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View Full Version : New Player - Call of Cthulhu, Savage Worlds, DnD

April 8th, 2009, 16:12
I'm new to the forum and looking to purchase Fantasy Grounds. Very excited to see the new CoC rules, and Savage Worlds. I especially like the Solomon Kane setting in SW, but all are good. I wanted to make sure that I'd be able to get in some games prior to putting down the money for the FG. Though it looks quite impressive. It seems I just missed an intro CoC game. But that is at least a promising sign. I'm having a terrible time trying to find players in my area, and am essentially giving up except for some DnD RPGA stuff at a local game store. I just can't seem to talk any of them into the other systems.

So, just fishing for some more CoC players. I'm GMT + 5, but would be willing to work around some scheduling. Would just love to get in a regular game.

Hope to hear from some folks

April 9th, 2009, 00:28
I'm also into DnD as well. But I only know old-school 1st ed AD&D and 4e. I'm interested in 3.5 though, and I've been reading through the beta for Pathfinder. Very nice. Anyway, some people are reading my post, but don't have anything to say. I know it's probably annoying having someone pop on and ask what's up. But if anyone is looking for a new FG player, let me know. I have the demo at the moment, but will upgrade as soon as I'm able to check it out.

Thanks for the help.

April 9th, 2009, 04:49
I think there is a savage worlds game this friday...

see this link:

Also, if you like firefly, I think we are having a firefly game with savage worlds this saturday at noon gmt-8. PM me or howfar if you want a spot.

Also, i've been posting openings for pick up games using savage worlds on friday nights. There will be more of these openings, so keep that in mind, too.

I'm sure you'll find more invites besides these three, but that should be enough to justify getting the software. The best way to find spots is to PM the game organizer. I think that be more direct than trying to join games on the calendar.

PS - are you sure you aren't GMT-5 (instead of GMT+5?). I'm inferring the possible typo based on your indicated location.

April 9th, 2009, 09:14
You'll need to join a demo game or session in order to see what FGII can do. You won't be able to join in a game until you have at least the Lite license as the demo version will only work with another demo version. If you do decide to buy, I'd recommend (if you can) to go for the Full license as you can then run your own games as well as play.

I'm running two demo tutorial walkthrough sessions for FUMCon, which are tonight (9th April) and tomorrow (10th April). I don't know whether this is any good for you with your time zone? If it is, could you please register for the event at the Four Ugly Monsters website so that I can PM the IP address to you before the session.

April 9th, 2009, 18:37
Just finished a fun intro to CoC game scheduled for a +9. Id recommend you fork over the cash and keep your eyes open.

April 11th, 2009, 17:02
Check the game calendar. I run a Sundered Skies campaign ever other Wed at 8pm EST and it alternates with a Slipstream campaign one of the players is just starting up.

April 28th, 2009, 08:27
I'm in GMT-5 interested in CoC also (as a player) once a week or so. Also new to Fantasy Grounds and looking to find some interest before buying.