View Full Version : Instructions for running a combat

April 15th, 2009, 11:52
I am trying to figure out the combat tracker with no documentation, is there any documentation on it or instructions I am running a savage worlds game tonight. I am not sure what a lot of the icons do and I would like to create groups of bad guys.

thanks guys

April 15th, 2009, 12:56
Hi glacius,

Have you seen the notes on the combat tracker in the online user guide?


The Savage Worlds one may have different icons, but I expect that it works in a similar way.


April 15th, 2009, 13:03
I think this might be covered in Xorne's quick start video. You can find it linked in the lower right of the FG2 Downloads page (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/downloads/)

April 15th, 2009, 15:14
Thanks the really helped but my issue is grouping bad guys, whats the process

u guys rock for the help

April 15th, 2009, 15:28
I'm not sure I understand what you are asking.

Are you talking about building encounters ahead of time so you can quickly load them into the CT?

That's a ruleset specific feature, I'm not sure Savage Worlds supports it.

April 15th, 2009, 15:37
I apologize for being unclear.

I would like to to creat a combat but I would like some of the monsters to be grouped, so forr example i have 5 giant bats,2 zombies. When initiative is dealt i would like the 5 bats to get initiative as a group.

April 15th, 2009, 15:46
That's ruleset specific as well. In the 4E_JPG ruleset the options button contains an option to control how init is handled for monsters with the same name. I'm not sure if Savage Worlds has the same feature.

April 15th, 2009, 15:48
ahhh ok

there is a button called group on the tracker it looks like a little notepad. i think it does it i just dont know how.

i really appreciate the help guys, first time Dm'ing

April 15th, 2009, 16:45
As another example, as I know you're looking at GURPS too, in the GURPS ruleset there's a separate field on the tracker called Sequence (in the d20 ruleset it's called Init). You can set this as required to get the combatants in the required order. Highest number moves first. You can set this by rolling the mouse wheel over it, or by clicking on it and typing a number.

GURPS orders initiative according to Basic Speed, with ties broken by Dexterity, then a die roll if needed. However, the SJG online policy prevents me building that into the ruleset ('no automation of the rules').

In the latest version of Foundation there things called Combat Groups, which can be used to set up multiple encounters ahead of time. I've not yet built these into the GURPS ruleset, though I've started work on this.


April 15th, 2009, 16:48
The Savage Worlds combat tracker is quite unique, so you might want to ask over at the https://www.savageworldsonline.net/ web site for info.



April 15th, 2009, 17:27
There is a little icon to the right of the monster name, looks kinda like the symbol in Word for bullet list. Drag and drop any monsters from Personalities to that icon and they will be grouped. You can click on the icon anytime to expand the group and when you advance through the CT with the "next" button it will do so automatically.

April 15th, 2009, 18:35
cool man thanks, now lets say for example i have a goblin personality, can i copy that personality multiple times and just modify the name, kind of like goblin1,goblin2,goblin3 etc...

April 15th, 2009, 21:36
cool man thanks, now lets say for example i have a goblin personality, can i copy that personality multiple times and just modify the name, kind of like goblin1,goblin2,goblin3 etc...
