday I can be there but not before 0830 hours Pacific time (at earliest). Sunday gives me a little more wiggle room but it's all up to you guys. You've a warm place in my heart now, folks, and I'd rather attend so I don't mind stretching a little to accommodate events. So for all play-dates I will answer "no with a but" or "yes with an if".

Good show.
Dr Babylon

August 5th, 2009, 17:58
"Official" RP Board for Out-of-Session Play:
I've had suggestions of this. What are the votes? I'm down with it (even encourage it due to the "party concept" questionnaire I sent out).

I like the idea of an out of session in character thread so we can handle the things like Alissa and Theramils confrontation out of session so we don't waste everyones time in session.

August 5th, 2009, 18:11
I work all weekend so on Friday and Saturday I can be there but not before 0830 hours Pacific time (at earliest). Sunday gives me a little more wiggle room but it's all up to you guys. You've a warm place in my heart now, folks, and I'd rather attend so I don't mind stretching a little to accommodate events. So for all play-dates I will answer "no with a but" or "yes with an if".

Good show.
Dr Babylon

Aww, Dr Babylon, u have a special place in my heart too ;) I don't mind workin around ur sceduale tho

August 5th, 2009, 18:45
I'm definatly down the the RP sessions out of game. It'll save alot of time in game since we'll have most of it up to that point already taken care of. Then when needed in session, we can continue...whatever we don't finish can then be taken out of session.

I miss the debates I was getting into with Alissa and Khitam... :cry:

August 5th, 2009, 19:51
(chuckles) ... yes arguing with the "sun elf" is fun though I think Alissa is a lot more confrontational than Khitam is :p .... Problem is the whole thing gets sort of "hazy" ... how much time does one spend in game RPing vs RPing out of the FG sessions and in the forum? At what point do you draw the line and say "ok this is getting too long/extended time to take it to the forums?"

Personally I'd recommend this format :

1) we should feel free to make a few comments PC to PC in FG - if everyone else (other PC's) jump on the bandwagon and join the conversation then just RP it out in FG otherwise things get too complicated

2) if however it looks like it's going to be an extended PC to PC argument - oh excuse me I mean conversation :p - between two PC's then just take it to Himachi (make sure you start the conversation out with something like "Morganth tells Alissa" for example so we know you're speaking in character).... make sure you save a copy of the conversation (good old copy and paste) to be posted on the forums later on (see below) for dpeters to inspect (and perhaps any other interested parties who make a successful Listen roll ;) , we'll leave it up to dpeters911 to determine the dc number to beat on the listen roll)

3) I've begun work on the forums for out of game role playing will try to get that up as soon as possible, we can and should post conversations there PC to PC (or PC to PC's) if a PC wants to chat with another PC for an extended period of time about something (Morganth lecturing ... I'm also going to add a bunch of other categories on the forum, dpeters911 you can look it over and decide if you want to move the whole campaign thing-a-ma-bob over there (instead of FG) given your concerns about FG , not being able to edit posts, only being able to PM 5 people at a time on FG, et cetera ;) (though I'd recommend we go on using the FG calendar to set up game times since freeforums.org doesn't have a similar format )

I'm definatly down the the RP sessions out of game. It'll save alot of time in game since we'll have most of it up to that point already taken care of. Then when needed in session, we can continue...whatever we don't finish can then be taken out of session.

I miss the debates I was getting into with Alissa and Khitam... :cry:

August 5th, 2009, 19:53
And yes we all like you (and Khitam) too Dr. Babylon ;)

I work all weekend so on Friday and Saturday I can be there but not before 0830 hours Pacific time (at earliest). Sunday gives me a little more wiggle room but it's all up to you guys. You've a warm place in my heart now, folks, and I'd rather attend so I don't mind stretching a little to accommodate events. So for all play-dates I will answer "no with a but" or "yes with an if".

Good show.
Dr Babylon

August 5th, 2009, 20:47
Since we already have 3 players (myself, Damaul and Kainvorador) who would like a forum and dpeters911 is ok with it, I went ahead and set one up - Dr_Babylon, Pheonix, DarkAlloy if you have any objections please let us know ? If we don't hear from you on the topic can we assume you're ok with the forum ? :)

Everone please visit this website and register to this forum if you could please? :) - to make life simple let's use the same name we use on FG as our username on this forum board too so we know who is who (it wouldn't let me use andrepartthree on there though since I have that username in use on another board :( so I'm simply "Andre" on there)


In other words I think it would be easier if Darkalloy used the username "darkalloy" on there, kainvorador uses "kainvorador" et cetera ;)

Once dpeters911 registers on the board I'll bump him up to "administrator" level so he can adjust the board as he sees fit ;)

Dpeters911 (and everyone else) you'd click on "modify" rather than "edit" in the box you post comments and so forth in at the proboards forum mentioned above but should be edit-able ;)

I took the liberty of submitting character descriptions (basically just a copy and paste off this FG thread) for Dr_Babylon, Darkalloy and Damaul ... didn't have much to go on with KainVorador and Pheonix so couldn't really submit a description of their PC's appearance for them :P ... if my description of your PC is off for some reason feel free to make your own entry under "Heroes of the NOrth" thread on that forum and I'll delete my thread ;)

August 6th, 2009, 05:04
Next Session:
To accommodate players, our next session is Sunday, August 9th at 19:00 PST.

The "Other" Board:

[Some amazing ****] I'm amazed at the quality and organization of that board!

You get my first born now!

Community participation makes this game (and FGII for that matter).

August 6th, 2009, 13:41
Sounds like a well organized campaign with a lot of potential. Is there room for additional players?

August 6th, 2009, 14:21
thanks but to be honest I don't recall posting "some amazing ****" as a comment, maybe someone else did ? :p ... sure send the first born that will give my 5 and 7 year olds someone to play with ! (especially my 7 year old little girl ! ) :p

While I'm being honest and all, credit for it goes to Cirra, someone else here on FG whom I stole the format (for the forum board) from with her knowledge and approval :D ... rumor has it she stole it from another DM on FG whose FG name I can't remember for the life of me now .. Alyais maybe?

Next Session:
To accommodate players, our next session is Sunday, August 9th at 19:00 PST.

The "Other" Board:
I'm amazed at the quality and organization of that board!

You get my first born now!

Community participation makes this game (and FGII for that matter).

August 6th, 2009, 14:33
Guys when you get a chance can you register on the forum ?


It's officially dpeters911 approved ;) ...

Also are you guys able to make it for the Sunday game? (see the post by dpeters911 on here) ... didn't see you on the FG calendar was just curious... Alissa needs her fellow woman to back her up and we all need the bird-man to keep things lively :P

August 7th, 2009, 01:50
I believe I have successfully registered at our home-away-from-home. Also Sunday is fine. I may be a minute or two late with work but I shall rush. Please refrain from interrogating anyone to death in my absence.

Dr Babylon

August 7th, 2009, 02:14
Please refrain from interrogating anyone to death in my absence.

Dr Babylon

(chuckles) good one ! :p Bloodthirsty bunch aren't we? :hurt: :pirate: ;)

August 8th, 2009, 14:46
FGII & Play-by-Post
We're officially a FGII / play-by-post hybrid, rewarding the former more.

I've thought about the multitudes begging to play and considering introducing them as Forum players until there's room in the party in a FGII session (player missing a week, ???). For example, their forum play could enable them to stand in for an adventure without hasty introductions, etc.

Any thoughts?

Tomorrow's Session
Use the Hamachi address
I'm STILL on my old connection unless Verizon comes on the weekends- bear with me.

August 8th, 2009, 15:03
FGII & Play-by-Post
We're officially a FGII / play-by-post hybrid, rewarding the former more.

I've thought about the multitudes begging to play and considering introducing them as Forum players until there's room in the party in a FGII session (player missing a week, ???). For example, their forum play could enable them to stand in for an adventure without hasty introductions, etc.

Any thoughts?

I like this idea, it is a good way to keep alternatives and all we have to do is put up an alternatives board in the "other forum" and were set :D

August 8th, 2009, 16:24
dpeters e-mailed me on this when I asked about xp (dpeters911 ignore the e-mail I sent asking for clarification looks like you answered it here :) ) ... when he says "reward" he's referring to xp ..

(quote from dpeters911 via PM ) : "Yes, I'll have to review everything but will be advancing xp for interactions between characters on the board (though less than in-game for balance reasons)."

And I have no objection to the player applicants being on the proboards forum either and/or being on standby to fill in for a player who can't make it, though I think since we're not interacting with them in-game (FG) they should definitely post a description of their character (appearance including race if obvious just from looking at them - elf, dwarf, et cet ) so we have at least some idea of whom we're interacting with ;) ...

FGII & Play-by-Post
We're officially a FGII / play-by-post hybrid, rewarding the former more.

I've thought about the multitudes begging to play and considering introducing them as Forum players until there's room in the party in a FGII session (player missing a week, ???). For example, their forum play could enable them to stand in for an adventure without hasty introductions, etc.

Any thoughts?

August 10th, 2009, 08:48
Session Notes:
The party questioned the Undertaker further before dogs outside alerted of foul activities afoot.

Finding partially exhumed hands, the party commenced digging while Morganth and Alissa investigated the Mausoleum's humming. After investigation, it turned out to be a Wraith of a recently deceased woman.

Warned of digging further, the party hit remains, setting off a fiery explosion. From the ground's ashes emerged four skeletons. Flame shot from their fingertips as they attacked or blew themselves up, lighting the night's sky.

Upon their defeat, the Undertaker and party question the Wraith and her surprsing kindness.

The wraith is none other than 1st mate, Amyran Tymora, of the Jury's Rigging, a murder victim somehow caught up with Turek's plans and the recent Undead activity. One of the thieves slain last session is related to her midshipman, a potential suspect in her murder. The crew is implicated, especially new hires.

The party then retired to the tavern, notified by Ebocaas of the capture thief's escape. Alissa convinced the guards to spare his life and of the problems they faced.

Having rested, the party enters the temple speaking briefly with Julian and Piergeiron. They set up the ambush as wights emerged at midnight. A battle ensued, draining energy from Alissa. One snuck up on Morganth atop the Temple but failed to damage him as Morganth levitated to safety.

Turned by Tharamil, the wight jumped down the stairs to be finished by Kahn.

Julian heals Alissa quickly. The party is asked to rest by Piergeiron who promises to investigate the bodies and share the Undertaker's findings with them.

Where to from now?
Who created the Undead?
Is Turek behind this?
Who slew Amy, the 1st mate?
Is Kahn closer to redemption in the Church's eyes?
Will Morganth ever mend differences with Khitam and Alissa?

Party XP Award:
500 for detonating skeletons
600 for wights
300 for peaceful negotiation with Amy, wraith

Material Awards:
1 PP (Kahn)
1 Holy Symbol of Tyr (Kahn)

Individual XP Awards:
TBD determined - heavily favoring our 3rd level players but not without merits from their actions.

August 12th, 2009, 03:09
Next Session:
Voting is up for the next session. Let's try and squeeze another session in before KainVorador heads to Washington State on the 23rd.

August 13th, 2009, 17:19
guys I e-mailed kainvorador directly, he says :

" I'm out of town right now, I'll check it when I get home tomorrow evening. Tell dpeters that we can play friday or saturday night, but saturday works better for me. "

I received this e-mail today (Thurs Aug 13th) so that would mean kainvorador will be able to check it out Fri Aug 14th ;)

August 14th, 2009, 15:32
Next Session (Sat 15 Aug 19:00 PST)
Our next session is Saturday 15 August at 19:00 PST. We may start slightly late do to people getting off work.

August 14th, 2009, 16:43
I shot an e-mail directly to kainvorador/morganth today (Fri aug 14th) giving him a heads up about the 7pm PST Sat aug 15th game and he shot me back an e-mail acknowledging he got it so he's aware of it ;)

August 14th, 2009, 22:05
On Saturday I work until 2015 hours or so (your time) but I will do what I can. In my temporary absence just remember, a man without fear is a heart without hope and...spare the rod, spoil the child. That is all.

Dr Babylon

August 14th, 2009, 23:03
Just to give you guys a heads up - dpeters911 was serious when he said we were officially a play by post/FG game ... to be more specific dpeters is trying to cover in-game stuff "out of game" via the proboard forums - important chats with NPC's to get clues as to where we should go next in our investigations and so forth.

I mention this mainly so people don't think the forum role play thing is just for exploring aspects of your and other PC's personality via interaction between said PC's - it's also for important quest-related type stuff.. if dpeters starts a thread in the "forum role play" section (like the ones called "Red in the Morning" and "Helter Skelter"), if you have the time it might be good to jump in and post something in-character, speak up about where we need to go next, give your two cents ;) :) ... I see this as being a good thing, it will let us cover more ground in our weekly FG sessions :)

Just for convenience here's the link again ;) :)


August 15th, 2009, 00:19
You make it sound like it's mandatory...which is not okay with me.

August 15th, 2009, 01:54
I have to agree with Kain here. I am genuinely pleased that you gentlemen are having so much fun on the boards and I think of all posts as a valuable resource. That said, I simply don't have the kind of schedule that would allow me to respond immediately to every post. I check in when I can and prefer to give notice regarding my potential nonattendance. I find the pressure to commit on this level a little daunting.

Dr Babylon

August 15th, 2009, 03:54
I have to agree with Kain here. I am genuinely pleased that you gentlemen are having so much fun on the boards and I think of all posts as a valuable resource. That said, I simply don't have the kind of schedule that would allow me to respond immediately to every post. I check in when I can and prefer to give notice regarding my potential nonattendance. I find the pressure to commit on this level a little daunting.

Dr Babylon

My thoughts exactly.

August 15th, 2009, 04:57
Oh ok - my apologies ! My bad, it should have occurred to me that not everyone has the free time I do (being a stay-at-home dad has certain advantages sometimes :p ) ... I can see how someone with a hectic schedule might indeed find it difficult to do the weekly FG games AND have to keep up with the forum on top of that. I just assumed everyone would have time to do this .. again my bad, I shouldn't have assumed that to begin with.

This in turn raises a certain question - how much do we want to cover in play-by-post on the FG forum (as far as "quest related" stuff such as questioning NPC's looking for clues as to where to go next) vs. waiting until an FG session when everyone's present in order to perform such activities - or more specifically what would make everyone happy in this particular area? I'm guessing everyone's okay with the interactions solely between two or more PC's that don't affect everyone taking place on the forums ... RP'ing "for fun" basicallly between two PC's that doesn't necessarily impact the party as a whole. But the "quest related" stuff presents more of a sticky situation - personally, I'm okay with backing off the whole questioning-NPC's-for-clues thing in the forum entirely if other players prefer this? I guess the question is if other players who don't have the time to make the proboard forums are ok with NPC's being questioned about important stuff in the player's/PC's absence? (which is basically what's taking place on the forums right now)...

Rather than discussing this here on the FG forum though I suggest we chat about it "live" next FG session this Saturday... this way we can get at least hopefully the majority of players involved in the chat live on-on-one as well as get dpeters911's input.

August 15th, 2009, 05:55
Very true but agian this raises the problem that we had last time and the reason the boards were created. We RP Too Much. That being said yes i can understand time limitations and players wanting to be there for the investigation. But then agian we could say that any and all of the investigation threads take place wiht all of us present and we all devide up into 2 teams when we need to that are predetermined. And in the case of talking to the npc's rin and alissa do that most of the time for obvious reasons i.e we're con-artists in a sense. And no disrespect intended to eveyone becuase i can understand not having time. but we do need to keep the rp'in down to a min in fg for time reasons and the sake of DP's poor fragile mind. (or whats left of it from dealing wiht nuts like us)

August 15th, 2009, 06:30
Hmmm.. interesting thought, the PC's who are on the forum following up leads can be said to be doing it on their own or as a team maybe while the other PC's are assumed to be busy doing other things?

Again though the question we need to raise is are the players who are too busy to be on the forums comfortable with players who are on the forums researching things that might impact the party as a whole? Morganth (Kainvorador) for example might have some sort of divination spell (that being his specialty as a wizard) that he would have really preferred to have cast while Alissa and Rin were questioning Red just to give an example... then again Kainvorador and Dr. Babylon (Khitam) might be perfectly fine with us questioning the NPC's while Morganth and Khitam are absent. It's also true covering extra ground on the forums may indeed make life easier for dpeters, which is a very important consideration ! (let's keep in mind too the DM who's in charge of this whole thing :p ) .. But we also don't want to get players too upset with the proboards forum either.

Again I think this is the sort of thing we have to address at our next FG game session so as many players as possible and dpeters can weigh in on it as well plus a live discussion between all concerned might be the most efficient way to handle it.. I think it is safe to say however the most fun (for me anyways ;) ) part of the forum - RP'ing out the purely "personal" stuff between two or more PC's - is pretty safe to keep doing since that doesn't really have a huge impact on the party as a whole (players RPing conversations between a PC and PC(s) basically ) . The proboards forum is also great for dpeters npc summaries, session recaps, discussions of what we're going to do with treasure acquired and what we should buy next, et cetera...

Again my apologies for making it seem like participation on the proboards forum was mandatory - again I made the not-so-smart assumption that everyone has the loads-o-free-time necessary for that level of participation on the forums. Being too much of a "cheerleader" I suppose to the point where I no doubt became overly enthusiastic to the point of being overbearing - again my apologies.

August 15th, 2009, 06:40
Ya know, Andre...I was looking for a word to describe your very bubbly personality...and you nailed it. You're totally a cheer leader :D

August 15th, 2009, 13:24
Hmm yes Kain's divinations are very important i can get detect thoughts but i cannot do every thing he can. this would be the point where a telepahtic bond between us all would be handy. but as i must say yes this could be a problem. if we did just do 2 teams say controlled more or less by Andre and me as we are on the forums most of the time. We would have to almost have all stats for the team so we could more effectively work. I.e if i did take detect thoughts morg would go whit alissa and andre would have to know the divination spells morg has.

August 15th, 2009, 14:25
Morg and Alissa working together. Not sure how that's gonna work.

August 15th, 2009, 15:19
Thus Say-eth the DM

I have to agree with Kain here. I am genuinely pleased that you gentlemen are having so much fun on the boards and I think of all posts as a valuable resource. That said, I simply don't have the kind of schedule that would allow me to respond immediately to every post. I check in when I can and prefer to give notice regarding my potential nonattendance. I find the pressure to commit on this level a little daunting.

Dr Babylon
I completely understand this.

I haven't issued any xp/material gain for the board play for precisely this reason. It would be unfair when we have players busy with wife/kids or heading to Iraq in the coming months. They have life to worry about and this is meant to be a hobby, a break from working and worrying.

That said, I'll shift the roleplay function of the board from vital information (a la most of the NPC discussions I posted) to something that will enrich the story but not necessarily advance it.

This will keep players feeling vital during our FGII sessions rather than feeling they need to invest so much time tracking down the many plot, character, and miscellaneous threads.

Becoming a time drain instead of fun was my fear in expanding the game to have a light play-by-post element and I'll work to alleviate this.

However, the "other" forum is a good source to keep our information organized as this FGII thread is rather cumbersome for such things.

It's a learning process for me as a DM - balancing time demands, getting player interaction, etc. I'll do my part to fix things and lesser the entry cost (time) for all players involved.

I'll use an analogy. There are text segues in the Icewind Dale/Bladur's Gate games. You could understand the plot without reading them but they did serve to enrich the game. The other forum should be like that: flavor to the meal rather than an additional main course.

August 15th, 2009, 17:21
Cool looks like it's settled then :)

However I don't think anyone will have any objections to us using the RP board for "purely" role playing i.e. conversations between PC's that don't impact the party as a whole right? :) (Alissa starts an argument with a PC, Morganth offers to teach Alissa how to use magic/the weave, Rin and Alissa exchange revelations about their past et cet ... all the other stuff on the forum RP basically) .. I'll go on doing just that - if Alissa has something to say to a PC that could take up an extended period of time I'll post it there in other words ... I know Rin / DarkAlloy will too and both KainVorador /Morganth and Tharamil / Damaul has made use of the board in that aspect in the past as well so again looks like it's all settled ;) ..

Morganth and Alissa as a team .... that HAS to happen at some point during an FG session just for the humor value alone! :p

August 15th, 2009, 19:08
Lol yes morg and Alissa on a team would be funny. Hmm iw onder i i could follow tham with my invisibilty... err did i just type that aloud? Ignore my obviuos ploy to make mischeif.

August 16th, 2009, 21:34
Sorry about my absence last night, lads. Work went late and then there were some...extenuating circumstances. Rest assured that all is well. I pray that fun and success was had by the rest of you. I should surely enjoy hearing of the details.

Dr Babylon

August 16th, 2009, 21:52
I should surely enjoy hearing of the details.

Dr Babylon

You and me both since I got disconnected. Can't get ahold of anyone to tell me wtf happened.

August 16th, 2009, 23:30
(see kainvorador's "what happened" post on the proboards forum (under "off topic discussion" and my reply ;) )

August 17th, 2009, 23:11
I can play friday night. saturday anytime and sunday anytime. I would like to play a half elf druid. please get back to me if there is still room. email is [email protected] thanks!

August 17th, 2009, 23:18
There will be room come Sunday since I'm leaving for Iraq.
Go here also.

August 18th, 2009, 00:09
If I'm interpreting this correctly Morganth will have to leave us :( .. he will be missed , I enjoy the lively (that's one word for it ! :p ) conversations between him and Alissa ;)

We'll keep our fingers crossed and send prayers your way as you head off to Iraq ... thanks for defending our country and best of wishes for a safe return.

There will be room come Sunday since I'm leaving for Iraq.
Go here also.

August 18th, 2009, 02:18
Be sfae down there Kain im gonna give you the same advice i gave my brother when he went. Shoot the spiders just shoot the spiders.

August 18th, 2009, 23:55
Session Synopsis:
Our party resumed their investigation down at the docks, interviewing Jon Reverie, a shipwright for the Jury's Riggings. Finding little information, they searched Amy's cabin: discovering ledgers and missing parcels under her rack.

Jon Reverie led them to tracking down the midshipmen, Oskgan and Turen, for the whereabouts of Amy's corpse or leads on Turek, the thief-king.

The first interrogation was Oskgan, a bitter, mangy dwarf. Alissa and Rin tried to question him but he dismissed them as prostitutes common to the lower dock ward. Failing in this, the party followed him out of the tavern to a darkened warehouse.

Breaking in, Alissa crept along the shadows until Oskgan lit a lamp, exposing her. Fighting ensued, the entire party joining in to save Alissa from a pummeling. They subdued him and searched the crates. Under duress, he suggested the party search the Castle Wards for a green-roofed townhouse.

Turns out, Oskgan was guarding the ships sealed cargo from intruders and reported the entire party to the guards.

Upon finding the green-roofed house, the party asked kocked on the door (fearing another burglary allegation). A man answered and said Turen was upstairs, asleep.

The party walked in, only to be surprise attacked by four thieves. Alissa and Rin were knocked unconscious and on the verge of death before the battle was over.

Fortunately, Tharamil healed the party, leaving them free to question a sole survivor.

XP Rewards:
400 xp for the Dwarf
960 xp for the Thieves

XP totals for characters:
9510 if you joined at 3rd
9960 if you joined at 4th

Next Session:
Calendar is updated for voting (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calendar/?id=416). Friday and Saturday are the only days that work for me. We *might* squeeze another session with Kain before he leaves Sunday. It'll sad to see him go - discussing on the back channels what to do with his character.

This leaves an opening for us. PM me if you wish to join with a 1-sentence character idea, reading up on our past sessions (https://www.forgottenrealmsnorth.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=recaps) is a plus.

August 19th, 2009, 01:05
If the "past sessions" link above doesn't work for some reason just go to


and click on the "past sessions" part of the forum, you don't need to be logged in or registered or anything to read it I'm pretty sure ;) ..

Potential players might also want to click on the "Meet the heroes of the North" part of the forum to get a handle on the existing PC's ... Morganth is the PC run by kainvorador who is, sadly, leaving us.

Checking the first couple of pages of this thread will give you info on character creation rules and info on Himachi - we use Himachi a LOT to chat with each other even with FG up and running so downloading and running it is a good idea plus the IP address used to join an FG game changes from time to time i.e. you'd need Himachi to contact dpeters911 and find out what the current IP address is we're using for FG :)

I'm under the impression a PC has 3,000 gp in starting gold to buy equipment, magic items et cetera but not 100 percent sure of that - best to ask dpeters911 directly. I THINK you're allowed to start at 4th level but again not sure - if it was me personally I'd write my PC up in both 3rd and 4th level editions and then zap the stats along with the previously mentioned 1 line character concept to dpeters.

When I joined the campaign I rolled up my PC without dpeters911 being present online to witness the dice rolls ("scout's honor" system ;) ) before zapping it over to him as an FYI.

Finally the module download dpeters mentions on page three of the thread here, the link at https://rapidshare.com/files/25429237...re_I_.mod.html .. this link is no longer valid but if you PM me on here letting me know dpeters911 approved you as a player I can arrange to be online at the same time as you at some point, at which point I'd be happy to zap that file over to you via msn or yahoo instant messenger if you like (the file's too large for me to e-mail it to you).

August 20th, 2009, 16:41
Last game for me tomorrow.

August 20th, 2009, 16:50
Last game for me tomorrow.
True. If you didn't get the email, Friday 21 August @ 19:00 (7pm) PST is our next session, and KainVorador's last.

Bring your A-Game as I'm preparing real maps and handouts with a stable connection this time.

Side note, my new internet (coming next week) will let me max upload at 95 KB/s (~768 kbps). Very nice and will eliminate future bottlenecks. That's next week though. :(

August 21st, 2009, 03:45
I work tomorrow evening but look for me at 2030 hours or so (your time) as I hope to attend at least in part.

KV we will surely miss you. May we all benefit from your wisdom one last time.

Until Then,
Dr Babylon

August 22nd, 2009, 13:47
Hi guys!
Look I don&#180;t know if it&#180;s an apropriate time but... If there is any room, I&#180;m interested in playing... My e-mail is [email protected]
Oh, and, good luck for our soldier there.

August 22nd, 2009, 15:49
Sailor, actually.

August 26th, 2009, 09:27
Session Recap:
The party interrogates the captured thief under the power of a Suggestion spell.

He details the structure of the thieving guild run by Turek and Turen. He is eventually turned over to authorities, accepting his fate and desiring to save his skin from retribution (he was the sole survivor of his gang).

He also implicated two leads who directly associate with Turen, Sarah -a fortune teller and his girlfriend- and the Informant -the man in charge of dispensing orders from Turen and thief king, Turek.

By coin toss, the party went after the informant, fearing the well-connected Sarah's retaliation.

Through Ebocaas and other contacts, the party discovers the location of the Informant.

Upon meeting him, they walked into his trap. By moving Kahn toward his henchman, he was able to isolate the other party members and detonate several bombs (an "Alchemist's Bath").

Retaliating, the party struck him unconscious.

His undead features enabled him to rise up again, using magic to polymorph Rin into a raven, enabling him to slip by party defenses.

The party knocked him out again, Kahn goring him.

Upon his rising, he was able to cast a sonic cone that deafened the party and knocked Alissa out.

Through coordinating attacks, he was eventually dismembered and interrogated by the party as his corpse rotted away before their eyes.

Through this, the party learnt the exact locations of Turen and Turek. It is now in their hands to take out the thief guild.

1280 xp for the encounter.

Material Rewards:
Chest of 25 Gems (varying quality, suitable for material component)
~300 GP

August 26th, 2009, 18:54
If you check the "feedback" topic/part in our "other" forum ;) :


dpeters has some ideas he's suggested/posted there that would make a radical impact/change on the campaign and is looking for player input from us

August 27th, 2009, 22:37

As per usual, I work all weekend. I know it's a bugger. I'm sorry. We've got like two people who can work weekend evenings right now and I'm one of them. Friday or Saturday will be fine but I will be slightly late. Sunday would be better if it will work for the rest of you.

Forwards not Backwards,
Dr Babylon

August 28th, 2009, 15:05
Next Session
29 August (Saturday) 07:00 PM

September 4th, 2009, 00:17
Session Notes
The party deliberated whether to strike at Turek, the Thief King, or Turen, the man who killed Amy.

Consulting Lord Piergeiron, they learned he was sending the entire city watch on raids of thieve's caches. This would ease the party's strike on Turek, dividing the thieve guilds' resources.

Launching into the cave, they encounter numerous traps, pressure plates and faulty bridges. They took out an archer's tower before trapping a group of thieve's in a room for the slaughter.

THis left the party on a cliffhanger for the ultimate confrontation with the King of Thieves...

Experience Rewards
1000 xp

Material Rewards
chain shirt +1 (1,250 gp)

1,514 gold coins
87 platinum coins (870 gp)

buergerite (brown tourmaline) (75.4 gp)
diopside (brown) (10.8 gp)
gold sheen obsidian (48.9 gp)
plum spinel (641.3 gp)
star rose quartz (57.6 gp)
water opal (840.9 gp)

potion of bear's endurance (300 gp)
potion of bull's strength (300 gp)
potion of pass without trace (50 gp)

arcane (150 gp)
Spectral Hand (l2, cl3)
arcane (175 gp)
Protection from Arrows (l2, cl3)
Floating Disk (l1, cl1)

September 4th, 2009, 01:25
Everyone please go to the FG game calendar and vote for what day (Fri, Sat, Sun) you'd like to meet for this week's dpeters forgotten realms the north FG game :) ... also please note dpeters' session recap (which appears both on the FG thread and on our forum under "session recaps", there's 1000 xp there we got which we should note on our character sheets next FG session :)

September 4th, 2009, 01:37
dpeters sorry I totally forgot to ask .. can ebocaas give us an estimated value on the three platinum armbands in gp, the ones we got from the undead Informant when we killed(?) him ? (that way we know how much gp we get for them when he sells them for 75 percent of market value ;) )

September 5th, 2009, 02:25
dpeters sez (check the FG game calendar and your personal e-mails you registered with at the "other" proboards forum) that our next game is Sat Sept 5th at 7pm PST time zone :) .. unfortunately dr babylon will not be with us as he is forced to be out of town this weekend :(

September 6th, 2009, 08:43
Session Recap:
The party rests in the storage locker, keeping a sentry by the door.

They descend onto the cavern floor. Upon searching a spider's nest, Khitam torches it to the ground, killing only babies (the mother isn't present) Gretchen

They reach another fork with a rope and climbing wall. Ascending, they find a planning room and food hall.

Rin convinces the eating men that the party are coming off watch and from Luskan. They trust Rin's uncanny speech and resume their duties, starting with cleaning the spider's nest.

The leader must report to Turek and offers a chance for the party to accompany him.

Turek's chamber is massive. It stands nearly 100' and features ropebridges, two towers, and winding stair cases.

The charade doesn't last long as the party is given away with sentences of speaking to him.

Cutting the rope bridge, Rin, Alissa, and Khitam fall to the floor (protected by a spell).

Khan instantly savages the supports to the archer's tower, unleashing oil and knocking the archer down.

Full-fledged fighting ensues between Turek and the party. He tosses vials of toxins and uses his spiked chain against them.

Eventually Turek is overcome with blood loss, still conscious but dying. The party pins him. The remaining assailants drop their weapons in fear of the conquerors.

Turek is a devious one. He knows much about world at large: the happenings in the city's nobility and underbelly, the party's past, and the Shar-ran cults.

He reveals:

The Informant may yet be brought back - being on his way to Lichdom and boasting five companions to resurrect him.
The party's past (especially Alissa and Kahn's) is well known to him
A Priestess of Shar is dating his brother (the unassuming fortune teller) and leading the undead rebellion
The magic rifts in the city are caused by cults trying to reinstate a fallen deity
He wishes to talk to Lord Piergeiron as leverage.
Experience Rewards:
2700 XP

Material Rewards:

bloodstone (40gp)
bloodstone (50gp)
violet garnet (600gp)
fire opal (900gp)
alaxandrite (500gp)
chalcedony (60gp)
banded agate (8gp)
total Value: 2158

Potion of Endure elements
Scroll of Arcane level 2 Gust of wind , Darkvision
Quarterstaff +1
Potion of Barkskin +2
Elemental gem
Nolzurs marvelous pigments
Scroll of Arcane level 2 Obscure object , Bulls strength
Sword, bastard +1


News from the Official Forum:
Session Recep: Sept. 5th 2009 (https://www.forgottenrealmsnorth.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=recaps&action=display&thread=86)

With that in mind, the party is now invited in on the interrogation of Turek by Lord Piergeiron and the Blackhood Judges.

Contribute to the questions here (https://www.forgottenrealmsnorth.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=rping&action=display&thread=88)while I draft the scene (the first post will contain all the answers to play questions)

Once those are finished, we'll enter the Epilogue phase of "Season 1", (https://www.forgottenrealmsnorth.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=rping&action=display&thread=90) our current story arc.

*What happens to Amy? Did her transformation complete?
*How will Waterdeep cope with the wild magic?
*Will the Informant ascend to his powers after-all?
*What effect has these events had on Kahn's standing with the Church, if any?
*Will Alissa find peace for her past?

And more importantly:
Where to with the party from here?

Next FGII Session:
We'll take a two week break at minimum. This gives me time to adjust to a new semester of college and develop ideas based on player feedback.

September 11th, 2009, 01:20
Are you guys accepting new players? I'm willing to play any role, although I prefer rogues, druids or rangers.

September 11th, 2009, 02:26
I would also like to play if you're open.

September 11th, 2009, 14:05
I would also like to play if you're open.

Garginak how the heck are you? :) ... I ran Briana the paladin all the "bad guys" hated in Cirra's old campaign ;) ... too bad Garginak and Briana never got to square off against each other ;) ...

Garginak, Herring the FG calendar link for this campaign is a bit misleading, currently dpeters isn't accepting any new players right now :( ... you could always write up a PC if you have the time (I'd suggest 8th level, old fashioned roll 4d6 drop lowest score and assign it however you choose type thing ) , PM it to dpeters and ask that he keep you in mind if one of the current players drops out ...

September 12th, 2009, 22:49
Hey I'm good yeah its too bad that campaign fell apart. Alright I'll pm a PC to dpeters.

September 16th, 2009, 17:45
Following Our Campaign:
It's really the players that have created such a rich backstory to our campaign, rounding out a strong first season. The content they've come up with is setting up for interesting adventures in a few weeks.

To see our session re-caps, plotlines, character bios, and more fuel for your campaign, visit our forum at:

Next Session Voting:
Click here to vote (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calendar/index.xcp?id=416).

We'll reconvene just prior to the date everyone selects via the forums. I'll get us all up to speed and ready to dive into the plot (and let the players take the reigns from there, as usual).


September 21st, 2009, 18:02
16 Sept. (Saturday) Confirmed - 07:00 PM

This is our next session.

See you there,

September 21st, 2009, 19:11
Is there any way we can move the game to friday? I just found out today that work needs me to come in early on Saturday. I have to be there before 7 pm PST, if not then I'm sorry but I won't be able to make it. :(

September 22nd, 2009, 20:26
Guys dpeters just sent me a PM on the proboards forum for our campaign saying he's changed the game time to Friday Sept 25th at 7pm Central Time Zone so that Damaul (plays Tharamil the elven cleric) can make it too :)

16 Sept. (Saturday) Confirmed - 07:00 PM

This is our next session.

See you there,

October 2nd, 2009, 21:50

First off, I just recently got turned on to the D&D thing etc and it's like internet meth to me hahahaha. Ive been RPing a few years but just recently found this D&D. I have heard about it, just not researched, and I am so willing to learn! I tried looking up other table top things and found this fantasy grounds thing. But before that I joined like DDO about a week ago and damn I loved it!

If your willing to take on a good RPer but D&D noob then thanks a lot. I am so interested to learn more. I have the basics learned like the dice and so on, but I am not fluent on like skills and feats and things like that, nor D&D in a table top setting.

I hope it's not to late to join!

The main thing about D&D is the story telling. Creating one together as a team, is what I think the most attractive quality! Let me know how I can connect so I may play today, tomorrow or the next day. Thanks!

April 18th, 2010, 12:12
Hey I would love to join up I love forgotten realms and I can play any day but saterdays once everyother week. I'm Very experianced as a Player and Gm But I am looking to play more then any thing right now.

So Give me a post and ask me what ever you want before you add me or throw me to the wayside :)

My Character request is under Ravager.

January 1st, 2016, 16:57

Looks interesting, would you be considering a newbie to join? I've got a character concept (used to RP him in an RP chat) he's a drow spy-esq character (proficent with combat and sorcery) aspiring to acheive immortality. I like to help develop the storyline forward and only problem is I'm still very new the whole thing (only experience is playing D&D games on the pc such as Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale 1&2 and Neverwinter Nights) which I am sure I can learn fast.

My timezone is +00GMT

January 1st, 2016, 17:38
This thread was dead (I'm a poet and don't even know it) for almost six years.

January 1st, 2016, 18:17
Aww man...i just seen the link at the games calender and the activity was quite recent :(

January 1st, 2016, 18:31
Maybe they have a different thread somewhere else then... would be cool to get in a campaign that's been running that long.

January 1st, 2016, 18:40
Well i just messaged him and we'll see if he replies^^