1. #1

    A Homebrewed 5E Campaign / Adventure! *UPDATED*

    5e Campaign-
    Timezone: EST
    Dates: Any day at any time. Whenever people are open. Times can be negotiated after 3 members!
    The end times have come; pestilence, war, famine, all of the signs show on these lands. The world has become corrupted, demonic influence seeps into all corners of the land.
    There are few safe havens left but those that are left will be well defended and overpopulated. the rest... Well the rest have ether fallen or are barely standing. This story is not of saving the world but just of surviving.

    Important facts:
    -The North is made up of the remaining "Good" settlements and cities and is a Snowy and Mountain based terrian.
    -The West is Ocean and Costal Territory
    -The East is a Badland/Plains like territory which leads to more Ocean
    -The South is a Desert like area full of Corrupt/"Evil" Settlements and Fortresses...
    -The middle of it all is a mix making a heavily Wooded terrain which is full of Neutral settlements.
    -In Coldhaven races other than pure Human is normally arrested or killed on sight as fear of corruption spreads.

    Your Characters:
    Your characters are simple mercenaries, not a prophesized group of hero's, your apart of a mercenary company that has chosen to stay in the neutral alignment. It is called The Blackwood Company.
    No matter what you do Blackwood shall stay neutral and the other members (Not in your party) know this and have decided to take advantage of it, some doing good, some doing horribly bad things.
    -The party starts out as neutral and will slowly evolve into whatever they are wanting to be.
    -The party is able to be any class and or race they wish, I will describe more on this in the Discord under the "Classes-Races" Tag.

    Not much is needed besides a working mic and a Discord. Oh and a patience!

    I am NEW at D&D and GMing but I have been and still will be watching tutorials to do the best I can!
    We will be starting after we get at the least 3-4 players and will keep recruiting up to 6-7.
    Characters will start at Lvl. 1.
    Will be a mix of Combat and RolePlay.


    Hope to see you all soon! -Wendigo the GM (Also known as Lhyr The Liar)
    Last edited by WendigoTheDrunk; September 21st, 2017 at 02:42.

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Hey there. Sounds interesting to me, so if you'll have me, I'm in. Details as follows:

    FG license: Paid.
    Timezone: Australian Eastern Standard Time (but willing to play odd hours)
    Days, frequency, time: Anything but Monday, Tuesday or Friday nights. Weekly or fortnightly. Time negotiable.
    Voice: Able and willing to voice-chat. Have Skype or Discord, can be persuaded to other apps.
    Experience: With 5E? Limited. I've listened to a few podcasts and played a one-shot. Comfortable enough to roll up a character though.
    FG experience: Very limited. I can roll up a character and that's about it. Willing to put in the time to learn though.

    Character type preferred: Any. I like rogues, but I'm easy to take on something else if the story needs it.

    About me: 25 year old Australian guy; played RPG computer games since I was a kid, started to move into DnD proper in the last year or so. Into RP heavy and combat games, not at all opposed to having a laugh OOC. Only side note, I'm military, so may occasionally get pulled away for extended periods at short notice. I understand if this is a dealbreaker; if not, I'll give as much notice as is possible.

  4. #4
    Course you can join, just follow the link and we can talk there!

  5. #5
    Raguel's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Winter Park, FL
    I'm interested in joining so long as others don't mind my schedule. I do shift work, so my days off alternate each week. I'll either have wed thurs, or mon tue sat sun off. I'm est and work 1730 to 0330 on the days I work. I also already have a game on alternate saturdays in the morning.

    A bit about me. I'm a long time gamer, and have a bit of experience with 5e. I'm also decently experienced with FG. I prefer roleplaying heavy games to straight dungeon crawls, and lower fantasy settings. I'm fairly open on character types, usually finding a concept I want to explore personality/background wise and then finding a class from there.

  6. #6

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