FG License: Ultimate (players only need demo)
Game System: Pathfinder 2e

Time Zone: GMT / CET
Game Time: Wednesdays 18.30 UK / 19.30 CET
Planned Duration:: 4 hours (ish) every week
Term: long term
Voice: Discord

RP / Combat: 50 / 50
Number of players: 3 currently, looking for 1 or 2 more
Character Level: the group have just made lvl 6
Character options: to be discussed if you're interested, but some unusual choices are available, and everyone gets to add a bit of druid or wizard.

The group has been together for a while now but unfortunately we have had to bid farewell to a previous player due to schedule conflicts with real life, so we're looking for someone to fill the empty seat and there's room for two if you come as a pair. I've been GM'ing for decades and the players were all new when we started a couple of years ago and we've learned how to use Fantasy Grounds together, so new and returning players are welcome.

The player characters are (now advanced) students at the world renowned Magaambya Academy, a school dedicated towards the understand and use of magic to help better themselves and the community around them. We're currently about half way through book 2 (of 6), so although the campaign has been going for a while, there's plenty more still to go but it would require some rapid catching up with backstory and plot developments which I'll admit some people may find initially overwhelming.

If you're interested, leave a reply below and I'll get back with you.