- Osric retroclone ruleset
- Warhammer 40K Dark Heresy Ruleset for FG 3.0 Created
- FATE Accelerated Mini-Ruleset (FateRPG)
- Pavillon Noir Reloaded ruleset
- Trail of Cthulhu ruleset
- Dark Sun Theme Extension (DnD 4E)
- Black Crusade Ruleset
- Call For CoreRPG-Derived Rulesets
- Black Crusade Rule Set Created.
- The One Ring
- Legend of the Five Rings
- WH40k Rulesets.... soon to be available.
- FFG: Black Crusade Rule Set
- FFG: Deathwatch Ruleset
- FFG: Only War Ruleset
- DCC RPG Ruleset
- Steve Jackson's Melee TFT question
- Advanced Fighting Fantasy (ruleset and queries)
- Splittermond Ruleset
- Will Numenera Ever be in the FG Store?
- Modifying the Dark Heresy ruleset
- Traveller (Mongoose Publications version)
- 7Th Sea Second Edition
- GURPS 4e addons
- Paranoia Ruleset
- Star Trek: TNG
- RMSS/RMFRP Ruleset
- Installation Question
- Need Help
- Dark Heresy v1 for FG 3.2
- Warhammer Fantasy RPG 2 ed
- OVA Ruleset [WIP]
- Champions (Superhero RPG) Ruleset?
- Star Wars Sagas
- AD&D Ruleset
- GURPS 4E Ruleset
- WH40K Black Crusade Ruleset for FG 3.2+
- WH40K Deathwatch Ruleset for FG 3.2
- Warhammer 40K Only War Ruleset for FG 3.2+
- WH40K Rogue Trader for FG 3.2+
- Notes in Warhammer Ruleset
- Dungeon World Module
- Dungeon World Scenario Module - In the Hallways of Thime
- MoreCore Theme Creation
- Is there any Alternity around?
- 40k Multiset Ruleset
- Revolution D100 ruleset (alpha version)
- TableManager Moon Wizard Question
- DORCore - An Advanced-Beta Release Of A New Ruleset
- Trying to learn Core Ruleset to make own game.
- Looking for CoC6/Achtung! Cthuhlu
- Zweihander
- The one ring / Adventures in middle earth
- M&M 2nd Ed
- WFRP 4e?
- wrath and glory
- Fudge (not Fate) Ruleset?
- CoreRPG Ruleset: Moving a list to another column
- Requesting ruleset!
- Star Wars (FFG or WEG)
- HARP petition
- Esper Genisis
- Cool Survival Rules for 5e
- Wheel of Time Ruleset
- AD&D Core: Tutorials
- SW5e a star wars home brew on the 5e rule set
- Fantasy Flight ("5th Edition") Legend of the Five Rings
- Zweihander grim & perilous
- Fall of Delta Green (and other GUMSHOE) automated ruleset
- Abstract Dungeon ?
- So what ruleset are people using for 1e and/or 0e now?
- The Witcher TRPG ruleset
- Adventures in Middle-Earth 5e looking for updated rule sets.
- A few stats on Rulesets
- Elite Dangerous RPG Ruleset
- How might I achieve this?
- Pokemon 5e- adapting ruleset.
- Object Ownership Implications for a No GM System
- Star Trek Adventures Ruleset
- I anyone working on a Ruleset that supports "Five Torches Deep?"
- [Looking for] Rulreset for Private Eye
- SilCORE...anyone?
- Error ruleset
- Hello! Some general homebrew content questions for FG
- Kult Ruleset
- ICRPG Ruleset
- Runequest 6
- Kuro Rpg
- The Fantasy Trip
- Unisystem (Buffy)
- Mork Borg Ruleset [Incomplete, Looking for collaborators!]
- Warhammer Fantasy RPG 4 ed
- Cyberpunk Red (not 2020)
- Any ruleset gurus out there that may have time to help?
- Help With Some Basic Modifications to 5E
- Lamentations of the Flame Princess?
- Force Calandar load in ruleset.
- I keep heaing that there is a RuneQuest 2 ruleset
- Final Fantasy XIV
- Iron kingdoms seeking aide in fixing (paid)
- Star Wars Saga for Unity
- New Ruleset Creation
- Chronicle System ruleset
- Star Wars D6 Ruleset won't appear on the Game list
- Ubiquity: Ruleset and LanguagePak
- Change a D&D 1st ed adventure to a D&D 3.5/Pathfinder or 5th ed adventure
- How play mouse guard/ burning wheel in Fantasy Grounds
- Tales from the Loop
- Help with WH 3rd Edition Ruleset
- Star Wars D20 3.5 Ed
- Blades in the Dark ruleset
- 5e Iron Kingdoms
- Rulesets For the People: Gamma World 2E
- CoreRPG: The One Ring 2e
- Are there any plans for a Modiphius Fallout 2d20 RPG ruleset?
- Old School Essentials Stand Alone ruleset!
- Warhammer FRPG 4th Edition Community Ruleset
- D6 WEG Ruleset feedback
- Documentation about how to translate rule sets
- Fall Out Ruleset
- Masks: A New Generation by Magpie Games
- Star Trek Adventures 2d20 Ruleset
- Against the Darkmaster Now on the Forge!
- Swords and Wizardry Ruleset
- Need some help in ruleset creation with Languages!
- Palladium Megaverse ruleset?
- Absolute Power ruleset?
- A Song of Ice & Fire (Green Ronin)?
- Renegade Studios G.I. Joe and/or Transformers?
- Monster of the Week
- Carbon 2185 Ruleset
- Gumshoe Ruleset (beta)
- Call of Cthulhu 7e - issues with Chases
- Sw5e
- Call of Cthulhu 7e - skill issues
- Cepheus Engine Ruleset- Feedback BUG reports thread
- Battletech: A Time of War Ruleset
- Cepheus SRD Ruleset
- When the Moon Hangs Low ruleset
- Bladerunner RPG
- Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Soulbound Community ruleset
- Sharp Practice - Too Fat Lardies
- DC20 Community Ruleset
- Mothership 1e Ruleset
- Cthulhu Eternal Ruleset
- Custom Ruleset for Draw Steel (MCDM RPG)