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  1. #11
    We haven't played it yet (that so called "real" life keeps getting in the way this month) but I've got a good-sized campaign built so far. There's been a few weird things I've noted (Attack skill defaults to -1 for some reason on NPCs and you can't raise Arcane Points manually from the NPC sheet) and I haven't really been able to test the Combat Tracker very much without actual play-testing but it's definitely doable. As a GM, I like the rules and I'm beginning to like the default setting but my players (even though we haven't played yet) like the idea of both.


  2. #12
    damned's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ProfDogg View Post
    We haven't played it yet (that so called "real" life keeps getting in the way this month) but I've got a good-sized campaign built so far. There's been a few weird things I've noted (Attack skill defaults to -1 for some reason on NPCs and you can't raise Arcane Points manually from the NPC sheet) and I haven't really been able to test the Combat Tracker very much without actual play-testing but it's definitely doable. As a GM, I like the rules and I'm beginning to like the default setting but my players (even though we haven't played yet) like the idea of both.

    Hi ProfDogg this is another one of those rules that make this less rules-lite when it actually comes to programming it.
    From memory Rabble and Creatures and the Bloodless use Attack Skill while Toughs, Villains and Demons use Melee and Ranged...
    But many of the former can still have 0 in their Attack Skill stats so programmatically to determine whether to use Attack or Melee or Ranged the Attack Skill is set to -1 which makes the attack roll ignore it. If you change it to 0 (or higher) it then looks at the Attack String and adds [MA] melee and agility or [RA] ranged and agility...
    We tried several different ways to present this and this was the option that worked best in testing...

    So... if you have 0 or better in Attack Skill it will use Attack Skill. If you have -1 in Attack Skill it will use what ever the attack specifies - RA or MA...

  3. #13
    That makes sense. I didn't realize that was from design. I'll go back and check my creations and see if I messed that up anywhere.


  4. #14
    damned's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ProfDogg View Post
    That makes sense. I didn't realize that was from design. I'll go back and check my creations and see if I messed that up anywhere.

    Mechanically there isnt much difference. We almost went against the book and set everything with Melee and Ranged attacks because of the finicky UI issues it caused...

  5. #15
    Myrdin Potter's Avatar
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    There is a decent price on the PDF now, including a reduction on the price of the printed version (print on demand). The rules get pretty good reviews from people that have bought them and I like them as well.

    Ultimate License. Running Hyperborea and CoC. Asks lots of questions. Mgpotter.com. PureVPN is a tested solution to run games when traveling. https://billing.purevpn.com/aff.php?aff=33044

  6. #16
    Are there any more recent thoughts on this ruleset? I have been holding off purchase for a while in hopes of a sale, (I am patient and like to wait for the best prices as I need to stretch my $$$ as much as possible.) but this particular one seems to be one of the few that never goes on sale. I don't really play fantasy much at all anymore, but I have hopes of using this for Everywhen. I am not sure how well that will work with some of the changes in EW, but it has to be better then working from scratch.

  7. #17
    As a GM I like the ruleset. My players, not so much... I continuously threaten to run it and then someone says "No, let's play <insert any other system of choice>". I like other systems (a great deal in most cases) but this system is really a niche style, much like DCC (of which I do like a lot and my players really like a lot too so go figure)...

    You should the campaigns I've built for this set...

    But you know, I have no idea why it never is included in the sales...

  8. #18
    Thanks for the reply. It sounds like you have quite a bit of unused content that you have created, that's too bad. I will likely pick it up in the very near future, sale or not. :}

  9. #19
    I have played in BoL since years. All my players loved this ruleset due to unique sword and sorcery climat. Rules are intuitial and basic. All roles are specially developed for heroic Conanlike adventures. It's ideal escape from more holistic and realistic systems.

  10. #20
    Hello hello,

    I'm playing on BoL too and I have created a little theme BoL. I share my work with you

    Enjoy !
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