View Full Version : Ruleset: Green Ronin's A Song Of Ice and Fire RP

April 30th, 2009, 04:02
Was carious if anyone as made, or is planing to make a rule set based on Green Ronin's A Song Of Ice and Fire RP. :D


April 30th, 2009, 15:00
Yes, I'm actually just starting work on a limited one right now. For starters I only plan on doing the main character sheet. I'm not sure I'll mess with NPC sheets, although I might. I'm definitely not intending to tackle any of the combat mechanics. So it will be SIFR Lite, as far as a ruleset. :)

If anyone else wants to collaborate on this I'd be very happy to work with them. I made one for Trail of Cthulhu a few months ago and was pretty happy with it - my group is using it now.

May 1st, 2009, 05:43
Awesome, i have no clue how to build a ruleset since i only picked this up yesterday. If i knew how to make one id be open to helping where i can.

May 16th, 2009, 00:19
Is this project still active? I would definitely consider this setting as one of my favorites.

June 1st, 2009, 19:46
The game I planned to run is on hold, and I've been busy, so I haven't worked on it in a while. In short, don't hold your breath on this one. I will get to it if the group actually goes ahead, but that could be weeks or months away.

I also am trying to contact a guy on the Green Ronin forums who apparently has made a ruleset already. If it turns out he has and is willing to share, I'll see if he would post on here so we can all benefit from his labors.