- Basic Roleplaying (BRP) Systems
- BRP Ruleset?
- Basic Roleplaying Ruleset
- ETA for the BRP and RQ rulesets?
- Basic Roleplaying: Hit Locations
- Basic Roleplaying (BRP) for Fantasy Grounds II
- BRP Modules
- The Resistance table has a typo
- My impression of the BRP ruleset
- Example BRP Extension - Eldritch Horror
- Release Notes and Fixes
- NPC bugs
- Ärans Väg / Road to Glory
- BRP Extension or Mod?
- A few bugs observed during last session.
- More Skins for BRP
- More BRP bugs?
- Creating a medivial skin
- New free scenario for BRP
- Best x systen to BRP conversion sites?
- BRP Rome
- BRP wishlist.
- First Aid Skill Base
- library mod in brp
- In Search of the Trollslayer - GMT+1/BST Evenings
- NPCs and Power Points
- Bell-Ring Error on CT and GM handling PCs
- Preferences bug (2.7.1)
- Armour
- +1/2db
- NPC to PC
- [BRP] The Laundry
- Fantasy Adventure for BRP released
- Help with ADnD
- Server Crashes
- Artillery Weapons
- Implementing RQIII
- Group Chat in BRP
- Any way to resize Icons in game?
- Minor change to BRP Criticals?
- BRP in outerspace?
- Basic Magic for BRP now available
- BRP Basic Creatures module now available
- Creating a tab icon
- BRP Witchcraft now available
- Basic Roleplaying (BRP) ruleset updated with a new download/installer
- Activating Hounds of Adranos module
- How do FX work?
- Skill bonuses and dragging NPCs to PCs
- Where to get the help I need? Altering BRP for this...
- Thinking about... FASA Star Trek to BRP
- Superheroes Extension for BRP
- Deus Vult!
- RuneQuest.
- Psionics ruleset
- hello knew to it all
- Question about CT
- Gm Die Roll
- Alephtar Games Plans for 2012
- Ruleset Files location?
- Can this set handle OpenQuest?
- DR Field in combat tracker
- Drag and Drop - A thought!
- A couple of problems I'm having
- Enhanced Images for BRP
- New BRP Adventure available in the Store
- Do my players need to buy the license as well?
- BRP Documentation
- BRP vs Call of Cthulhu
- A couple questions.
- Problem with character manager.
- Ruleset Maintenance
- BRP and the FG Con
- BRP Quickstart or Chaosium Roleplay System?
- RuneQuest 6
- Notes on the character sheet bug
- Auto skill failure at 96 and higher
- brp patch update?
- Updating the BRP ruleset - gathering the wish list
- BRP-Dark Heresy
- Runequest/Glorantha fans - kickstarter of interest
- BRP Call of Cthulhu extension
- Update for BRP?
- Magic World is out!
- Dicetower or equivalent for BRP?
- Deleting Default Stories
- Effects not working?
- Poll of Use and Extentions
- Lack of Story Tabs
- What Ruleset was BRP Based On
- Rally call to fill these games for the FGcon!!!
- [BRP] Heian Japan - Interest Check
- BRP Rome?
- Official State of BRP
- Converting BRP CoC to CoC Ruleset
- How Complete is BRP?
- BRP Bug or just me?
- Altering and Creating Powers
- Adding More Abilities
- Adding Equipment?
- Advice on balancing combat.
- BRP Combat Tracker Woes
- 'Notes' glitch?
- OpenQuest 2
- BRP Drakar och Demoner
- Modders help
- Combat tracker problems
- BRP Issues List
- Some problems using the BRP ruleset
- Rq6?
- Openquest II
- Runequest 6
- Charts not formatted correctly and search question
- RQ2 Extension
- Cannot add Portraits
- MyQuest
- Resize Chat window
- RQ2 Extension
- Showing GM Rolls
- BRP Update
- Rule set functionality
- Modify BRP rulesest
- BRP Active Powers
- Rolling bug?
- Ruleset Access
- Translating Code
- streamline combat
- Racial Stat variance
- Token list Icons
- Ruleset Elric!
- BRP Rules for New FG!
- Where is the Calendar
- Characteristics
- Whatever happened to "MyQuest"
- Adding Parry and Strike Rank to Weapon List ( implementing RQIII )
- Custom Mod help
- Modifying Characteristic Bonus Calculation in the MyQuest extension
- How to Attack
- Any news on an update?
- Module not loading?
- Any BRP gaming group?
- Rulesset Error. changing type?
- embed image
- External link class
- Update to BRP???
- Targeting
- Thinking about a Legend game...
- check for success in throwDice()
- Steampunk on BRP
- Tables from r/d100
- Modifying details of set creatures
- BRP portraits/tokens
- Really?
- Swedish d&d (drakar och demoner)
- Runequest Classic (RQ II) CoreRPG
- BRP Upgraded to CoreRPG v3.0
- Add d100 and tokens
- BRP Not working so well on latest FGU on Mac OSX
- What’s the chances of an official RuneQuest Glorantha ruleset?
- Problems / Bugs with BRP?
- BRP Themes
- Automating armour reduction from damage BRP??
- Weird percentile dice and display issues in BRP on FGU?
- First game based on BRP since the new push by Chaosium
- Now that it's been Updated - Would it be Possible to Customize it for Mythras?
- Initiative and Hero Points
- Modifying BRP for Mongoose's Legend System
- Creating Rune Tab on BRP
- Weapon Type and Combat Tracker questions
- Initiative
- BRP FGU Problems
- Debugging in BRP?
- Unity Support for RuneQuest 2018?
- Looking for an updated answer
- Changing the category bonuses
- Is HP max set automatically?
- Where is Basic roleplaying
- BRP Rome
- Reference manuals for BRP?
- Update 2022-07-13?
- missing mods
- Copy the hit location roll button
- Problem with encumbrance handling in a layered ruleset
- Note to user with campaign extensions
- Name the label_frametop in campaign/record_char_inventory.xml?
- BRP Automatic encumbrance penalty calculator extension
- BRP Skill List Links extension
- Roll hit-location chat command extension
- BRP Skill Roll Chat Command Extension
- Heh?
- Amount of automation
- Finding the skill list
- BRP Blind Skill Roll Chat Command extension
- Restore abilities tab
- How Much Assistance/Automation with Combat Resolution?
- Why Isn't Basic Roleplaying Listed on the fantasygrounds.com Home Page?
- Strike rank sorting
- Weapon Strike Rank for Combat tracker
- Questions about skill data.
- CON+SIZ - Total Hit Points Option
- Sorting powers
- AV for characters?
- Effects don't drag and drop in Battle Tracker
- Modified BRP using BRP extensions
- Possibility of an Editable Skills and Powers Tab?