- Announcing the FG Forge
- Fantasy Grounds Forge - FAQ
- Fantasy Grounds Forge - Wish List
- Fantasy Grounds Forge - Overview
- Dates don't match in my delivery from a month ago
- Crafter Guidelines - Linking to other items in your Forge items
- FG Dev Tools
- [Bug] itemsTable.reload is not a function
- Does the Forge work for FG Classic extensions
- Not All Item Syncing
- SW Usage Die
- Are you an FG Forge Crafter? Claim your Crafter role on our Discord server!
- Bought the Portals Revamped Not adding into FG when updating.
- Selecting logout on Forge page fails
- Item pending approval - how many days?
- Error: Failed to create subscription in patch system
- Forge Updates
- Can't Publish After Submitted Builds are Approved
- How to remove a subscribed extension
- There can be only ONE!
- Forge: Description, inline images no longer working
- Bug: Information about approval also shown for unedited extensions [Fix Queued]
- Updates to Forge Subscriptions Not Causing Red Update Button
- Bug: "Last updated 1 days" ago should be singular [Fix Queued]
- Bug: Italics don't render as expected in product descriptions. [Reported]
- Bug: Last updated date not updated correctly [Fixed]
- Trouble Uploading Build?
- Auto Update or ELSE!
- Search and filters don't seem to be very useful
- Bug: Currently installs in the vault [Fixed]
- Bug: Manage Craft Page not Loading [Reported]
- Noob Map Maker: Uploading to forge
- Bug: Adding a link to forum thread changes it for all items [Fixed]
- Bug: Country always US [Fixed]
- Bug: Default search filter not applied [Fixed]
- FAQ update on gifting?
- 2 of my players are having problems to open the FGU
- FG Forge Subscriptions Broken?
- Time Keeping
- [Bug?] Information about data or vault not listed anymore
- builds not appearing in list of builds after upload is complete
- Builds active, but I dont see them in Forge
- Linking to a Forum Thread
- Colored lights add to create white light
- OSE Font Color Question
- Logging out in different tabs not working
- Forge Content in FGU
- What is the 'Test' Channel in Manage Builds?
- If you add a forum thread # then on submit it disappears.
- Forge not downloading items
- Cannot disable or hide a particular forge item
- Bug - Forge Rejections and resubmissions
- Forge Site seems a little broken
- Data error
- Extensions from the Forge do not show up in Fantasy Grounds Unity
- Can we use info that is GFDL in content and share it openly?
- Posting question...
- Error when trying to add a new item
- Donations
- Is the forge a sustainable solution for SW (will it be here in another year?).
- Forge Website - Filters
- How to Use the Forge?
- 5E Sustenance Tracker not working
- Forge not pushing updates
- Forge Payout
- Forge Throws Error When I Am Not Logged In
- Launcher scene Error
- Forge - Extension Version Control
- Advanced Effects Alternative
- [Aesthetic issue] Showing 0 to 0 of 0 entries
- Forge Purchases
- How do I upload my extension to the Forge?
- Failed to create item
- Data error
- Creator - Exporting Transactions
- Forge sale ended premature
- Forge is the best.
- Forge Item Submission Mistake
- What do Deprecated Errors mean?
- Extensions that are in the Vault folder
- Wrong Update?
- Forge not updating my FGC subs.
- FG Forge 2022-05 Update
- Cyberpunk RED Download
- [Bug?] Number of builds shown
- Player Map Auto Size To Grid broken by FGU v4.2.0?
- after logging in cannot access the forge
- Depricated Message
- Refund
- Disable extension auto-update without removing extension?
- not sure if this is the right place but
- How to modify module from forge
- Forge Dice Packs
- Having issue uploading extension file
- Token Modules Disappeared?
- textwidget: Logical font () does not exist? please help!
- Some way other than PayPal to buy Forge Tokens?
- Can't Purchase Upgrade
- Promotional Sales table errors
- Why don't my items show up as available for sales?
- 2023 Calendar not available for Promotional Sales
- Upload approval taking unusually long?
- Invisibility effect and token visibility
- What happens if I take an item off of the Forge?
- update forge items only option
- Publishing an item on Fantasy Forge
- Forge Extension Script Errors Feb 5th update
- how many feet does a worm have?
- FGU and Forge Map Packs Not Using Grid Offsets
- How to use a Theme from FG Forge?
- Set in game Clock Adjuster Calendar
- Using the Forge to Release “Work in Progress” Extension
- Help - BARON Theme image missing
- Not able to accept license agreement
- Can connect to Any Host (System.Dll NotfaundException: lua5.1)
- Token: Show Name = Title, No tooltips
- Lost all my campaigns
- Need Help Finding Map File Size
- Can't buy Forge tokens with a credit card
- limited to only a single promotional sale per item ?
- FG Forge 2023-06 Update
- How can I share a story without the players being able to scroll at the bottom?
- Is there a way to share a modified Reference Manual?
- Help Needed getting ruleset to appear on campaign setup dropdown box
- Issues uploading ext package
- Purchase not showing
- Star Wars/Genesys Modules
- Rifts freezing
- Do Forge add-ons work with FGU on Steam?
- Error in Nation Builer extension when doubleclicking Activities
- Fantasy Grounds v Fantasy Grounds Unity, port question
- Map Creation - Error when resizing a stamp
- campaign open 24 hours without needing to be on a machine
- Sounds and Forge
- New PC and now cant access the full game i already purchased.
- Forge Column Sorts Not Working
- Category Unlisted Product?
- Adding New Story Entries to Existing Module
- Extensions
- Is there an easy way to import to Fantasy Grounds?
- Vault Upload Issues
- Forge Module Recovery Needed
- View how many ratings
- Can't Activate Advanced Wildshape (5E)
- Pay pal
- Cannot upload new Builds to forge
- My Item is Pending Approval
- bit lost
- FG Forge item sales are now allowed to run for up to 14 days
- ? Newcomer:)
- Forge ruleset not available unless pak manually unzipped to folder
- SWADE like Combat Tracker for 5e
- Visual Updates to the Forge
- Forge item description page
- Personalized Paizo Discounts page 20 item max
- Forge Updates 8-2024
- Creating a new 5E module
- Editing Character Sheets - M2E
- Auras Visualized
- How do I unscubscribe from an extension
- Party Loot Extension
- Forge - Bundles and group discounts
- more Forge filters PLEASE
- 2 wish list ruleset items maybe complete on forge
- Forge Updates 11/20/2024
- Trouble Logging in
- How to transfer an exisiting FG unigame file from an old computer too a new computer?
- new forum layout -- how to upload or attach images ?
- Forge Updates 2025
- I hate paypal!