Would anyone be interested in a Pathfinder e6 game?

Day: Wednesday, Thursday OR Sunday
Time: 6 pm PST - 10 pm PST
Frequency: Weekly


It would be set in the Berserk (anime) setting. Here is a clip from the anime.


The available starting classes would be

Paladin (less their spellcasting, receiving a bonus feat at 6th instead, and less their moral obligations, they can be Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral, or Neutral Good and must have a basic "code")
Ranger (less their spellcasting, receiving a bonus feat at 6th instead)

*Spellcasting is simply non-existent as far as the general populace is concerned. It DOES exist (if you read into the Berserk anime/manga you will learn it does), but it is harnessed/controlled by powerful evil creatures and dark rituals.
The premise of the game would be that of members of a mercenary company, the Falcon Brigade, during the Hundred Year War. The Brigade taking on dangerous tasks for the elite nobility, tasks that their own soldiers may be unwilling to undertake. If successful the company could pursue many paths through their career. Please note that this wouldn't be a standard "adventure path" instead using "war" rules where you are part of a larger unit (Brigade).