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View Full Version : New to FG, looking for games/tips.

May 10th, 2009, 01:39
Good day,

I'm new to FG and looking to get into a game to get my feet wet. Willing to role play and fairly good at it but not very experienced with the D20 system except for Palladium.

Couple of things I can't figure out:
- Is direct IP the only way to connect to games?
- Is there no lobby system?
- How come I only have one set available even though I bought the full version?

May 10th, 2009, 07:39
Couple of things I can't figure out:
- Is direct IP the only way to connect to games?

- Is there no lobby system?
Most games are long term games and GM's don't want players jumping in or out of sessions at random because it is distruptive to their campaign. Thus there is little demand for a lobby system. Though some are in favor of it.

- How come I only have one set available even though I bought the full version?
I'm not sure what you mean by a "set"? Ruleset maybe? FG comes with the foundation ruleset which has a 3.5 extention. You can find other commerical and fan based rulesets for FG.

May 10th, 2009, 08:25
As for rulesets take a peek in at :


- Obe

May 10th, 2009, 09:07
Awesome, thanks for the info. I'm guessing it will take me a while to figure this system out, seems like a good investment though.

Is anyone looking for a player for whatever? I've had tremendous fun with actual PnP games.

Willing to learn something fantasy based. Preferably a D&D variant.

May 10th, 2009, 10:42
Awesome, thanks for the info. I'm guessing it will take me a while to figure this system out, seems like a good investment though.

Is anyone looking for a player for whatever? I've had tremendous fun with actual PnP games.

Willing to learn something fantasy based. Preferably a D&D variant.

I have to correct Grigore here it seems. You can also use the alias generated by the host instead of the direct IP.

It does however create a direct connection.

- Obe

May 11th, 2009, 06:59
I thought he was asking if the connection went through a central server and FG does not. Most "games" that do go through a central server do have a lobby, somewhat like the NWN server (however you don't need to use the NWN lobby or server similar to FG).

FG does use a match-making server that when the host starts translates his alias to an actual IP number and passes it on to the clients so they then connect directly to the host's IP number. Should the FG alias server be down your players can still connect to the host's direct IP number.