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  1. Alternative ColourGizmo Extension
  2. DOE: Locations Extension
  3. DOE: Weather Extension
  4. New Organisations Extension - Request For Input
  5. Beer Theme
  6. Chatnomicon Chat Extension
  7. DOE: Alignment Graph Extension
  8. DOE: Campaign Style Graph Extension
  9. D&D 5E Theme
  10. Pins Colors Idea
  11. Rifts Theme..
  12. Multiable Character Sheet Ext needed.
  13. Background extension
  14. Clean design theme / how to
  15. DOE Base Extension
  16. DOE: Organisations Extension
  17. LanguagePak (LPak) Community Project/Program
  18. Extension to change chat font or color?
  19. Random NPC Generator! [3.5, 4e, 5e, and Pathfinder]
  20. Mutant Year Zero Dice Mechanic
  21. Combat Timer - Extension (v.0.0.1)
  22. Removing Dice from the Table Top
  23. DOE: Sound Extension
  24. Quick question about an extension not loading
  25. Basic success counting extension
  26. NPC Flavors Extension
  27. Square Turn Marker (CoreRPG based systems.)
  28. just wondering?
  29. Slash handlers in table extension
  30. Combat Tracker Effect Visibility Options for the 5E Ruleset
  31. 5E - Calculate encounter difficulty on "New Encounter" dialog
  32. 5E Encounter Calc
  33. FG Game Calendar - Local Timezone for Firefox
  34. PF Ruleset: Power Points counter on Spells tab mod out there?
  35. Pin Color Extension
  36. Individual PC XP assignment extension for d20 based rulesets
  37. Image Text Label Extension
  38. Map resize to TV resolution - for Face-To-Face games
  39. Whisper Extention
  40. ? Is there an extension or setting for token name size (or tooltip)?
  41. Extension for pop up window placement
  42. 5e Apply effect on start
  43. [5E] Hide 3D Dice
  44. Problem With Decals in DSA 4.1 Ruleset
  45. DOE: OLE Extension
  46. [5E] Better Traits
  47. [WHFRP] Warhammer Calendars
  48. Extension Question
  49. Theme Font Color Issues (Help Request)
  50. Curse of the Crimson Throne Theme
  51. Savage Rifts Extension V1.1
  52. Conan Extension V 3.7 (updated)
  53. HiRes Fonts (Total rip off of Big Fonts)
  54. New School NPC Maker - 5E Extension
  55. New School NPC Maker - Pathfinder/3.5E version
  56. Old School NPC Maker
  57. Black Crusade Extension (Powered by MoreCore)
  58. Module: Herbalism & Alchemist Homebrew 5e
  59. Help with an extension
  60. Adventures in Middle-Earth
  61. Discord Soundboards with DOE Sound Extension
  62. Symbaroum extension and module - still under construction
  63. Fog of War Extension
  64. Coriolis Theme for MoreCore
  65. Extension to clearly indicate active PC when controlling multiple PCs?
  66. AD&D Core 1e Extention
  67. 5E: Map Indicator for Death
  68. Need your expertise about char_main.xml
  69. Token Death Indicator 2.0 - BLOOD SPLATS!
  70. MUSE - Map Unit Settings Extension (CoreRPG)
  71. 5E - Remove all foes with 0 HP
  72. Extension Compatibility
  73. New Character sheet for my ruleset
  74. Enhanced Effect Handling on a Successful Spell Saving Throw Extension (EoSSE) for 5E
  75. How to Avoid or Mitigate Extension Conflicts (or Collisions)
  76. Theme extension based on another theme... how can I do that?...
  77. Dark Core Theme - Accessibility for Fantasy Grounds
  78. Dark FATE Theme - Accessibility for Fantasy Grounds
  79. Spell Library Search Filter for All Fields (Extension) for 5E
  80. Dark Numenera Theme - Accessibility for Fantasy Grounds
  81. Fantasy Chat Font
  82. space theme extension for corerpg / pathfinder / starfinder
  83. Item Enhancement (add effects to items and when they are equipped apply them)
  84. Mystic Class (from Unearthed Arcana) Implementor Extension and Module
  85. 5E - Table Importer
  86. 5E Advanced Effects (items, npcs, characters)
  87. Extension String Resource Failure
  88. Field Filters for All Libraries
  89. Auto-play spell sounds w/ Sound Extension?
  90. ACK-Improved UI (Info/Meta Data Icon Replacement)
  91. Request Fat Pointer + Distance in the middle
  92. Extension for Fate Core
  93. Some damned extensions
  94. Extension first-timer
  95. Cannot find lokiare1's table import extension
  96. WORKING EXTs: What are you currently using in 3.3.3? :)
  97. Generic DicePool extension fore CoreRPG
  98. Index Card RPG (ICRPG) Themes
  99. Font text and color alteration
  100. Item Labels Title
  101. CoreRPG based Extention: ReadyCheck
  102. CoreRPG based Extention: WhisperDING
  103. Forbidden Lands Mechanic
  104. Help with custom theme
  105. Setting ruleset currency labels
  106. CoreRPG/5E Extension: Player CT Targeting
  107. New Critical Hit
  108. Simple Black and White Desktops - Bold Button Text
  109. Calendar Log Extension
  110. 5E: Use Up Powers extension
  111. Session Number Decals
  112. Simple Dark Theme
  113. 5E: Change Initiative, Update Effects
  114. 5E - Notebook Paper theme
  115. Font Color & Lighting
  116. Background Replacement. Help
  117. Coriolis - The Third Horizon (CoreRPG Extension)
  118. Critical Role / Tal'Dorei 5E Setting Calendar Mod/Extension
  119. The Dark Eye (TDE) - MoreCore Extension
  120. Window Saver X Extension
  121. Extension Update Checker
  122. CoreRPG based: On Demand Manual Dice (DM only)
  123. Combat Tracker Game Name and Session Number Extension
  124. Non-PM to Trenloe (nothing secret, he just has a full inbox)
  125. 5E Encounter Calc (updated)
  126. DOE: REMU (Ruleset, Extension & Module Updater) Extension
  127. 5E Random Treasure Generator
  128. Generators Extension
  129. 5E - Request Roll Extension - WIP
  130. Can I create this extension?
  131. Are there any other "Hotkeys" allowed in FG besides CTRL, ALT and SHIFT?
  132. Is a chat window reload extension even possible?
  133. Has anyone ever created a Post-Apocalyptic Theme for FG?
  134. Question about equipment carry/equipped toggle...
  135. 5E - Add-on - Sanity & Honor
  136. User Created Themes for Fantasy Grounds
  137. If possible for the HEX code to be used in other areas?
  138. Dice Total color change
  139. How to determine when a function is fired
  140. Theme - The Coming of Night
  141. Extension FG3 (CoreRPG) : 7th Sea
  142. Extension FG3 (CoreRPG) : 7th Sea
  143. Move Player Token & Roll Dice from phone/tablet for In-Person/Face-to-Face play on TV
  144. Player and DM combat tracker the same
  145. 5e Leather theme for 3.5e/Pathfinder
  146. Custom Dice Base
  147. Rotating Image Windows
  148. Parameterized Rolls for MoreCore
  149. Alphabetic (or other) sorting options for Character Selection Screen
  150. CoreRPG (PFRPG,5E/etc): Token View Options (Hide bars/effects from PCs)
  151. Lost in LUA...
  152. A new CreatureGen for Starfinder
  153. CoreRPG+ Extension: Has Initiative Indicator
  154. 5E Renwon / Infamy Extensions
  155. Druid Wild Shapes (for 5E)
  156. Trying to create an extension for a new 5E based campaign/world
  157. Extension FG3 (CoreRPG) : Mutant Year Zero
  158. Creating extension to change the way health bars look.
  159. Trying to create an extension to change appearance of the mouse cursor.
  160. Need help using images and tokens from a module
  161. 5e Combat Enhancer (built on retired GPL Advanced Kombat extension)
  162. Must have extensions?
  163. A Time of War (Mechwarrior RPG) Dice Commands
  164. [REQUEST] WebM Support
  165. [TRANSLATION] Core RPG in Brazilian Portuguese
  166. [REQUEST] One-Use Item
  167. MoreCore Extension for Green Ronin's upcoming EXPANSE RPG!
  168. Request - Non-Ally Results extension
  169. Extension: Hide GM Roll Results from Players (And include attack name)
  170. 5E: Average HP Option v1
  171. Extension error loading lua script
  172. Time extension question
  173. LAE:ExpandedOptions v1.1 for 5E
  174. Extension Question
  175. Local Dice Tower Extension for 5E (LDTE)
  176. Local Dice Tower Extension (LDTE)
  177. Forbidden Lands Calendar module
  178. URL Links in the extension.xml <announcement> tag
  179. Chat - Auto combine lines (i.e., remove new lines) when pasting from PDF, etc.
  180. Accessing information stored in the XML file for a character.
  181. DOE Locations and Organizations: best practices
  182. 5E Add-on: Power & Horror
  183. Montserrat Font Extension
  184. Splitting stubborn data that doesn't want to split
  185. How to give client host privileges
  186. DOE:Sound & Syrinscape On A MAC (or Linux)
  187. 5e Content Chat Poster
  188. Fall of Delta Green (and other GUMSHOE) automated ruleset
  189. New Damage Types?
  190. rations and waterskins
  191. Sign Language / Finger Spell Fonts
  192. Hit Points: How to turn from Dynamic FIELD to Static FIELD
  193. Extension for jumping to CT entry for PFRPG
  194. Kickstarter for PFRPG version of 5e Combat Enhancer
  195. Extension development guides
  196. Translate for my own
  197. Core RPG Background Changer
  198. CSV Table Importer MK
  199. MoreCore theme extension: MLP Tails of Equestria
  200. 5E: Map Indicator for Death (Extended Version)
  201. [requesting help]Custom Die Results from character sheet roll
  202. Data Module Activation - filtering / DM recommendations
  203. LAE:Expanded Starfinder Options Extension
  204. Request - Simple Theme for 5e (nothing exists for what I'm looking for)
  205. A Theme made for AAW Games that the owner wants me to release to public
  206. Theme Savage Rifts
  207. 3.5: advantage/disadvantage
  208. A Way to Implement Kingdom Building
  209. LAE:Starfinder Sheet AddOns
  210. Window Resizer 5E
  211. Coriolis - Third Horizon (Extension, Theme, PC and NPC sheets for MoreCore)
  212. Forbidden Lands (Extension, Theme, PC and NPC sheets for MoreCore)
  213. 5E Enhancer
  214. Halloween Theme for 5E
  215. Custom HP recovery options for 5e
  216. FGTabber - More space for your FG client
  217. MoreCore Based: Conan Adventures in an Age Undreamed of 2d20 (W.I.P.)
  218. New Versions Of The DOEs - But There's A Problem
  219. Spell slot helper for DND 5
  220. 5E - Theme with Bars
  221. SimplePlus (Discrete Theme Improvements)
  222. Trying to get the names in a list
  223. Noto Sans based Fonts Extension
  224. Tuirgin's Simple Gray Theme (w/ DCC RPG support)
  225. Help - extension beyond my current understanding to script. :)
  226. Reliable talent extension.
  227. Ghost Theme
  228. AudioOverseer (Audio Management Extension)
  229. World Builder Extension
  230. GM Identity Whisper
  231. Useful Pathfinder 1e Extensions?
  232. Dice Color Changer Extension
  233. Investigator Extension
  234. TTRPG Safety Toolkit Extension
  235. 5e Elven Accuracy
  236. Making a Die that rolls 0 or 1, or 0, 1 or 2
  237. DCC Gongfarmer Extension (Random Level 0 Character Generator)
  238. Halt! Player Safety Extension / X-Card
  239. Help with merging templates
  240. Player Agency Extension
  241. invalid handler 'onLockChanged'?
  242. Extensions for vault rulesets
  243. WindowSaverX Problem
  244. Replacing Functions Without Package Name
  245. Dulux-Oz Locations
  246. 5e Combat stats
  247. A daft critical hits and misses extension for 5e
  248. Explorer's Guide to Wildemount - Exandrian Calendar
  249. MoreCore - Dungeon Theme
  250. Extensions I would like the links for