View Full Version : Personalities Weird Behaviour

May 3rd, 2009, 10:17
Hey all,

Another strange one.

I have parsed the 4e Dungeon Delves using Tenian's excellent parsing tool and have created a module for the first delve, Coppernight Hold. The module contains encounter flavour (story), maps, encounters and personalities.

I am using the latest v1.4.4 of the 4E_JPG ruleset.

If I load up a campaign with this module pre-loaded and then add additional entries to Personalities say from a 4eMM module I have created. The new entries Power tab contains the new personality's powers appended with powers from other entries?

If I close the Copernight Module (thus closing its entries in Personalities) the new personalities powers revert to their own. Re-opening the Coppernight module with its personalities does not re-create the mixed powers view although new entries added thereafter will again contain the mixed powers.

Its not a big issue really as its relatively simple to workaround (just close all modules containing personalities before adding new ones) but thought I would raise it as its not exactly expected behavour.

Thanks for the great app anyway.

May 4th, 2009, 06:00
It's a limitation with the 4E ruleset. That's based on another limitation on personalities. Basically don't mix pesonalities from different modules. What you can do is if you need to is add a personality to the *module* tab. This personality *will* go away it re-export the module and open and close the module so you should put all important personalities in the module but if you need to add a few random monsters it not usually a big deal if they go away.

Moon Wizard
May 4th, 2009, 21:43
It's more a limitation of the way modules work in FG. If you export or create a module for FG which uses the default ID scheme for personalities (<id-00001>, <id-00002>, etc.), then they will clash with any personalities created in the campaign.

Essentially, the data from the module is merged into the main campaign. When a personality from a module has the same ID as a personality in the campaign, then you will get strange behavior.

The workaround is to rename the personality IDs in the module. If you are using Tenian's parser to create your modules, I think he has an option in the parser to output modules with unique IDs. Check the FUM forum.


May 4th, 2009, 22:05
I think there is an FG engine option which fixes this, but I'm darned if I can find the post for it!

May 4th, 2009, 23:16
I think there is an FG engine option which fixes this, but I'm darned if I can find the post for it!
Oooh really. I'll try searching.

Hang on, Whats a FG engine option? Are there parameter options for starting FG2?

May 5th, 2009, 01:24
Doesn't the merge id have something to do with this problem? (the one you set when you export?)

May 5th, 2009, 02:14
I think you can change the version to 2.2 and fix the issue...at least I remember something along those lines.

May 5th, 2009, 05:24
Yeah, but I think there is a bit than just updating the version number because something is on by default. I can't remember the post either though. :( It breaks backward compatiblity is what I remember, so it is off by default.