- Working on getting the 7e rules converted for fun
- CoC 7e Rules Extension Release
- Temp CoC 7E fix for FG Con 7
- Will there be a full CoC 7e ruleset?
- Adventures in 6e and future 7e Question
- Looking for group to play COC 7th edition
- Call of Cthulhu 7E ruleset
- Just Bought Call of Chtulhu 7E Ruleset, And need help learning to be a keeper
- Question concerning Material 6e -> 7e
- 7E queries
- CoC 7e Ruleset Options
- Renaissance D100 black powder using 7e Ruleset
- Nameless Horrors for CoC 7E is now available
- CoC 7E ruleset languages
- Disable 7e Ruleset automation
- Hero Lab export to CoC 7E
- Enhancements for the next versionof the 7e ruleset
- CoC7E - Investigator's Handbook
- CoC7e Fantasy Grounds help needed.
- MIssing section - 7e rulebook
- FG CoC 7E for beginner GM
- CoC 7th Ed. - Horror on the Orient Express
- Custom Occupations (7e)
- Custom Weapons 7e
- 7E rules and 6E Adventure?
- Masks of Nyarlathotep 7e - I'm considering porting to FGII
- Which are the two adventures in the CoC 7th edition Ruleset?
- Usage of Modifiers in CoC 7e ruleset
- Skill adding problem in CallOfCthulhu7E for skill specializations
- CoC 7th ED Bundles
- Spelling Mistakes in CoC7e Ruleset
- Ruleset documentation for CoC 7e
- COC 7th ed. Ruleset Bug first "Mythos Tomes" reference incorrect
- Basic White Theme for CoC7E
- [7e] Initiative on combat Tracker
- [7e] Rolling for Initiative
- Table II: Cash and Assets Missing? CoC7e
- Using 6e modules with 7e ruleset?
- CoC 7th Edition Character Sheet
- CoC 7E Ruleset Character Creation issues
- CoC character sheets for 7e broken?
- Question about character sheets and firearms skill in 7e
- Pulp Cthuhlu/ Coc 7e. cannot add skills
- MAC computer Call of Cthulhu 7E
- FG Module Bug: CoC 7e "The Two-Headed Serpent"
- Problem with CoC7 Ruleset
- [CoC7E] Error when entering Base Skill of Weapon
- Printable 7E Cthulhu characters
- CoC 7e : please unlock reference tables to ease translation
- Odd Behavior in CoC7 Ruleset
- How to set up Damage to Attributes rather than HP
- Suggestion : Encounter Tracking
- Getting Used to the Awfulness
- Thoughts on Call of Cthulhu 7th edition?
- Sanity Point Changes In The Combat Tracker
- Are you able to change the max HP?
- Pulp cthulhu extension error on load
- Half DB option doesn't seem to work
- achetype of pulp doens't appear on the character sheet
- What C&C Rulesets, Companions are Required as a Bare Minimum?
- DDT - Shadows Over Stillwater? Module suggestions?
- Skill names dissapear when editing
- Effects suggestions
- Masks of Nyarlathotep 7e Progress?
- Remove only subset of CoC 7e ruleset
- Rules Set purchase question
- CoC Theme
- Can't Allocate Points Into Firearms Skill
- Dead Light
- Occupation files don't work from CoC 7e Reference
- Rise of the Dead
- Error when player connected and the dice/pointer colour window opened
- Edge of Darkness formatting
- Is Canis Mysterium Canis Mysteruim?
- Module not loaded (Occupations)
- Adding Spells to NPCs
- NPC Damage immunity/resistance in CoC7Ed on FGU
- Resourceful
- CoC 7E Ruleset references problem
- Alone Against the Dark
- Chase on the Combat Tracker
- Text Format Issue
- Lovecraft Country TV series (and book)
- Typo in Chase (Reference Manual CoC 7e)
- Investigators Handbook typo?
- Occupation Skills
- Fantasy Grounds College is looking for volunteers!~
- Some modules not showing in Library
- How to... for CoC in FGU?
- Occupations in CoC 7e
- CoC7e Multiplier for die rolls.
- Playing the scenerios without the ruleset ?
- Art packs for CoC
- Character Sheet Question
- Coc 7th Ed, combat resistance and weakness
- Horror on the Orient Express (CoC 7e) on FG
- CoC 7th Ed and Generator module clash
- Randomising skill percentages
- LFP -- Masks of Nyarlathotep 7th Edition Campaign
- Apocthulhu
- Help with Character portraits
- Is there a way to remove borders or shrink them?
- Tutorials For New To FG - ?
- Combat with NPC's on CoC 7th Ed
- Call of Chuthulu more popular in Japan than DND?
- Character spoken languages in CoC ruleset - adding and modifying
- CoC 7th Ruleset Manual
- Delta Green Extension Combat Tracker Error 'ActorManager2'
- ERROR when player create characters
- Select new custom era and custom skills (dark ages)
- Loss of Theme?
- Looking to start playing Call of Cthulhu on Fantasy Grounds
- Unable to erase my drawing on map + lighting for flaming torches/fire
- Unable to remove circle from map and deleted map image
- Die Rolls calculating incorrectly
- Pulp Cthulhu Adventures
- Investigators Handbook vs Pulp Cthulhu
- Very basic image/map question
- Combat help
- Alter stats for combat effects
- Issue with credit skill
- Playing music for players in FG?
- Call of Cthulhu Intro Class -Saturday (tomorrow) 04/02/21 Early AM @2:00 PM UTC
- Keeper and dice tower icons
- Pulp Cthulhu NPC/Character Talents
- CoC Masks of Nyarlathotep Prologue Dashboard
- Pulp Theme - where is it?
- Error Message
- Testers needed
- Best place to go to find Keepers?
- Edge of Darkness for new Keeper?
- Sears Catalog 1922
- [bug/problem] House of R'Lyeh in FGU - issues with the 'index' of The Jermyn horror
- Insanity Error
- Looking to start playing CoC 7E on Fantasy Grounds
- What is required for the COC7E Core
- Do chaosium adventures require modification as a rule?
- Official Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition Bug Report Thead
- Adding extra skills or skill choices to new Occupations.
- Horror on the Orient Express
- Mask of nyarlathotep
- Can i play Shadows of Yog-Sothoth on 7e?
- Chaosium acquires Cubicle 7's Cthulhu Britannica and World War Cthulhu lines
- Some questions about the Pulp Cthulhu ruleset extension
- Extensions and Modules for 7E
- Portrait size?
- Hitchhiker's Guide to Myths & Legends
- Berlin: the Wicked City
- Arkham City?
- Torch Beams etc in FGU
- How to improve skills?
- Lost materials on 7e Investigators Handbook
- Using the Story Template system to create chases
- Keepers guide page 416 vehicle stats
- Question on Mask of Nyarlathotep
- What do I need to get the full CoC experience?
- Automations for Call of Cthulhu 7th
- CoC 7e NPC Generator
- Pulp theme console error
- Max H.P. Extension (needs update)
- wrong link in "Alone Against the Dark"
- looking to play
- How to create characters in Unity for 7e CoC?
- Unsure on how to get this ruleset
- Call of Cthulhu 7e reference manual bad link
- Welcoming Tips for CoC? How can I be a better keeper?
- How often do you have players do investigator improvement?
- Bonus dice not working anymore
- CoC Gaslight Victorian FG Theme?
- Creating maps for Call of Cthulhu
- Masks of. Nyarlathotep stream with the Mad Beardman
- Need new player ASAP
- Pulp But no Juice
- Question about rule books.
- How do you remove chases from the combat tracker
- Break any laws?
- Roll Modifier in Masks of Nyarlathotep theme
- Masks of Nyarlathotep Image Error
- Restricting player access to handouts / images
- Cthulhu seventh edition: Skill list bug
- Skills and Specializations
- Where is the Pak file for Call of Cthulhu
- Missing link in Alone Against The Dark module
- Secrets of Los Angeles
- Small problem with Firearms section in 7e Reference Manual
- Horror on the Orient Express Font Color
- Minor Mistake on the Dead Boarder Module PC
- Add an Image to an Item
- Skill list issue
- LF CoC adventure recommendations
- Two Headed Serpent
- Vehicle rule request
- Fantasy Grounds Cult of Chaos
- new to CoC, need help
- New Skill window
- How to define Pulp stats for NPC's?
- Any documentation on supported effects / keywords?
- Setting up a new era
- Automating NPC creation with ChatGPT
- New to this: Character Generation?
- PULP Character Sheet
- Effects/Modifiers in Call of Cthulhu
- How do I apply Occupation skills for Science Specializations? (Call of Cthulhu 7th.)
- One Shots - 10am UK Time Zone
- Problem with Party Sheet in CoC
- Custom Dice in COC
- Character creation console error
- CoC 7e Modern Equipment Module
- Two Headed Serpent, A Time to Harvest and DDT Shadows over Stillwater coming FGU?
- Sharing NPC in 7e
- Any mod to show wound status on tokens
- Twitch Streams - Looking to Watch
- Call of Cthulhu 7e - can not place players on map
- pre gen characters NEW KEEPER
- Death Markers for Call of Cthulhu
- CoC Keeper's Event 9/15/23
- CoC new characters with wrong era skills on character sheet
- Best introduction adventure on FG
- rolling initiative for NPC's in &e CoC
- CoC ruleset
- Masks of Nyarlathotep Maps
- Consistent note behavior?
- Any tips for flashback scenarios?
- Unable to do anything with rule set?
- Masks of Nyarlathotep - NPC portraits
- Call of Cthulhu 7e Occupations and Skills Questions / Problems
- A Cup of Horror (Spanish)
- Skill Check results - formatting
- Looking for help with character sheet
- Combat Tracker questions
- What theme and dice set is this?
- Where are those images?
- Are New Titles Being Released on FGU?
- Cthulhu by Gaslight 7e
- 7th edition monsters are missing dodge values
- Damage resistance (Mythos beings)
- Horror on the Orient Express
- Suggestion: Keep Bonus/Penalty Dice Results in Roll Order for Easier Play
- As Keeper I need to be able to be able to change fields that are read-only