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  1. Wild Shape and Shape Changing
  2. Attack causing effect
  3. Abundance of db.script files
  4. Update 4.1.14: Shotgun damage is broken
  5. Ranged attacks in melee and gang up bonuses: Issues with range automation?
  6. Martial Prowess
  7. Question re: update to Savage Rifts' Tomorrow Legion Players Guide
  8. Darkvision Range increase
  9. NPC bug in Savage Tales of Lankhmar
  10. Adventure Deck Customization
  11. Damage for Certain Attacks has Stopped Working
  12. Switch From SWADE to Pathfinder for SW
  13. Naming An NPC
  14. Dragging Bennies to Re-Roll Damage Bug
  15. Deadlands Marshall advice needed please
  16. SWADE, TitanEffect Declassified, and The Super Powers Companion
  17. Do ranged weapons get raise damage in Pathfinder for SWADE?
  18. Holler- An Apalachian Apolcolypse
  19. All equipped armor's giving full value, not adjusting min. Strength.
  20. What do modules do I need to get into SAVAGE World's newest Deadlands?
  21. Ruleset Bug with Hindrances
  22. SWD_ThisCardJustRules appears twice in AdventureDeck mod
  23. Effect Duration not decreasing on Round End
  24. Flash Gordon - Portraits & Using Vehicles
  25. Weapon Creation - Attack Modifier
  26. Pathfinder for savage worlds noob question
  27. Fantasy Companion for SWADE (Two Separate Fantasy Rulesets...)
  28. Missing 'Chapter 3 Rules' in SWADE Rulebook
  29. quickbar issue
  30. Load Limit
  31. Dice Expressions, "Desktop Dice Can Ace" Setting. Questions.
  32. Savage Pathfinder One-Shot
  33. A Discord Question for Savage Worlds VTT Savvy
  34. Unskilled Spells
  35. Issue with Ally's
  36. Adventure Card Issue after new Update
  37. Fantasy Grounds videos of The After
  38. Letting the Devil Out d6/Conviction
  39. Savage Rifts
  40. Glitterboy Boom Gun
  41. GM only cards
  42. How do I use Wounds Threshold = 3
  43. Replace toughness with a derived stat for damage purposes
  44. Encumbrance in pathfinder does NOT work after update
  45. Whisper not working
  46. Script error with manual die roll
  47. Targeted Effects Application and Tests/Rolls
  48. Defeat markers no longer work in new Savage Worlds campaign.
  49. In Savage Worlds dragging NPC to CT can create blank entry that can't be removed
  50. Error with player´s view opening an Arcane Background record
  51. Bug: Allied wildcards get bennie when villians geta Joker
  52. Racial Size gives Strength bonus of +1d in error
  53. Faux roll misunderstanding
  54. “Reset Bennies” doesn’t include wildcard allies
  55. GM Benny's Missing
  56. Power Attack Keywords
  57. Official Fantasy Grounds Savage Worlds Game Days
  58. How to add a new racial ability with a value for race creation?
  59. Desktop dice acing
  60. The After
  61. Running die modifier
  62. LFP Pathfinder For Savage Worlds Game Thursday 8/25
  63. [Bug or User Error?] Shotguns in Deadlands dealing negative damage.
  64. SWADE Raise Reversal
  65. [Extension] Dark Theme Compatibility
  66. Spending a Benny on the running die
  67. Adding Wounds to a Character Sheet
  68. [Bug] Arcane Backgrounds and Powers not linking properly after loading module
  69. Players view threat range/reach of NPCs?
  70. Just curious --- Supers?
  71. Attack effect that does'nt work
  72. PSA: You can drag benny stacks into the hotkey bar
  73. SWADE Ruger .22 damage
  74. Combat bug - enemies rolls not working as intended
  75. [Toughness, Parry+#] Not working
  76. Encumbrance Not Auto-updating
  77. Dynamic Lighting Question
  78. Holler: Issues and feeback
  79. Set ammunition consumption
  80. Super Powers Companion (SWADE) Bug Reports and Feedback
  81. Tools and dice positioned oddly
  82. Bug: Can't hide GM rolls
  83. LFP - 4, SWADE One Shot, The Last Parsec (beginners welcome)
  84. Savage Worlds reach attribute
  85. Delete from Combat Tracker feature request
  86. [Bug] Desktop Bennies are missing the "Reset Position" functionality
  87. Bruiser should only give toughness +1
  88. GM tools always out of place
  89. NPC / Monster books for SWADE
  90. Are there any community adventure modules?
  91. Two questions
  92. [BUG] Unarmored Hero PC only does not add +2 to PC soak rolls
  93. Encounter to combat tracker question
  94. Character Summary Altering
  95. Cyberpunk setting for SWADE?
  96. Question about the Effect Notation [@Trait Mod]
  97. Power duration timing?
  98. Deadlands Weird West Fan The Hammer Bug
  99. Custom Dice Rolls not working
  100. Horror at Headstone Hill Issues
  101. Please people for your own safety use the Wound Cap Setting Rule
  102. Setting new attack types
  103. Deadlands - How to set up Fanning the Hammer
  104. SWADE pointers seem half of the right size
  105. SWADE rerolls and critical failure
  106. Issue: Encumbrance penalty to Pace ignores settings
  107. SWADE Fantasy Companion
  108. Subattacks that can ignore penalties only?
  109. Couple of quick questions
  110. help on conversion from FGC mod I created to FGU
  111. Pathfinder for Savage Worlds error
  112. Grapple, entangled and bound
  113. [Extension] Setting Maker Tweaks
  114. Savage Pathfinder updates?
  115. Changing the Soak attribute from Vigor to Spirit
  116. Double Tap, Changing the running die and Shaken status after a successful Soak roll
  117. How to make characters make Fear tests?
  118. Help me understand the damage effects
  119. BUG: Can't add dice modifer directly to natural attacks like Punch
  120. SWPF Rise of the Runelords
  121. ETU: NPCs dont have any edges
  122. Is there a way to automate the total armour points with two layers of armour?
  123. Warhammer Fantasy calendar for SWADE campaign
  124. Searching for Adventure Deck promo cards
  125. Beasts & Barbarians Does Not Show as A Valid Ruleset
  126. Character Summary Window Problem
  127. Big Apple Sewer Samurai: Feedback and Issues
  128. Plz Help: Missing Skills Linked to Strength and Vigor
  129. Auto-rolling backlash tables
  130. PFSW Advanced Player's Guide
  131. Rerolling Bleeding Out
  132. Savage Worlds Fantasy Companion - Alchemy Skill Missing
  133. New to FGU & SWADE Online, questions on setup.
  134. Oriental Setting
  135. Hiding Harrowed in Deadlands Weird West
  136. Horror Companion (SWADE) for FGU
  137. strange window appearing
  138. Importing and converting SWADE Robotech book into FGU
  139. Savage Rifts: Tomorrow Legion bug
  140. SWADE Fantasy Companion Bugs
  141. Where can I find M3L/SWEL Reference Manual blocks for Item lists?
  142. Running die with a modifier?
  143. Modifications
  144. Swarm Tokens
  145. FGU 4.4, Syrinscape, and Savage Worlds
  146. Eberron for Savage Worlds [Fantasy Companion/Pathfinder ver]
  147. Jugadores SWADE para partidas en español hora latinoamericana
  148. Pathfinder for Savage Worlds - Inner Sea Map Scale.
  149. Couple of Questions
  150. Beginner DM, need advice please
  151. 🎲🚀 Savage Worlds RPG Adventure on Fantasy Grounds Unity VTT! 🚀
  152. Ho to give NPC +2 Toughness vs ranged and Trown Attacks
  153. Can’t give the vulnerable status to custome effect
  154. Stronghold Button
  155. My first homebrew SWADE campaign - technical help appreciated!
  156. How do I add more than one crew and at least one passenger to vehicles?
  157. Pinebox Middle School Setting - Feeback and Bug Reports
  158. Adding items to NPCs in Savage Rifts
  159. [BUG] Viewing a table that calls another has Script execution error
  160. Legend of Ghost Mountain - Emotion Feature
  161. Resource Counter extention
  162. Subattack examples?
  163. How to make an NPC have NO run die?
  164. Syrinscape official modules planned?
  165. Deadlands Reloaded Bundle
  166. Arcane device with no rollable die
  167. Edge/Ability Effects and Automation
  168. 50 Fathoms Theme Issue
  169. effects keywords
  170. Unlock Bases (Hideouts, Dens, Lairs etc.) Extension
  171. Powers missing modifiers
  172. Necropolis 2350 Setting Extension Error
  173. [BUG] new added vehicle weapons don't have damage dice
  174. Theme Error message
  175. Sci Fi companion and Sprawl runners Bad Table titles breakes templates
  176. Deadlands Noir Theme chat window and die rolls broken
  177. looking for pre-prepped in FG to run
  178. SWADE Adventure Deck and Action Deck
  179. [BUG] Putting die rolls on hot bar reports Handler error
  180. Cant raise strength past D12+2
  181. SWADE Adventure Deck Module and Extension Bug
  182. SWADE 5.0.4 Released for 5th printing
  183. Custom Dice Rolls and Keyword functionality
  184. chiseling away damage. How to?
  185. Curse of the Crimson Throne Feedback
  186. Horror Companion (SWADE) Bug Reports
  187. SWADE Templates with area effect attacks
  188. Keywords
  189. New bound & entangled rules for Horror Companion and Fantasy Companion?
  190. Savage Rifts Framework Help
  191. fantasy companion error
  192. SWADE Token Height (altitude) explained
  193. Deadlands 1-sheets don't work
  194. SWADE Deal Card to Hand option on Character panel
  195. [BUG] Token assigned in Rifts Archetypes 1 to Glitter boy throws error
  196. ChatGPT and the Adventure Deck
  197. BUG? Archetypes and Pregenerated Characters
  198. BUG? Dragging PC to COmbat Tracker throws error
  199. Party Sheet & Vehicles
  200. Deadlands Reloaded Setting extension bug
  201. issue with the SWADE Fantasy Companion Black Powder Weapons Reload value
  202. [Bug] Apply button cut off
  203. New to SWADE how to level up
  204. ETU extensions
  205. Savage Rifts: Terror on the Dark Frontier
  206. [BUG] Token Vision is not automatically applied by special ability
  207. Deadlands: The Weird West Archetype typos
  208. Combat Tracker Lag
  209. Interface Zero 3.0 - Feedback
  210. Trouble in Tripoli (Section D) map Error
  211. Setting The After bug
  212. Encumbered
  213. Font Issues After Patch
  214. [Error] With Adventure Deck Ext enabled & clicking Party Sheet
  215. [BUG] Deadlands: The Weird West Archetypes packs have capital letters in odd places
  216. removing npc from combat tracker causes a console error
  217. Why doesn't Savage Worlds have 3D tokens?
  218. Savage pathfinder and Fantasy companion
  219. [BUG] Allies names and tokens deleted when used with Party Sheet
  220. [BUG] Add PC to combat tracker via button menu produces consol error
  221. Problem with the 50 Fathom module
  222. [BUG] Combat Tracker Effects durations
  223. Actions Modifiers Automation
  224. Static Cover Not Ignored
  225. Building NPCs
  226. Savage Worlds Reference Manual State Summaries Typo
  227. Shambler, Slow Hindrance Uses Jokers
  228. Sci-Fi Companion Playtest Extension
  229. Damage immunity
  230. Disaster at Gran Atomica
  231. [Horror Companion] What does the Setting: Horror Companion (SWADE) Extension Add?
  232. Savage Worlds Encounters
  233. New or updated Savage Worlds - Deadlands bundle?
  234. Extension: Wealth Die
  235. Chases not functioning correctly.
  236. Deadlands Portraits and Tokens
  237. How to start combat so Combat Tracker considers Initiative Edges and Hindrances?
  238. Deadlands Lost Colony - Maw of Oblivion
  239. Good Backpacks
  240. Adventure Card Error
  241. Make "The After" adventure module editable
  242. Deadlands Lost Colony Ammunition seems to be missing from the module
  243. Similarly's Deadlands Map Packs
  244. Bell on Turn
  245. The Combat Tracker Issue
  246. Very Small SWADE Ruleset UI Bug
  247. How Do You Implement Cyberware?
  248. How Trait Rolls Work for Innocent Bystander (etc.)
  249. Noob question on SPC-Powers and Effects
  250. 12 to Midnight products