*I have the free license but I'm not opposed to buying a standard.
*I'm available for weekly games. Once a week or more than. I prefer Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday since those are my days off but I can play other nights but it would have to be after work of course.
*Not interested in playing biweekly or monthly.
*Long campaign. Homebrew or adventure books. Either are ok with me.
*Whatever communication platform is preferred.
*Prefer 5e. It's the only one I have experience with.
*I feel like I'm quite adept with using FG.
*No preferred character preference. But I'm not looking to be told what to be.
*I've been playing d&d for about a year and a half. Started in person. Then moved onto FG. I'm not very good at in character roleplay. But I'm not opposed to it. I do make out of character comments and jokes. I'm not opposed to heavy roleplay or 50/50 but again I'm not really good at it but I would like to be. I'm ok with streaming. Feel free to ask any other questions.