View Full Version : FG Con – Fantasy Grounds Virtual Convention

  1. Join the Head Count? Body Count? IP Count?
  2. Date Suggestions
  3. Lets start filling up some slots!
  4. Targeting Site to Advertise
  5. [Players] What do you want from the Con?
  6. Con committee needed?
  7. We need some cool Screenshots!
  8. It's ON! Friday 20th July to Sunday 22nd July.
  9. AetherCon
  10. GMs: Hosting a game.
  11. Convention details
  12. Players - finding and joining games.
  13. Hamachi... DOH!
  14. Convention Schedule Grid
  15. Young Justice Con Game Thread
  16. Advertising?
  17. GMs - FGCon Support
  18. *** Teamspeak 3 Server *** Convention voice details
  19. General Introduction to FGII
  20. Pathfinder Beginner Box Bash Sessions
  21. Which version of FG2 will FGcon run on?
  22. GMs helping GMs
  23. FG Con We Be Goblins! 7/21 game dicussion
  24. Recording sessions
  25. *** Players - Final Preparations for the Con & Joining Games - Please read! ***
  26. *** GMs - Running your game. Please Read ***
  27. Convention Rules and TeamSpeak user control
  28. Convention in full swing!
  29. DTOA: The Violet Cube
  30. How has the FGcon been for you so far?
  31. The NEXT con? Suggestions and ideas.
  32. Thanks!
  33. FG Virtual Con 2013?
  34. FG2 Virtual Con 2013 (part 1) - Friday 31st May to Sunday 2nd June
  35. Website/booking system feedback
  36. FG-Con website - LIVE!
  37. Promotional material
  38. Call of Cthulhul at Con
  39. Rally call to fill these games for the FGcon!!!
  40. Convention screenshots
  41. Pick up horror game available
  42. FG Con 2 - Statistics and Thanks!
  43. FG Con 3 - November 2013?
  44. FG Con 3 - November 1st - 3rd, 2013
  45. Call for GMs! FG Con 3 - November 1st - 3rd, 2013.
  46. So what do you want to play?
  47. Forum Medals for Con Participants
  48. Anyone in Australia looking to play Curse of the Crimson Throne?
  49. FG Con 3 - Open to Players!
  50. FG Con 3 Signatures
  51. All for One - make a Musketeer!
  52. GM Incentive to run games
  53. White Haired Man at FG-Con 3, 2013
  54. Booking error?
  55. Convention screenshots
  56. TS server up?
  57. FG Con 3 - Statistics and thanks.
  58. FG Con 4 - dates???
  59. FG Con 4 - Promotion Team
  60. Some thoughts on future Con dates
  61. Fantasy Grounds - Virtual Con 4 - Calling all GMs
  62. I think...
  63. FG Con IV - CONFIRMED - Thursday 8th - Sunday 11th May.
  64. FG Con IV - CONFIRMED - Thursday 8th - Sunday 11th May.
  65. PFS Games at FG Con IV - call for reliable GMs
  66. FG Con IV - GM event registration open!
  67. Player registration starting today?
  68. Player Registration now OPEN!
  69. Some love for the non PFS games
  70. Website Unreachable?
  71. One Shot Random Dungeons 3.5E
  72. TeamSpeak Screenshots
  73. Game Screenshots
  74. Rolemaster Recap
  75. FG Con IV Feedback
  76. FG Con IV - Summary
  77. Questions on your FCON game
  78. FG Con 5 - 17-19th October 2014
  79. FG Con Signatures
  80. New G+ Community for FG Con
  81. Voice or Text?
  82. FG Con 5 : A Cauldron Full of Mischief
  83. FG Con Newsletter
  84. Hell on Earth Reloaded: Return to Varney Flats
  85. Events Calendar My Bookings Order
  86. FG Con - No Warhammer WFRP??
  87. Time Zones at the FCon site
  88. Check Your Junk Mail
  89. FG Con V - Screenshots
  90. FG Con V - Hangouts
  91. Achtung! Cthulhu
  92. Streaming Serenity/Firefly now!
  93. FG Con V - Feedback thread
  94. FG Con V Summary
  95. New Themes Available!
  96. FG Con 6 - April 17th-19th 2015
  97. FG-Con 3rd game suggestion ideas.
  98. Time confusion?
  99. All for One: The Baker's Daughter test run complete
  100. Looking for a Server to use as a Test for FG Con
  101. How long does it take .....
  102. FG Con VI - Screenshots
  103. FG Con VI - Feedback thread
  104. FG Con VI (6) Review
  105. FG Con 7 - Random discussion thread
  106. FG Con 7 - October 16th-18th 2015
  107. FG Con 7 October 16-18 2015
  108. FG Con 7 Signatures
  109. Screenshots
  110. FG Con 7 Feedback thread
  111. FG Con 7 - Review
  112. FG Con 8 - April 8-10 Online Everywhere!
  113. What to do to sign up?
  114. FG 8 -- Random Discussion thread
  115. FG Con 8 Screenshots
  116. FG Con 8 Event deleted
  117. FG 8 Appreciation Thread
  118. FGCon8 Youtube recordings
  119. Next FG Con- FG Daze?
  120. FG Con 9 - October 14th-16th, 2016
  121. FG Cons - looking back
  122. FG Con 9 - Third Party Publisher (3PP) support
  123. Questions
  124. FG Con 9 Signatures
  125. I put the wrong time in my event
  126. [FG Con 9] Balance Disturbed
  127. FG Con 9 - Screenshots!
  128. FG-Con game Streaming
  129. It was Awesome !
  130. FG con 9 Feedback thread
  131. Fg Con 9 - Review
  132. Seminars at the next FG-Con?
  133. FG Con 10 - Friday April 7th - Sunday April 9th, 2017
  134. FG Convention Hosting Workshop for GM's
  135. FG Con 10 - GM Registration now open - and GM Admin Workshops
  136. FG Con 10 GM Admin workshops
  137. FG Con 10 - Signature Files
  138. Site has been down
  139. How do I register as a player for this weekend.
  140. Procedures for Joining a Game
  141. FG Con 10 Screenshots!
  142. FG Con 11 - Friday October 13th - Sunday 15th. Theme - 3PPs!
  143. FGCon and the Discord server
  144. FG Con 11 - Third Party Publisher (3PP) information
  145. FG Con 11 - Screenshots!
  146. missing gm reporting for a session with fg con iv (41577)
  147. FG Con 12
  148. FG Con 12 - Friday April 13th to Sunday April 15th - Add Events!
  149. Discord vs. Teampspeak
  150. FG Con 12 Signatures
  151. Undermountain and FG Con 12
  152. Wait Lsting Players and Sign-Up Order for FG Con
  153. Bit late to the party! I am running a game!
  154. Site down?
  155. New Game
  156. Looking for players - Fist come first serve
  157. FG Con 12 - Gaming Pics/Screenshots - Where are you playing!
  158. FG Con 12 - Extension Tutorial
  159. Annoyed ...
  160. FG Con 12 - Feedback thread
  161. FG Con 12 - Review
  162. Next FG Con over due?
  163. FG Con 13 - Friday 12th - Sunday 14th October 2018.
  164. FG Con 13 Signatures
  165. FG-Con 13 - Waterdeep: Flagon Heist - One Shot
  166. FG-CON 13: Choose your own adventure!
  167. Bookings not opening?
  168. FG-CON 13: Dark Times in Saxfordshire (The Return)
  169. FG-CON 13: The Good, The Bad and the Seven
  170. The Siege of Mok Torkan 3 day FG-Con adventure
  171. FG-CON 13: Hollow's Last Hope (PFRPG) - Friday Oct 12 - 8:00PM EDT
  172. FG-CON 13: The Isle of Woe
  173. FG-CON 13 Combat Tracker Extension
  174. FG Con 13 Screenshots
  175. FG Con 13 Testimonials!?
  176. When is the next one?
  177. FG Con 14 - Friday April 12th - Sunday April 14th, 2019
  178. FG Con event creation No max
  179. FG-Con 14: The Haunt (5E) Saturday, April 13 7PM EDT
  180. FG-Con 14: Hollow's Last Hope (PFRPG) Friday, April 12 8PM EDT
  181. Rappan Athuk the Mouth of Doom 5e 4/13 at 7AM PDT
  182. FG Con 14 - Castles and Crusades
  183. FG Con 14 Screenshots
  184. Suggestion for Future FG Con's
  185. FG Con 15 - Friday November 8th to Sunday November 10th, 2019!
  186. FG Con 15 - Screenshots - Please post your own!
  187. FG Con 16 - Friday April 16th – Sunday 18th, 2021
  188. Convention.
  189. FG Con 16 - Friday April 16th to Sunday April 18th, 2021
  190. FG Con Signatures
  191. Event submission questions
  192. DnD Adventurers League Games Including the Ten Towns Epic & Fai Chen at FGCon
  193. FG Con 16 Screenshots
  194. FG Con 16 – over, and out!
  195. FG Con 2022
  196. FG Con 2023
  197. When is the next FG Con?