- Vampire the Masquerade Bug Reports
- Looking for players or group for VTM
- VtM5th Ruleset no available on brazilian Steam yet
- Fantasy Grounds VTMV5 going forward.
- VTMV5 Clarifying rules
- VTM String files for localization
- Vampire V5 Ruleset is Gorgeous!
- VtM 5 Intro & Character Creation Class!
- A quick page for Character Creation.
- Looking for Players who want to test out this new ruleset.
- quick question
- VTM Group
- Resizing PC and NPC sheets feature request
- Assigning skill dots to NPCs
- New VtM5E Chronicle starting...
- Block Island by Night
- Feature Request: Combat Tracker Ordering
- Rule Set location
- Creating Custom Clans
- Modify V5 ruleset to previous editions
- Tokens?
- Adding Abbreviated SPC's to Encounters
- Feature Request: Coterie tab on the Character Sheet.
- How to make skill checks
- Other WoD settings?
- Combat tracker targeting and damage roll
- Noob question
- Awarding Experience Points in VTM
- I am looking to find out what FG extensions others are able to use.
- Are the 5e rules changed from nWoD?
- Feature Requests:
- When will we get the Camarilla and Anarch handbooks?
- Translation
- Institutional Conflict
- Can I use the system to create my own game?
- Austin by Night
- PC Sheets in FGU
- Reference Manual hitting with errors on FGU
- Is the ruleset in working order to run campaign?
- Powers missing in Discipline card
- Unable to make dice pool for SPCS unless I clone them first
- SPC Import
- Resize Character Sheets
- Errata and rules update in Companion 2020/12
- Onyx Path and Fantasy Grounds
- Fantasy Grounds College is looking for volunteers!~
- VTM Theme Change
- New to VMT, Why does my desktop and right bar look completely different?
- Mortals and Ghouls
- Vampire 5th Edition in French
- NPC values over 5
- New clan icons not showing on character sheets
- V5 Companion Module
- V5 questions
- Problem with SPc's
- Splitting Dice Pool
- Noob question, What kind of maps do you use for your playthroughs?
- Possible to have hot keys factor in hunger dices?
- Adding Tokens to SPCs
- creating new characters
- A skill cannot be rolled on its own!
- Vampire Companion
- Adding info for modules not currently created. Quick list?
- looking for Group In 2021 VtM 5e
- Vampire the Masquerade in Spanish
- Other Worlds of Darkness titles (eg Mage the Awakening)
- What is going on?
- We can create our own homebrew Vampire content on the Forge!
- Customized VTM play space
- Is this why there is no more content developped on FG?
- please help
- New player LFG.
- Forge Item: Vampire 5e Expanded SPCs and Equipment
- VTM dice set?
- Problem with Error issue
- Character Sheet is missing texts and labels?
- Anarchs handbook?
- Bonus Spells?
- Can I modify the character sheet/npc sheets?
- Stoplight system?
- Montreal by Night Reference manual
- Noob question about Marching & Formation window
- Anarch sourcebook
- Text Contrast Needs Adjusting when developing Themes
- Sabbat: The Black Hand
- Looking to Mod Character Sheet
- LOoking to join a V5 Chronicle
- Can't assign more than 7 Blood Potency to an SPC
- Predator Type question
- Announcing Werewolf: The Apocalypse (KS launching Sept 7th)
- Official World of Darkness Bug Report Thread
- So my worst fear came true with the update
- "How to" for the new update?
- Getting Started with VTM on FGU
- VtM V5 character sheet layout: disciplines + powers on the Main tab or not
- WoD Portraits
- Storyteller new to using Fantasy Grounds in general, and Unity in particular. Help?
- World of Darkness Resources (Compiled Links for Convenience)
- World of Darkness Ruleset
- Loresheets not responding
- VtM Module missing content (Disciplines, Clans and more)
- Camarilla handbook twice on Steam?
- How to Blood Surge, add Hunger, etc to SPCs after update?
- How to add effects that automatically apply modifiers to dice rolls?
- Cult of the Blood Gods module causing big delay in campaign load
- Special Dice vs Regular Dice
- Equip a weapon to an SPC?
- If I purchase the core ruleset, can I add the rest of the content myself?
- SPC's Disciplines missing
- Werewolf: The not Vampiring
- Aboutview and coterie sheet.
- Hunter: Backgrounds?
- WoD Dice Symbols
- Any release schedule?
- I Already Own The Books. Can I Use The Books I Have?
- Blood surge does not automate rouse check after roll
- Isle of Splintered Dreams
- V5 Quickstart - The Monsters
- Werewolf: The Apocalypse 5th Edition Primer
- Auld Sanguine
- The Deepest of Wounds
- Shattered Nation
- Midnight Kiss
- Gehenna War
- Love Bites
- Reins of Power