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  1. #11
    Place holder for Meditative Focuses, if the list gets too long...
    To err is human.
    To arrrr is pirate.

  2. #12
    I'd really love to join a DarkSun Campaign... I have Sundays off
    But never played 4e, I'm mostly used to pathfinder and the likes, but I'm a quick study

  3. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Justyn View Post
    I'd really love to join a DarkSun Campaign... I have Sundays off
    But never played 4e, I'm mostly used to pathfinder and the likes, but I'm a quick study
    We play on Thursdays, 5PM CDT for 3-5 hours. Aiming to play every week, but as we all know life interrupts sometimes, we try to get to play at least twice a month, maybe thrice.
    To err is human.
    To arrrr is pirate.

  4. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Llyle View Post
    We play on Thursdays, 5PM CDT for 3-5 hours. Aiming to play every week, but as we all know life interrupts sometimes, we try to get to play at least twice a month, maybe thrice.
    I'm looking here at my work times, and I think I can make it. Weekdays are kinda of a gamble for me, but the timezone difference help even things out a bit.
    How can we talk more?

  5. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Justyn View Post
    I'm looking here at my work times, and I think I can make it. Weekdays are kinda of a gamble for me, but the timezone difference help even things out a bit.
    How can we talk more?
    I'm not the DM, so I can't say if we have room for another player. Also there are plenty of 5e/3.5 /pathfinder games running, also on Sundays, try the LFG section of this forum

    If you're still interested in this one though, read here:

    ...and contact the DM (computertrucker)
    To err is human.
    To arrrr is pirate.

  6. #16
    I didn't like the Dark Sun setting, back in the AD&D days. I wanted forests and castles and magic; lots of it in fact. I also didn't like the art on the covers - too many muscles and savage feeling for my taste.

    Then three years ago I read Dune. While at first I had the same problems with the sand and deserts I was hooked by the plot. And then I kind of liked the whole world and the politics.

    Three months ago I began planning a new campaign in 4e and I wanted something different from the usual. Dark Sun seemed like a very interesting choice then. I bought some 2e pdfs and the 4e Campaign Setting and Creature Catalogue in pdf and the first novel from Prism Pentad; I was hooked! There is a lot of interesting stuff there, a very rich world and while some things didn't change (I still don't like the whole gladiator and halflings eat their enemies stuff - the savage feeling of the setting) I believe that it is one of the most interesting campaigns that I have ever run.

    I don't know if my change of taste is because I am getting older or that I am bored of the same stuff over and over again or if imagination is something that we train. Most probably all of them are true. But the most important thing is that one must never close his mind to new ideas.

    And, if I manage to finish my campaign (I plan to run 12 stories/ adventures - my players are going to reach 12th level at best) I think that I can try Eberron (which I still don't like - too scifi for my taste). And connect them. Something like "your ancestors freed the world from the sorcerer kings and got rid of the plague that was eating the soul of the earth. Today, 1000 years later you were born. In a world with forests and airships..."

    Yes, seems strange but why shouldn't we train our imagination?
    Last edited by fantasmamore; July 2nd, 2017 at 08:51.

  7. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by fantasmamore View Post
    I didn't like the Dark Sun setting, back in the AD&D days. I wanted forests and castles and magic; lots of it in fact. I also didn't like the art on the covers - too many muscles and savage feeling for my taste.

    Then three years ago I read Dune. While at first I had the same problems with the sand and deserts I was hooked by the plot. And then I kind of liked the whole world and the politics.

    Three months ago I began planning a new campaign in 4e and I wanted something different from the usual. Dark Sun seemed like a very interesting choice then. I bought some 2e pdfs and the 4e Campaign Setting and Creature Catalogue in pdf and the first novel from Prism Pentad; I was hooked! There is a lot of interesting stuff there, a very rich world and while some things didn't change (I still don't like the whole gladiator and halflings eat their enemies stuff - the savage feeling of the setting) I believe that it is one of the most interesting campaigns that I have ever run.

    I don't know if my change of taste is because I am getting older or that I am bored of the same stuff over and over again or if imagination is something that we train. Most probably all of them are true. But the most important thing is that one must never close his mind to new ideas.

    And, if I manage to finish my campaign (I plan to run 12 stories/ adventures - my players are going to reach 12th level at best) I think that I can try Eberron (which I still don't like - too scifi for my taste). And connect them. Something like "your ancestors freed the world from the sorcerer kings and got rid of the plague that was eating the soul of the earth. Today, 1000 years later you were born. In a world with forests and airships..."

    Yes, seems strange but why shouldn't we train our imagination?
    That sounds intriguing! I've always viewed Eberron as a little bit of the Final Fantasy side of D&D, but never actually played in an Eberron campaign. Do you plan to run that new campaign in 4e when the time comes? If so, I may be interested in joining it!
    To err is human.
    To arrrr is pirate.

  8. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Llyle View Post
    If so, I may be interested in joining it!
    Thank you for your interest but we are playing face to face in Athens, Greece speaking... greek! So I think that might be a problem :P Thank you again though.

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