View Full Version : Some bugs and improving the game

May 16th, 2009, 17:34

I'd like to say in my opinion what bugs should be solved and the way of improving the game.

First, the maximice Windows should keep the windows icons to restore/minimize, I mean it's a minor problem, but quite oftesn I have to restore the windows and I must use 2 clicks.

Second, when the game is maximized and I write text in other application, when I come back to FG, I can't write, I have to restore the windows to do it.

Third, they should adapt the game for international keyboards, I am from Spain, and I can't use the num pad.

Fourth, there one critical problem with popups windows, sometime one has to fight to arrange everything, by dragging, resizing windows, it'd be quite good if these windows could be dragged to a second monitor or minimized into the windows bar.

Fifth, It would be interesting to have a more flexible text format, colors, size...

Finally, I wonder why this game takes so long to have a new update.

By the way wouldn't be a good idea to make this game with a 3D tabletop?

May 16th, 2009, 17:54
I can't answer all you ask, but I might have partial answers for some of it.^^

2nd - To activate back to FG when in full screen mode, use Alt+Tab and it should work. You still may have to click the window to get it on top of others though.

3rd - Afaik you can't use the num pad to input anything, regardless of keyboard setup.

4th - Popups as in NPCs, maps, items etc? I use dual monitor and instead of maximizing FG, I resize it to fill both monitors. I never lack space then.

I enjoy the 2d feel myself, and makes it far easier for users to make maps and tokens I'd guess.

May 16th, 2009, 18:04
Instead of using the windows icons to restore FG to its original size after maximizing it, you can use the radial menu on the FG background, there is a restore menu item there, so you can still unmaximize with one click.

May 16th, 2009, 19:26
First, the maximice Windows should keep the windows icons to restore/minimize, I mean it's a minor problem, but quite oftesn I have to restore the windows and I must use 2 clicks.

This isn't a bug... it's a feature. ;) It fullscreens the application because one of the design goals SmiteWorks had was to make FG an immersive experience... as close to a digital tabletop as possible. Thats why the UI looks so natural, no scrollbars, etc. And I'm sure maximizing to fullscreen was another feature added to that. You may not like it but many people prefer it that way. You can restore the window by right clicking on the tabletop and clicking Restore.

Second, when the game is maximized and I write text in other application, when I come back to FG, I can't write, I have to restore the windows to do it.

Some people do have this problem, yeah. I think I recall people saying Alt-Tabing back into FG helps.

Third, they should adapt the game for international keyboards, I am from Spain, and I can't use the num pad.

The keyboard cannot be used to input numbers. Instead, if you have a story entry open and hold down a numkey button, it will flash, meaning it's now bookmarked. Then you can press that number button to bring the story to the front. I think most people here would prefer that it could be used to enter numbers, though.

Fourth, there one critical problem with popups windows, sometime one has to fight to arrange everything, by dragging, resizing windows, it'd be quite good if these windows could be dragged to a second monitor or minimized into the windows bar.

That simply wouldn't work without completely rewriting and redesigning the UI, so don't get your hopes up, sorry. Keep in mind that window CAN be minimized... they just turn into a little golden circle. I have two monitors and I stretch FG2 across both of them so I rarely have space issues.

Fifth, It would be interesting to have a more flexible text format, colors, size...

It would! :square:

Finally, I wonder why this game takes so long to have a new update.

By the way wouldn't be a good idea to make this game with a 3D tabletop?

Smiteworks doesn't work on FG2 full time. There's simply not enough income from the game to support their lavish, movie-star lifestyle! :D

The reality is that they are always working on it, but they rarely release updates because of the complexity of the application, the small development team (2-3 people?) and the fact that they have "real" jobs. I think considering all that they do a fair job. Check out The Laboratory forum, for the test version.

May 16th, 2009, 19:28
Third, they should adapt the game for international keyboards, I am from Spain, and I can't use the num pad.

You and everyone else should be able to use the num pad. FG uses the Num Pad keys as hot keys to bring minimized and open FG pop windows on top. So it does work as designed. It's just many don't like that design. To use the feature just select an un minimized window and press and hold one of the numbers on the num pad until the window "blinks" then minimize the window. If you minimize that window or have it under a stack of windows and press the number pad short cut it will pop the window to the top.

Fourth, there one critical problem with popups windows, sometime one has to fight to arrange everything, by dragging, resizing windows, it'd be quite good if these windows could be dragged to a second monitor or minimized into the windows bar.
I also use two monitors. Generally speaking if you find yourself losing focus, I would suggest you never maximize FG. Just drag the window open accross one or two screens. If you use multiple apps even if you have only one screen I would suggest never maximize FG just drag it so if fills your desktop except for the task bar. If you do like maximizing FG and you lose focus on FG just use the desktop radial like Zoso said. If you cycle max and window one or two times FG will aways get the focus back.

For what's its worth as a software developer I find their version development cycle pretty fast - especially for a small company. I do wish their bug fixing cycles were faster though. I'm a little more understanding on how slow they are to fix some bugs since I know FG is only a part time thing for them than I would be for guys who were full time.

May 16th, 2009, 19:52
I find all of your questions interesting - If you look you'll find many of them are not new :).

I firmly disagree about the 3d desktop. There are many more important things to do first.

Welcome to the board


May 17th, 2009, 09:20
Thank you, now I've learned a couple of features that didn't know of FG, I forgot also the possibility of sharing music.

Did the developers speak anything about the improving of the game?, I would be very interesting to know what ideas they have.


May 17th, 2009, 11:24
Did the developers speak anything about the improving of the game?, I would be very interesting to know what ideas they have.They're a regular presence on the forum. Search for posts by Ged, Goblin-King and Dupre.

They're quite correctly cagey about discussing new features in advance. However, they have hinted that they're giving the graphics engine an overhaul and that they are at least laying the groundwork for a Mac client.

They do welcome and read the ideas that the community put forward, though. The most active 'wish list' thread is this is one:



May 23rd, 2009, 00:35
By the way wouldn't be a good idea to make this game with a 3D tabletop?
I firmly disagree about the 3d desktop.
I am also most definitely against a 3d table top.

The amount of re-writing that would be required for really is a gimick would be better spent (in my mind) adding other features from the wish list.

Besides I have enough problems making 2d maps for my games without having to buy new 3d mapping software!

May 23rd, 2009, 03:36
Besides I have enough problems making 2d maps for my games without having to buy new 3d mapping software!

That really is an over riding stroke against 3d maps. In this application the DM makes all the maps you use. It isn't a pre-programmed environment.
