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  1. #1

    GM Looking for Pathfinder Players for Live Stream

    Game is currently full! Thanks for your interest!


    I am looking for a group of 4 dedicated players to participate in a homebrew adventure that will be broadcast live to Mixer as an advertisement for my GM services. I figure the best way to advertise is to have an actual group enjoying a game live for people to view. Details are as follows:

    You will need your own copy of Fantasy Grounds.
    Day of Play: Thursday
    Time: 8pm Eastern
    Ruleset: Pathfinder, 20 Point Buy; Core, Standard, and Advanced Races, except Android. No 3rd Party classes or races.
    VOIP: Discord, Server Address: https://discord.gg/jwASUzE
    5 of 5 seats taken. Table is currently full.

    The Poorly Contrived Plot: The adventurer's are carted far North to a former prison camp turned into a thriving village. The players should decide what crime they were accused of and decide whether they were guilty or not The swamp town of Lichwood is surrounded by smelly bog and dangerous creatures; exploring beyond the safety of the town walls is ill-advised. But a man seeking adventurer's on behalf of a trio of sisters who live deep in the swamp arrives offering gold to go and aid them. With half of the payment in hand, the adventurer's set off into the swamp, braving the murky wilderness and its strange and dangerous inhabitants to save the defenseless women.

    In this world wizards are rare, mistrusted, and often killed on sight. Arcane magic is something outlawed and considered dark. There are very few left, and the ones who are sill alive have exiled themselves to an island.

    New players are welcome. Please discuss class and race options beforehand.
    Please consult https://worldanvil.com/w/terra-The%20Wayward%20Wizard for world information. It's a work in progress, I just need to get off of my *** and get back to working on it.
    Last edited by The Wayward Wizard; June 23rd, 2018 at 10:13. Reason: Closing player applications.
    "I'm banging the drum
    Your big day will come
    When they remake the Wizard of Oz."

    Ultimate Game Master

  2. #2
    What would we need to do this besides FG?

  3. #3
    Would this be a video stream or just verbal? Sounds interesting. Any idea on start date? I've been roleplaying forever in several systems. But haven't really played in a serious Pathfinder game. I can play any class as I tend more to concentrate on the character's personality and motivations.
    Ultimate License

  4. #4
    i'm confused what your looking for. are you looking for temp players to show off your DMing to get other players to join later for paid games or something?
    Last edited by Vhok; May 24th, 2018 at 05:47.

  5. #5
    What would we need to do this besides FG?
    Thanks for asking, I'll update the first post with this information. I use Discord for voice chat and it's downright necessary. You can download the desktop app from discord.com and join my discord server here: https://discord.gg/jwASUzE

    Would this be a video stream or just verbal? Sounds interesting. Any idea on start date? I've been roleplaying forever in several systems. But haven't really played in a serious Pathfinder game. I can play any class as I tend more to concentrate on the character's personality and motivations.
    There will be a video stream to broadcast dice rolls and the map area. Face cam will not be employed. I hope to start next week. I'll be adding the basic premise of this advenure to the main post later today so you can have a little more information to craft a story for your character.

    i'm confused what your looking for. are you looking for temp players to show off your DMing to get other players to join later for paid games or something?
    That's exactly what I'm looking for. If I meet a few people and make a few new friends along the way even better. I plan for this game to take about a month or more, assuming nothing goes terribly wrong.
    "I'm banging the drum
    Your big day will come
    When they remake the Wizard of Oz."

    Ultimate Game Master

  6. #6
    I'll 100% tag in for this, I'd like to play an Occult class most likely, some blasty or utility option like Oculist or Kineticist if you'd allow, otherwise I have a few other ideas to try.
    Last edited by Buwaro Elexion; May 24th, 2018 at 17:08.
    Mph? Naw a bwofoffi?* (Translation: Huh? Not a broccoli?) {Source}

    To state key information:
    Steam user of the Full $100+ Fantasy Grounds product.
    Loves the orison Acid Splash.

  7. #7
    Update: 3 of 4 seats taken.
    "I'm banging the drum
    Your big day will come
    When they remake the Wizard of Oz."

    Ultimate Game Master

  8. #8
    One player had to drop. There is another seat open.
    "I'm banging the drum
    Your big day will come
    When they remake the Wizard of Oz."

    Ultimate Game Master

  9. #9
    Game is on hold until further notice.
    "I'm banging the drum
    Your big day will come
    When they remake the Wizard of Oz."

    Ultimate Game Master

  10. #10
    We are back in business and we still have 2 seats open.
    "I'm banging the drum
    Your big day will come
    When they remake the Wizard of Oz."

    Ultimate Game Master

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