- Official Fallout 2d20 Bug Report Thread
- craeting campaign
- Vault or Rulesets Folder?
- Question concerning the adventure "With a bang Or a Whimper" and images.
- The Fallout RPG by MODIPHIUS preview video with SuperTeddy!
- Game Masters Tool Kit Booklet
- Group Think! Maps, tiles, etc
- Tag skills in the Skill Tab?
- Noob Question re: Difficulty Level of Skill Tasks
- Hit location table included?
- Basic vs Advanced effects
- New to the 2d20 system
- Initiative quiestion?
- ReRoll option (added in Release Updates for May 31st, 2022)
- Confused about Initiative
- Fallout 2d20 ruleset feedback and suggestions
- Aiming/Pipboy
- "Iron Fist" perk implementation advice
- What this ruleset made with the latest errata edition?
- 2D20 Summer with Modiphius
- How do I create a new item entry?
- Armor
- How is cover handled with the Fallout plugin?
- How do I add new traits?
- How is range handled?
- How do I raise the number of successes need to hit in combat?
- How do we de-level a character that has been over leveled?
- GM Quick Reference Charts PDF for those interested
- Tag Skills and Item Parcels for tag Skills during character creation
- How about adding the Location die to the pool.
- I don't think this is working as expected *possible spoliers*
- Party Sheet Item Distribution Problem
- Looking for the Well rested status
- How do we add Piercing 2+ to a weapon? Has this been overlooked?
- how do we increase damage for ranged attacks?
- Fallout Theme Not There?
- Looking for a nice Far Harbor map (Gridless)
- Items and Assets Issue
- Do perks work?
- Scavenging tables in GM's Toolkit
- Wait is the D0-5 for? (Shown in thread)
- What do you key in for <loc>?
- Lfg
- Damage and Critical Injuries question
- Are Patch Notes Posted?
- does FO come with the unity ulitimate license?
- New Fallout Campaign Feb. Start
- 2d20 system
- Player AP and D#, C#
- movement
- assets
- Death Markers
- Question about the action points text color.
- Learning to use the Fallout rules in FGU
- Any quality maps for fallout 2d20 in FGU?
- Perk Effects
- how to adjust PC HPs
- 1 shot openings
- need some canon
- Reflex Sight - Rerolling hit locations
- I am excited to see new Fallotut Modules coming from Modiphius.
- Changing encumbrance values?
- Our group loves Fallout, we have a question about some changes to our game ext,mod?
- spread
- road leathers and similar clothing not working
- defend action not working at all
- How can we incorporate homebrew flanking rules in Fallout2d20
- How to activate the "Well Rested" status?
- Lfg
- body location damage not working
- possible to pass homebrew modules?
- Orange Colored Sky
- Some Items missing, character creator not working
- Winter of Atom
- Toughness not working
- new campaign starting
- attack properties
- gunslinging and quick hands perk stack?
- GM Action Point Pool
- creating new and custom origins
- any plans to add winter of atom and other expansions to fgu fallout?
- Looking for a DM for a fallout campaign
- speaking of NPCs with their own AP Pool
- grenade mechanics in FGU
- imaginative players piss me off!! lol
- Winter of Atom Campaign Starting Soon! Interested in playing? Give me a message.
- Changing NPC Token / adding
- Map Zoning
- Difficulty and Compliactions do not seem to be working for me
- are these ever gonna be fixed?
- Children of Atom - Rad Resist
- Winter of Atom
- Thanx, but.......
- Ruleset Ownership.
- throwing knives and suppress
- Fallout Map Pack 1 - Vault price reduced to $19.99
- Modifying Core NPC's
- Does this Fallout module automatically handle Damage/ Wounds?
- Question on Spread
- Wanderers Guide Book Coming to FGU?
- Shops in Fallout
- Adding Custom Weapon Types
- Power Armor Autmations Question
- Character Sheet Export
- D0 to D5 buttons
- Custom Effects? I.e., effect for Healer perk
- Sound Sets and Lua Pattern
- Attack as Group
- Mr Handy Flamer arm Attachment
- Not recognizing Difficulty
- Functionality requests
- Manually set health or additional health effects
- Winter of Atom FG Release Date?
- moving non core assets to new camapign
- Fallout ruleset - color issue
- Can You Please Change the Terrible Color Scheme for Some Text Boxes?
- Coding
- Fallout 2d20 Story / Encounter Maps
- syrinscape
- Settlers Guide
- Not able to select specific targeted body parts on Vault Boy image on Fallout desktop
- Macro Help with custom Origin creation
- Able to see both Magazines and Perks in the character creator
- how to use vehicles
- Additonal Skills