- Official Mutants & Masterminds 3rd edition Ruleset - In Progress Screenshots
- Mutants and Masterminds is officially for sale now
- Mutants and Masterminds Character Swap
- What does one need for MM on FG?
- Manually Adding Motivations
- Power Drag and Drop
- MM on Mac
- Could of questions agout the Ruleset
- Ideas and Suggestions.
- A few observations and suggestions about the Ruleset
- New Ongoing Game
- Power Construction Question
- How to handle no Stamina score
- Hero Labs VS Fantasy Grounds
- Entering NPCs
- Attacks and the Combat Tracker
- Labels (Effects & Modifiers)
- Question about gameplay
- Equipment question
- Wow Pretty Dead Around Here
- Possible M&M Game.
- Portraits button?
- MM content missing
- Still being developed?
- M&M 3 Available on Bundle of Holding until April 21st
- What is?
- Is it worth my money?
- New character sheet extension
- Soooooo.. about a file having well known comic book characters already in it
- Damage modifier broken?
- Formatted Notes
- Unable to Import XML character to Ruleset
- Encountered 2 new issues with ruleset.
- First real game of M&M on FG
- NPC Other Tab
- Skinning M&M bug
- How to create conditions and apply
- Is anyone playing Mutants and Mastermind in Fantasy Ground?
- Character Portrait Issue
- Can I use tokens from other rulesets?
- Possible upgrade
- Anyone know the Code?
- May be purchasing...
- Library?
- Help: How to properly create a character.
- New Mutuants and Masterminds Group
- Gadgeteer: How does it look so far?
- Question about image on product page
- Deluxe Heros Handbook
- Observing a game
- GM Guide or tutorials?
- Battle Maps
- Drag and Drop Conditions in the M&M Ruleset
- Mutants & Masterminds 3e on offer at Bundle of Holding
- Accessories and Adventures on Fantasy Grounds for the future?
- Mutants and Masterminds 3e
- Questions about M & M
- What was the update to the M&M Ruleset?
- IS there a community Ruleset for M&M?
- NPC question(s)
- Supporting characters to player characters?
- Is M&M on FantasyGrounds dead?
- Adding a picture to the 'main' tab
- Possible Bug with Local Character>Server Character
- Any parser for M&M?
- Exporting Characters
- M&M update?
- How would I enter this attack and the defense dice
- Bug: PCOVER and PCONC conditions throw error
- How simple is this to run for a newbie GM? I like the sound of it :)
- Conditions/Modifiers - Has anyone entered them all?
- Portraits not showing
- Looking for an adventure to run
- question; reference manual?
- Player Character Creation
- Villain Creation (M&M 3e)
- Frustrated
- Combat Questions
- FAQs, Tips, How To's...
- Player Handbook
- Immunity?
- Applying Conditon
- Can't find the Hero's Handbook Library Module
- Dodge vs. Defense >sorry in advance if this topic is discussed else where
- I was just reading up on this
- Noob here, LFG
- new to Mutants and Masterminds have a question about powers.
- Is it possible to get a refund?
- Is anyone hosting a game session anytime soon?
- How do you resize window with Mutants and Mastermind theme?
- Unity Errors
- New GM for M&M
- M&m updates!!!
- Another Update!?!?
- In need of help
- Mutants and Masterminds 3E Official Bug Report Thread
- Combat in the FG MnM system - which rolls are manual, which automatic?
- A gentle theme for Mutant and Mastermind
- is there an example adventure for M&M or pre made heroes
- Powers Emporium
- LFG - M&M 3rd Ed - Central Standard Time
- M&M Test version discussion
- Tokens and Portraits?
- Initiative Order on Combat Tracker
- Freedom City
- Help with M&M Character Sheet
- Combat Tracker Error
- Where could I post XML files for M&M Characters?
- Hero Showcase
- Issue with building PC's with Array's
- DCA: Array + Damage Reaction Power
- Where do I post issues with the M&M rules and Freedom city issues?
- Affliction powers (and conditions)
- Power Descriptive Text
- Queen Rhea Supergirl Series Power
- Update Broke Everything?
- Mental Blast?
- Will we ever get the rest of the M&M books?
- Issues with Power calculation
- Freedom City tokens
- XML template (or export option) for NPC sheet?
- M&M Sidebar Q: Tokens?
- NPC Tokens?
- I am trying to figure it out in Mutants/Mastermind how to change token size
- Current state of automation for M&M ruleset (3e)
- Powers missing from rule set
- How do I make characters with absent Stamina?
- not sure if this is a bug or feature that could be added
- Looking for maps.
- Issues after update
- feature request: heroPoint roll
- Freedom City Error Reporting
- Background image files?
- Emerald City Now Available for FGU
- Setting up arrays in Fantasy Grounds
- M&M - Health Question
- A question about big npcs
- Feature Missing (Area)
- Question about 2d10 rules option:
- Deluxe Gamemaster's Guide Now Available for FGU