View Full Version : Shared Image Problem

May 14th, 2009, 09:02
Is there any chance you can fix the behaviour that all images previously shared with a player are re-downloaded just after they connect to the server. This is a major problem for long campaigns as the number of images viewed grows and the delay in getting everything downloaded at session start. This backlog of image downloads prevent currently need items such as modules, tokens, and the current from downloading severely delaying games.

I could carry on manually editing the db file each week and removing the holder tags from all the images but it would be nicer if the program either did this for me or didn't implement sharing images this way. Waiting a short while for all the players to download an image wasn't a problem and this caching really doesn't help.

May 15th, 2009, 04:39
I haven't experienced any problems in recent games. Let me get this straight, if I share a map with a player, every time they connect, they redownload it instead of using the cached version? Can anyone confirm this behavior?

May 15th, 2009, 05:04
That only happens on an old campaign that was started several versions ago. It will also give you the most problems if you keep everything in your base campaign instead of using modules. If you need to fix this behavior, you can just start a new campaign and copy and paste the characters over from the old campaign's db.xml file.

May 15th, 2009, 09:13
As the image files are still getting marked with the players as holders in the current version and all such marked images get downloaded at connection then surely this problem will continue and once again stop play as more images are shared.

Restarting a new campaign so that the images are no longer marked as shared doesn't seem a be a long term fix to the problem and its certainly more time consuming than simply editing the db file every week to stop a build up.

if I share a map with a player, every time they connect, they redownload it instead of using the cached version
That is what we experience, it seems very easy to reproduce and obviously with our upload speeds being quite low here, it quickly becomes a problem.

May 15th, 2009, 19:44
They restructured the way the cache file works serveral versions ago. A new campaign + the new cache file structure *should* stop the problem. Thus a one time fix, if you create a new campaign and then copy and paste the character section of the old db.xml file to the new db.xml file. I said *should* because I don't have a campaign like this so I have no way of testing this.

A temporary fix is just having players log in with new log in IDs. If you are near the end of a campaign it may be worth it to do this.