1. #1

    Newbie question regarding modules and included rulesets

    Maybe I don't have the right keywords, but my efforts to search the forums and the product descriptions has not yielded an answer I can digest.

    I see that the FGU license comes with several basic rulesets and in particular the 3.5/PF rulesets.

    So what does buying a book like "mythic adventures" or "occult adventures" give me? Are the classes, spells, and mechanics then opened up for me, or am I just getting the artwork and a copy of what is described as "This product is not a PDF or accessible outside of Fantasy Grounds. It has been lovingly converted for use within Fantasy Grounds and features the following additions:"

    In short, what am I getting when I buy these books? I apologize for being dense, but the product descriptions are pretty generic, repetitive and not clear to me.

    Put another way, what additional resources would I need to run something like Mummy's Mask or Strange Aeons?

    Thanks in advance, and if this is answered somewhere else, happy to just get a pointer to the original post.

  2. #2
    Blahness98's Avatar
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    You are getting the content of whatever book you purchase. So in the case of occult adventures, you would be getting a all the feats, classes, archetypes, magic items all in a form you can drag and drop. You are also getting all art that is included in the book.

    In the case of adventures, you would be getting the full adventure which is nearly setup for you to run. It would have all encounters and enemies located in the book prepopulated in encounters and loaded on maps. You are also getting all official artwork and everything in the book. So you shouldn't need to buy anything else when you purchase the adventure.

    With the modules you you buy, you are basically paying for someone to input the book in a form FG can use.
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  3. #3
    damned's Avatar
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    Hey xippy

    In Fantasy Grounds a ruleset is the computer code that knows what AC is and how it interacts with other stuff, how a Save or Check works and how to apply Damage to an enemy etc.
    The rulesets vary in complexity and completeness from game system to game system.

    DLC contains the actual rules and items and monsters and things like that in Fantasy Grounds format. These speed your game prep up tremendously.

    Adventures will contain all the maps (that are included in the pdf or physical product) all pregridded and prepopulated with encounters, the monsters and storyline and treasure and items etc. They contain everything except for the characters/PCs.

    I dont play PF or 3.5E so I cant comment on specifics for products for these systems but in most rulesets you really do benefit greatly from buying at least the Core Rules (where its a single base book system) or at least the Players Handbook in the D&D type systems with multiple volumes making up the Core Rulebooks. There is a lot o Pathfinder content - no official 3.5E content.

  4. #4
    Thank you. That is very helpful. It would be nice if the product description made that a little more clear.

    Follow up question. With the FGU license - does the 3.5/PF ruleset contain ALL the SRD/OGL mechanics? So, for example, I could just tell my players to make PCs based on the PFSRD and have all the mechanics i need without purchasing additional books?

  5. #5
    damned's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xippy View Post
    Thank you. That is very helpful. It would be nice if the product description made that a little more clear.

    Follow up question. With the FGU license - does the 3.5/PF ruleset contain ALL the SRD/OGL mechanics? So, for example, I could just tell my players to make PCs based on the PFSRD and have all the mechanics i need without purchasing additional books?
    It is hard to get the wording so its clear to everyone everytime. The concept is different to most other platforms.
    the 3.5 SRD is limited. Its never had as much love as the PF stuff
    There is some SRD that ships with the product, including in the demo product.
    However in the Pathfinder subforum there is a lot more Pathfinder content available to download thanks to the Paizo OGL and the efforts of many community members over time.
    You can test these out in the Demo product.

    The Core Rules do have some more features on the character side but I dont know the specifics.
    You can also get a license and the PF Core rules from the store here and if its not to your satisfaction request a refund up until 30days from your purchase.

  6. #6
    After poking around further, the answer is the basic rules that come with the license are essentially just the OGL from the PHB. Even though it is described as including the SRD, at least the PFSRD is largely ignored.

    If you want a feat or class from say, the APG, even if it is part of the PFSRD, you need to purchase the APG content.

    As an aside, it seems that it was extremely difficult to find this answer and the actual product description is marginally misleading as to what is included in the basic license. Specifically, it says it includes the Pathfinder SRD libraries - but it should more accurately say that it includes only the PF SRD libraries from the PHB, DMG, and Bestiary. It would have saved much head scratching.

    Thank you for your answers.

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