View Full Version : The House of Healing - Fantasy Grounds

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  1. FGU - Overview and Download
  2. Campaign Testing
  3. Feedback
  4. Fulfillment Survey
  5. Initial Observations
  6. License Check Failed
  7. This is Rob Twohy starting his own thread so JPG won't yell at me...
  8. Fantasy Grounds College Thread Alpha Team
  9. FGU Playtest - Alpha Updates
  10. FGU Early Access - Known Differences and Issues
  11. Rotating Objects
  12. Erase Error
  13. Returning Duplicate Layers
  14. Next wave of invites sent
  15. Savage Worlds Ruleset not detected :(
  16. Black rectangle appearing
  17. Display Settings
  18. Odd Icon for Tables in The Strange
  19. CallOfCthulhu7E campaign eorrs as soon as it's created
  20. Alpha issues I noticed
  21. Information in bug reports
  22. My Alpha Bugs and Suggestions
  23. The Trials of JohnQPublic
  24. Campaign Creation Error (Font Error)
  25. Sort of memory leak and other things
  26. FGU Alpha Bugs/Observations/Questions
  27. FGU License Invalid
  28. First impressions and running log of feedback
  29. FGU Alpha Testing Notes
  30. Dice Tower Visual Glitch
  31. Export module not working
  32. Assets Issues
  33. FGU Early Access - Developer Considerations
  34. ONLOAD System.NotSupportedException
  35. Settings says my license is invalid, but it is updating and downloading my modules.
  36. I can't get past my updater; Login Accepted, but Then update stops;
  37. Character tokens 5e
  38. Discord channel?
  39. Share map - image in upper left portion of connected client
  40. Call of Cthulhu occupations
  41. FGU Sharing LOS Definitions for Maps - Crowd Project
  42. 3.5e and Pathfinder report
  43. Alpha testing
  44. FGU Playtest Observations and Questions
  45. LOS for PC.
  46. FGU small bugs
  47. Versions Question
  48. Discord
  49. Occluders disappearing
  50. Savage Worlds Ruleset stopped working :(
  51. Focus
  52. FGU Key?
  53. Map edit enable LOS bleed through
  54. Editing Layer LOS
  55. How would you LOS this area? [Fog covering a pit]
  56. CustomDie definitions
  57. Previously Purchased Modules etx for FG2
  58. PotA - False Crypt - not so false?? LOS input
  59. Slash Handlers
  60. PotA - Rivergard Keep DM map secret door missing
  61. Tutorial Videos
  62. Secret doors are too secret
  63. Line of Sight and Portcullises
  64. Map suggestions and bugs
  65. Some issues have appeared
  66. New Fantasy Grounds Unity Wiki - Training and Resources
  67. Fantasy Grounds Unity Beta ~ Don't See Link in Kickstarter
  68. *.DLL updates may not work with 2nd instance of FGU open.
  69. Is something wrong with updater?
  70. Updater Text Too Large
  71. Updater stuck at "Getting purchases from FG Server"
  72. Keep getting to a screen that says check: no license key saved
  73. Trend Micro Anti-Virus deleted FantasyGrounds.exe
  74. Have to remove classic to install Unity Beta?
  75. need syncing accounts
  76. Beta Update issue
  77. Scaling the UI in Unity
  78. [BUG/FEATURE] Updater failure notification missing
  79. Installing to secondary drive failed to launch updater
  80. Module access? Also Very Slow loading
  81. launcher start notification error
  82. Check the Log if your updater seems stuck.
  83. Some notes about my fisrt impressions
  84. Beta Unity Test Bugs
  85. User Login with non ASCII characters
  86. Login Screen usability
  87. Antivirus!
  88. Do we have a way to delete cloud games yet?
  89. Purchases
  90. moving players token
  91. Exiting from a Campaign missing menu item
  92. Imported Fantasy Grounds Classic Campaign Crash
  93. Hosting issues
  94. Do I have to wait for FGU to appear on steam?
  95. Error when starting/joining a campaign
  96. If you are new to fgu - all beta users - please read
  97. Does this mean I can't use player drawn maps/images
  98. Non-beta testers testing "unlimited" licenses?
  99. Windowed Full Screen
  100. Custom ruleset programming
  101. Can't load a campaign
  102. Font changes in FGU
  103. Bug: FG Unity eating up 18 GB mem
  104. Overlapped Campaign Name and Ruleset on Launcher Screen
  105. Error when setting grid color to zero
  106. Suggestion: F/X animation speed control.
  107. Multiple Campaign Folders
  108. UI Scaling on 4k screens
  109. Is the Unity Beta backwards compatible with the standard FG?
  110. Often crashes or VERY long load time going from main menu to host new blank campaign
  111. Do you have Bugzilla or other bug submission system for the Beta?
  112. Launcher & Start Menu
  113. Full screen
  114. 3d dice behaviour and sound issue
  115. FGU & The DOEs
  116. onDoubleClick not working as expected
  117. Exit From Campaign
  118. "Reskinning" dice results no longer working
  119. Trying Load a Ruleset (fan made) based in a CoreRPG System
  120. Campaign Setup - Token Modules Activation
  121. FGU Custom tiles
  122. /reload command no longer works
  123. Memory not releasing on module unload
  124. Super slow starting
  125. Character Creation XML Errors (Pathfinder 2)
  126. Confused and need Clarity
  127. Can a player without FGU license join my game?
  128. Tokens under Campaign Setup
  129. Numpad Enter Key
  130. [QUESTION] What to report?
  131. [5e] Marching and Formation on Party Sheet
  132. [PFRPG2] HP Bars Overflow on Party Sheet
  133. Bug Report 1
  134. Intel GPU
  135. Fantasy Grounds unity stops at "Backing up self updater"
  136. Feature wishes to play other games
  137. Unity NDA
  138. Launcher Error after choosing campaign
  139. AD&D Ruleset, Rolling Dice error
  140. Radial Menu Changes?
  141. Scaleui not working
  142. Parallels?
  143. Client Crashing
  144. Aesthetic Bug: Light source over dice too dark
  145. LoS basic testing not working
  146. Connection error
  147. FGU stuck on the loading screen
  148. Install question
  149. Acquisitions Incorporated Adventures Images and Maps
  150. Slash COmmands seems not to Work
  151. Dice Velocity
  152. Cant create new Cloud Game
  153. window pop out
  154. Fantasy Grounds Unity new install has fatal error when starting
  155. Crashing when loading modules
  156. Unreasonably high GPU load while running Updater
  157. exporting character sheet
  158. How do we get our FGU license?
  159. FGC & Discord? Audio Focus robbed.
  160. Uniinstall Not Working (Got installed on 32 bit sytem)
  161. FGU crashing when loading module
  162. (BUG)Local Network connectivity will not work with additional Ethernet adapters in PC
  163. Chat with different languages
  164. Security Issue? Fantasy Grounds User names displayed in the lobby
  165. Tokens FG Unity Can't Import
  166. Converting/Using an old campaign
  167. Purchased Modules
  168. Images corrupted by other viewed images
  169. Making a Basic Map
  170. FGU Character Creation Issues
  171. Anti Paladin Class
  172. Updater: "Error: Failed to receive data"
  173. Crash after trying to load PHB (5e)
  174. download unity?
  175. [SW] Error when rolling attack dice
  176. Connected to host, can only see backround
  177. BUG - Graphical Glitch - Dice not fading
  178. D&D 5E Health dot and health bar bug.
  179. crashing issue
  180. Shared Won't Open on Player Client
  181. Setting the Grid with an Fx Layer active Breaks all Images in Campaign
  182. Reporting Connectivity Issues or Software Problems (How to Ask for Help)
  183. Map was changed
  184. Images within Assets (tokens/*) extension case sensitive
  185. License issue with Beta tester - Check yo
  186. FG Unity Beta Suggestions
  187. Copied Data not loading
  188. Settings->Basic - Invalid Username or Password
  189. FX Layers randomly appearing
  190. DD Tactical Maps Adventure Atlas
  191. Savage Worlds (SWADE) crashing FGU when dragging "edge" onto character sheet
  192. Encounter LOS
  193. Font text
  194. Tokens GIF to PNG?
  195. Connect to your own server?
  196. Map screen not resizing and can't adjust size with ctrl + mouse like FGC.
  197. Updater problem
  198. Assets, Isometric and Grids...oh my
  199. Isometric Grid
  200. FGU Updater Suggestion
  201. Just a couple general questions.
  202. Formatted Table keyboard commands
  203. Settings > Advanced - Clipped text
  204. Using too much memory or glitched install?
  205. LOS Walls moving to a different Map
  206. FGU Cannot Create Or Open A Campaign.
  207. [Bug] Fx Animations Activate When Drawing LOS Walls
  208. Unable to load FGU sample campaign and User Created Campaign
  209. some characters in comments in XML files lead to error
  210. FG crashes after trying to rehost a campaign
  211. Combat Tracker
  212. customdice script fails to load
  213. XML for all
  214. [Bug] Selecting percentile dice in CoC picks up 3 dice instead of 2
  215. FGU - How do I get started?
  216. [SWADE] Exploding dice error
  217. Odd behavior with windows/subwindows/scroll bars
  218. Modules no longer grouped by chapter
  219. Instant Search Filter
  220. BUG FGU Import Module - Can't Search & Info Pulls Up Slow ~ BUG
  221. FGU: XML Load Error when creating a new Pathfinder 2E character
  222. I am in the Mood for Green or
  223. Resizing the window causes FGU error and exit
  224. Clerical Issues
  225. Error Splash Screen when opening Fantasy Grounds
  226. [SWADE] Character Creation Issues Noted
  227. Updater Login fails
  228. Out of the Abyss missing assets; image viewing related bug
  229. NVIDIA GTX 1070 Performance and FGU - Maxed out memory and clock speed
  230. Rename Layer and Limit Special Effects Area
  231. Editing a map, when i press ENTER key the lines i created disappears
  232. Anchor oddness, aligned in FGC, not in FGU
  233. How to turn on LOS?
  234. Slow
  235. [BUG] Error on running second instance of FGU
  236. Uninstall FGU
  237. Windows resized over two monitors.
  238. Host Campaign Extensions Scrollbar
  239. Cloud or Local host
  240. FGU Playtest - Updates
  241. LOS Question(s)
  242. Tutorial error
  243. Updater Crash Error
  244. No indication that currently Unity version is run
  245. When logged in entering into login menu (basic?) it says invalid password
  246. FGU Folder System Not Working
  247. 5E ruleset, Character->Actions->Spell slots display issue
  248. Can't Add New Images
  249. Long Delay/lag when opening Content menus
  250. Can't create a new campaign using 4E ruleset