View Full Version : Paying for community "products"?

June 5th, 2009, 18:35
Loads of people on the forum want rulesets / character sheets for their favourite RPGs, there's not so many people who can make those rulesets / character sheets. Most of the people that do make extras for FG do it for free, however they usually make stuff that they are personally interested in.

I'm one of the ones that can't make rulesets / character sheets, however I would be willing to "donate" to folk that do. What do people think of the idea of using sites like Fundable (https://www.fundable.com/) to pay community members to produce rulesets / character sheets that they would not normally make?

June 6th, 2009, 19:11
How much dinero are we talking about here?

June 6th, 2009, 19:20
How much dinero are we talking about here?That would be up to the person producing it and how much folk are willing to pay.

How long does it take to make a character sheet? If enough people wanted the sheet it shouldn't be more than a dollar each i wouldn't have thought?

June 6th, 2009, 20:28
What character sheets are you talking about? Basic character sheets are pretty simple to make, and I may be willing to make them for free or VERY cheep.

June 6th, 2009, 20:35
What character sheets are you talking about? Basic character sheets are pretty simple to make, and I may be willing to make them for free or VERY cheep.

Cortex (Supernatural) is the one I'm after atm, very similar to Savage Worlds in that it uses dice as the attribute / skill values.

June 6th, 2009, 20:56
Do whatever you're going to do but I'd recommend you do it off list.

Be aware that as soon as money is mentioned

1) some of the 'demand' evaporates

2) You have a heightened expectation of quality and professionalism - this includes tying your name to a product and perhaps squaring away with any other interests for that game system (ie publisher, author, printer, etc....)

Just helping people play the games they've bought is (to me) the better option.


June 7th, 2009, 11:07
How long does it take to make a character sheet?I purchased my full version of FG two days ago, and I'm about halfway done with a Solar Exalted sheet (and that's including about a day's worth of doing completely unrelated stuff). Admittedly I'm starting from an nWoD sheet as my base, possibly cutting my time (for a newbie) in half, but it seems like I'll have my simple one-page character sheet complete in less than a week from purchasing the program. (I went into this project knowing XML, though not the FG spec, and not knowing Lua at all, though knowing other programming languages)

Obviously extra pages take longer, starting from scratch takes longer, and making the sheet do more than checkboxes and text fields takes longer. But experience would make some parts of making something new faster.

June 7th, 2009, 15:41
Do whatever you're going to do but I'd recommend you do it off list.

Be aware that as soon as money is mentioned

1) some of the 'demand' evaporates

2) You have a heightened expectation of quality and professionalism - this includes tying your name to a product and perhaps squaring away with any other interests for that game system (ie publisher, author, printer, etc....)

Just helping people play the games they've bought is (to me) the better option.


I agree with you to some extent here. However, with just a basic character sheet, I am willing to go at it with the publishers, they have no claim to trademark, nor copyright infringement on a character sheet that is compatible with their system however reformatted to work within the Fantasy Grounds application. That tiny little window smite works gives you for the character sheet will work for and against you.

Also, with the cortex sheet, I have searched for awhile now, and all I can find are dead links to the character sheets, does anyone have a copy of it so I can see how hard it would be to do?

June 7th, 2009, 16:09
unerwünscht, did you get my pm with details of the sheet?

Battlestar Galactica Sheet (https://www.great-stoned-penguin.com/galacticarpg/BGRPGcharsheet.pdf)

https://cortexsystemrpg.org/index.php requires registration, however it does have sheets to download.

June 7th, 2009, 21:20
unerwünscht, Dont get me wrong, personally I think there is a classic case of fair use here. You have their game for the intents of using it. Using it on the web is a practical, common use.

Partial reproduction to allow GMs to game master and Players to play seems, to me, well within what I buy a game system to do.

I think its great to help your fellow players understand and use a game you've all bought - that is an enrichment of the game market. The lines get more murky when you create a secondary market for another person's product and they are not involved. Its not enough, in my books, to say 'it'll help them' or 'it doesn't hurt them'. The copyright holder should be involved in anything that is more than players enjoying games.

These are only my thoughts. I'm not a lawyer - this advice is free and unreliable.

June 8th, 2009, 07:59
After looking at the character sheets I don't think it would be very difficult at all to port a sheet to FG. The only exception being, I am not sure of the function for the wounds/stun system. Would those be toggled or what?

June 8th, 2009, 10:12
After looking at the character sheets I don't think it would be very difficult at all to port a sheet to FG. The only exception being, I am not sure of the function for the wounds/stun system. Would those be toggled or what?Either that or a text entry so an "x" could be inserted.