5E Product Walkthrough Playlist
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  1. #11
    Session 9,
    The adventurers stood on a hill overlooking the City of Korvosa. The city guards that guided them to the city, explained the different parts of the city and some of the interesting local holidays such as the Breaching Festival held at the Academia annually. Tolac the guard said that no one has won the Fastival in over 200+ years. The prize must be over 100K gold sails by now.

    Over the North Bridge they went, the guards at the city gate questioned them and let them go on their way. The guards with them invited the group to a local tavern, but Egric wanted to know see his bride to be. Once they got to the home of Ersta Beldid they found that no one was home. Egric took the group to the Temple of Cayden Cailean, where Ersta and his friends normally drink. He was not there. The guards drank to the group, and most denizens of the temple welcomed them, accept a thug that was thrown out of the establishment.
    After the group left the temple, they proceeded back to the Drudgespades house where the Beldid's live. At the house Egric found Ersta but no Yovan. Ersta handed him the kidnap note, it appears the Duster's of East end kidnapped her. They devised a plan, the group would seek Merlessa the alleged leader of the Duster's and Ersta would go to deliver the ransom.
    At the Shoreline Tavern the group find a Carrulian Society officer, that pointed the group toward where Merlissa lives. Their plan complete, the group head to Marlissa's flat in the East Shore District near the north wall by Thieves End.

    At her home Egric goes invisible while the rest of the group keeps lookout. Some man go buy, and Crow starts kissing Eliera to full them in thinking they were a bunch of young lovers waiting for a friend before they head to the Shoreline Tavern. After they passed Eiera slapped him, what the hell was that for she whispered. Crow said, it was not half bad really. Meanwhile Egric scoped out the 1st floor through the windows. The Right most window was open, once Egric got inside he saw the old shopkeeper asleep. Egric opened the door. The others came in, while Eric swung his sword and removed the man's head from his shoulders. Feeling better, Egric stuffed both halves in a barrel. Katlin smirked and whispered, you are an absolute horror. Then they ducked, as the patrol passed the windows. Egric went upstairs first invisible. He starts to hear splashing from behind the door. He manages to open the door and sneak into the room, before the girl in the room reacts. He puts his short sword by her throat and tells her to be quite. She is beautiful, but his anger galvanizes him. This has to be her, he starts to doubt himself, but the Carrulian Society Officer Identifies her.

    After not so gentle persuasion by Egric, and a detect Evil by Eliera, they know within a shadow of doubt that she is Merlessa. Her stuff is found on the bed. Merlessa says even though she is the Duster's of Trails End leader, her boyfriend, Kynndors Thok is a bit dim. He recognized Yovan and decided to kidnap her, all on his own. Merlessa decided that arguing with Egric was fruitless, agreed to cooperate [To Be Continued...].
    Last edited by dellanx; October 11th, 2016 at 16:57.

  2. #12
    Session 10:
    At Merlessa's the group and the Guild Officer are standing around a naked woman. Eliera the cleric is frowning, the woman is evil, but the guild officer is evil too. Eliera knows that Egric, killed a man down stairs in cold blood, she does not want any more blood spilled here tonight. The rest of the party feels the same way, they are nervously standing around, looking at the angry man, there companion, all accept the Guild Officer.

    I am Merlessa, I was taking a bath, I was not expecting visitors. I was caught off guard, it appears you have me in your power. I realize that you may kill me if you wish, but if you wanted to do that I would be already dead. Please tell what you wish of me? Egric says: either we kill you or not depends largely on you. Merlessa, listens to what Egric has to say, and suggests, that if she was guilty of kidnapping his girl friend, she would have been guarded by more than a shop keeper. She tries to re-assure Egric of her honesty, and he almost believes her, but then something changes. He comes close to killing her right there and then, but Katlin and Eliera encourage him to listen to her. Meanwhile, Merlessa says: Thok is ambitious and is short-sited, than having me as a hostage will help., but how can you trust the Dusters of East End to do what I order? There may be a way, you hold several elixirs of truth, they are yellow potions. If we both drink, you will know I tell the truth.

    The guild officer yells, enough of this kill the bitch. Egric says may I kill her? But rest of his companions wish to hear her out. Before they can react, the guild officer reads a scroll. He summons many assassins and a wizard. A fight ensues. They attack Merlessa viscously, she soon goes unconscious. A long fight starts, valiantly they fight the assassins. The cleric heals Merlessa, and the group. Slowly, the party kills off the enemies. They find a note and an amulet on their bodies. The note proves that Thok was duped in kidnapping Yovan, and the medallions have two letters on them in Chalixian that say "ГЛ".

    Merlessa spits on and kicks the guild officer's unconscious body. Then looks in shock, at Egric. Egric's sleeve is turn on his armor. She says "where did you get that birth mark, because I have the same on my left shoulder". I was born with it, says Egric. After 12 years of cruel separation, brother and sister are re-united in a rush of hugs and kisses. They part, she says my men or I can take you to Thok, but first I would ask you to give me my items back. Eventually Egric agrees. Merlessa talks to her brother, and extracts a promise from Egric not to harm Thok. Merlessa proposed a double wedding. Egric is eager to have Yovan released.

    With Merlessa the party ventures to Trails End and come to the duster hide out. Thok is summoned and the situation explained to him. He is asked to fetch the traitor Mihail. Egric, Merlessa and Thok slay him in the yard near the Duster's Head Quarters. Thok dispatches men to clean up the body here and at Merlessa's home. Yovan is released, unharmed and well. [To Be Continued]
    Last edited by dellanx; October 16th, 2016 at 07:35.

  3. #13
    Hanma Gennsuke arrived in Korvosa Midland district, and proceeded immediately to question strangers to the whereabouts of his relatives. Seven years ago, Hemiko, his niece arrived here with her father. Her father died, soon after their arrival. She met a nice young merchant named Pavo Strabo, and they were soon married. They had a daughter named Katory-Sylva Strabo.

    Hemiko, kept writing home for seven years. Then six months ago, the letters stop coming. Hanma Gennsuke decided to come to Korvosa to find his relations.

    After meeting some guards, he was directed to the New City Hall, where a magistrate received him. Hanma told their story, and after a scribe verified their names on the city register, it was determined that both Pavo and his wife both reside in the Gray District. What does that mean asked Hanma. The scribe left, and the magistrate asked Hanma to sit. He offered him a drink, and proceeded. He said that they used to live in the Midlands district, at a shop at the Aodred’s Walk, which is now called the “Doom and Gloom”. The place has a new owner, because the city reposed it after their death. They are deceased, and are interred in the Everyman’s ward in the Gray district. The child Sylva has been put in one of the five Orphanages. You may wish to check the Highbridge Orphanage first, because that is the closest Orphanage near that area. Thanking the magistrate, Hanma left and proceeded to Aodred’s Walk.

    After wondering around a bit, he asked directions and found it. At the walk he asked the guards where may he find the “The Doom and Gloom”. You are standing by it said the guard. Hanma looked up and saw the sign. He entered the shop, an Old Varisian woman by the name of Rhodia greeted him. At first Hanma suspected foul play, but the woman easy demeanor and the harrow cards on the table assured him the all was ok here.

    Hanma touched the cards, Rhodia said, sit, since you were the relative of the diseased I will do a free reading for you. She shuffled the cards and had Hanma draw the cards, and read the Past, Present and Future. Things look dire, but she took his hands and told Hanma “You are a crusader”. I am no crusader said Hanma. You are when it comes to family, go find her or avenge her only the gods know.

    Hanma left on his way to the Highbridge Orphanage. At the Orphanage, the Orphanage Mom, took pity on Hanma and let him talk to Sylvas roommates. The kids told him that Sylva ran away, when a man by the name of Geodron Lamm promised her candy. They said she used to talk, that she met him near one of the Midland’s taverns. Unhappy, Hanma left the Orphanage and preceded to the last Tavern he saw.

    At the tavern, Hanma yelled: “Gedron Lamm!” A guard called him over, that name, that man is reputed to be a kidnapper of children, a thief and a murderer. Where one finds him, asked Hanma. I don’t know said the Guard, but now he will find you, me thinks. Have a beer stranger.

    Hanma left the tavern. Hey you he heard from a dark alley, you seek “Geodron Lamm”, He sends his love foreigner. The would-be-assassin draws his blade. Hanma wastes no time, he starts cast spells and attacks with his katana sword. The fight is short and brutal. Wounded, Hanma barriers his Katana, in the man’s guts. As he withdraws the katana the blade looks black, it says “Where am I?”

    Surprised and trembling Hanma drops the blade. Five men come out of the shadows. We saw what you did to Borris, now you will die. The Blackblade says: Pick me up!”. Hanma, still hurt from the recent fight, but angered and resolute, picks up the blade [To be Continued].

  4. #14
    Session 11:
    Merlessa and Thok give Egric money for Ersta and a wedding rings that belonged to Egric's father and mother. The group head off to deliver the news and money to Ersta Beldid, the father of Yovan. On the way there the group runs smack dab into a party of assassins that are attacking an oriental man. Oblivious to their danger the assassins close on the man, and the group surprises them from the rear. The fight is short. Two assassins are captured. The oriental man's name is Hanma. He is in Korvosa to rescue his Causin Sylva, that is what the group finds out when he tells them his story.

    They head to the Drudgespades Headquarters, where they meet with Ersta, tell him what happened and sleep it off before the wedding. Egric presents his ideas for the aliance of the two families, and Ersta impressed with his future son-in-law asks him if he will become his special advisor. He asks his daughter if she will manage the urchin home that the family will astablish, and the party agrees to become the venture's patrons.

    Everyone goes to sleep. They dream of the mysterious woman that left the Temple of Cayden Cailean. In the morning Ersta wishes that he could go with them to the wedding, but he cant the need for secrecy . Aldbear grins and puts a hat of disguise on him. Ersta now looks like a gorgeous young girl, with all the womanly charms. Ersta threatens to gut Egric if he says a single word about this, and Yovan kisses her father. Ersta gives Egric his parents wedding bands for Merlessa and Thok.

    The party head to the appointed spot outside of the City. The Ceremony is conducted by Eliera.

    The Ceremony:

    Friends and Family of the BRIDEs and GROOMs, welcome and thank you for being here on this important day. We are gathered together to celebrate the very special love between these BRIDEs and GROOMs, by joining them in marriage. All of us need and desire to love and to be loved. BRIDE and GROOM, your marriage today is the public and legal joining of your souls that have already been united as one in your hearts recognized by gods and beings alike. Marriage will allow you a new environment to share your lives together, standing together to face life and the world, hand-in-hand. Marriage is going to expand you as individuals, define you as a couple, and deepen your love for one another. To be successful, you will need strength, courage, patience and a really good sense of humor. We live in special times, let your marriage be your rock in these dark times.

    Today there will be no dearly beloved, no betrothed, and no ancient rhyme of the married. Today there are no dead languages to solemnize vows that are very much alive and will remain so for a lifetime. Today promises become permanent and long standing enemies become friends and family. However, this day is not about the words spoken or the rings exchanged, nor is it about grand pronouncements and recessional marches. This day – the day of BRIDE and GROOM’s wedding – is about love. One of my favorite authors once wrote, “If love is not all, then it is nothing: this principle, and its opposite, collide down all the years of my breathless tale.” BRIDE and GROOM, your breathless tale is about to begin. If love is not all, then it is nothing.

    Its opposite – If love is all, then it is everything – is going to be the basis for every aspect of your relationship. All you have to do is simply love one another and that love shows through in everything you do for one another, how you treat each other, in good times and bad. Love isn’t just a word; it’s an action. Love isn’t something you say, it’s something you do. Love is genuine, honest, and open, compassionate and kind, passionate and blind, love doesn’t know space or time, nor look through jealous eyes. This kind of love will go to Hell and back to save the beloved ones soul. Love never dies.”

    There are many different kinds of love, almost if not all of which are represented here today. There is romantic love, the love of parents and children, of brothers and sisters and family, and love among friends. Not only do BRIDE and GROOM love one another romantically – and they do, you can see it in every look, every touch, every moment they’re together – they also love one another as friends. In fact, they’re best friends, constantly giggling and taunting and teasing and very plainly and obviously having fun together. That love and enjoyment of each other as best friends will sustain them through this marriage.

    You are promising, in front of all these people you love, that you want to be with each other and only each other for the rest of your lives, and that you will do everything in your power to honor the promises you are making here today. For their part, the people who love you will also do everything in their power to try to help you hold up your end of the bargain.
    The ceremony is long and beautiful. The rings are exchanged. Eliera pronounces the BRIDEs amd GROOMs - men and wives, and the wives are kissed by their husbands.

    The gathered cheer.

    There is food, drink and dancing. Thok almost steps on Merlessa's foot, but Merlessa manages to avoid her husband's misstep. Merlessa offers her flat to Egric and Yovan for their nuptials. The themselves take over the Duster's Headquarters. Merlessa asks Ersta to meet tomorrow. Ersta agrees, the newlyweds go to their respective houses. The rest of the party head back toward the Drudgespades Headquarters. It is the Mid-Day of the 7th of Abadius, 4708, and everything is well? [To Be Continued Next Week....]

  5. #15
    Session 11.5
    After the wedding the Egric and Yovon left to his sisters flat. The rest of the party and Ersta traveled to the Drudgespades Headquarters (DS HQ). While at the DS HQ, the party troughs around some innuendos, and Eliera starts looking at Crow with interest. Crow is looking at an old wrinkled letter. What is it says Eliera? It is a letter says Crow from my father. I am sorry (whispers) Crow. What are you sorry about, asks Katlin? I am sorry I could not save him. Crow gives the letter to Eliera.

    We regret to inform you that Ranger Crow lost his life in the service of the City and Monarchy of Korvosa. There is no easy way to bring this up, your father's life was cut short. He was investigating reported criminal activities, dockside in the Midland District when last he was seen alive. He was found floating in the Jeggare River with a stab on his back. His arm looked like it was chewed off by some large beast. Ranger Crow was an excellent ranger marine. He was my friend. Yours, Commandant Marcus Thalassinus Endrin.

    We should find this Commandant, maybe Ersta knows where we should look. Ersta says, Hmm Commander Endrin, try either the Endrin Military Academy or The Great Tower. Try the Academy first he is usually there.

    The group took a trip through the city. Hunma told them his tail, and the Blackblade had more questions, which startled Hunma every time. They finally enteed Old Korvosa. They near a small castle. At the castle a guard admits them to see the Commandant. The Commandant, a young human Ranger greets Crow and his companions. He regrets that the killer is still at large, and he wishes that something could have been done, but the red tape is tying his hands. He does admit that he thinks it is Lamm, but finding him and convicting him Disappointed, the group leaves. The guard tells them if they find Lamm, make sure the sharks eat him.

    The group dejected head the Temple of Cayden Cailean. There the group drank and ate. Then Hanma found a card under his tankard, and then the others did.

    On the front of each card it said: I know what Gaedren has done to you. He has wronged me as well. I know where he dwells, yet cannot strike at him. Come to my home at 3 Lancet Street at sunset. Others like you will be there. Gaedren must face his fate, and justice must be done.

  6. #16
    Session 12:
    The group met up at the Drudgespades headquarters. All of them except the druid received Harrow cards inviting them to attend a clandestine meeting, that promised to reveal the location of their mutual enemy Gaedren Lamm. They proceeded to the location, north past the Citadel Volhyenek. Finally they arrived at the home, to find it occupied by another adventurer. They greeted her, she introduced herself as Sivath.

    As always Egric was the most suspicious. After exploring for a while, he came back to the table in the main room and stood behind the head chair. Finally a woman arrived, she greeted the visitors one by one, ad introduced herself as Zellara. She set down and asked Egric to sit, as she talked she skillfully shuffled a deck of cards and asked the PCS to remove a threat from the city and recover her deck of Harrow Cards, that Gaedren Lamm stolen. She relays the Lamm killed her son, it took her a year, but she was finally able to locate his hideout.

    Upon the groups agreement to accept the mission, she proceeded to read their fortune. Each player drew a card in turn, and Zellara read their fortune, in the past, present and future as described by the Harrow cards drawn. After the reading the group went to the location provided by Zellara.

    There they found an old fisher. The place was occupied by thugs, murderers and thieves. After a long fight with these murderers, the few enemy survivors chose to or were thrown into the shark infested waters around the fishery. Soon they went underwater, and even the bubbles were gone. The group rescued 8 Lamm's Lambs, and Sivath cleaned their faces up. The group proceeded around the fishery down a treacherous dock to the boat docked behind the old fishery. [To Be Continued.]

  7. #17
    Session 13:
    The group got on the ship docked near the walk way. Hanma and Sivath fell through the rotted wood boards into the hold of the ship. The spiders inside attacked. As Hanma and Sivath fended off the spiders, the rest of the group descended the stairs. The group eventually killed the spiders. After a long search of the ships boxes and barrels, Katlin found a secret door that led onto a walkway between this level and the Old Fishery above.

    The group saw some very fat sharks swimming lazily in the waters here. Ignoring the sharks, the group made it to a door south of the ship. They opened the door, and were greeted by Gaedron Lamm's insults. The group fought Gaedron's henchmen and Gubblegut his alligator, while Gaedron confessed his foul crimes, and derided them. He tried to bribe some, he threatened others, and most of all he confessed that his Lord would have been pleased by the meal that Gubblegut recently had. His numerous crimes. Sylvia, Hanma's cousin, Sivath's mother, who else has he killed, and why? Gaedron confessed about his Lord. Who is this man?

    After killing the henchmen and Gubblegut, the party broke down the door and killed Gaedron. The found his treasure, among them a Harrow deck and a precious broach. The proceeded upstairs, and found more things and rescued the kids. The they heard noise outside and smelled smoke. The went outside and saw pandemonium. Korvoas on fire!

    While the party was inside killing Gaedron, the King Eodred Arabasti II passed away. The Queen Ileosa Arabasti, ascended to the throne. The city is rioting, the city is burning, the government implemented martial Law it seems. Hellknights, Korvosan Guards and The Sable Company are trying to re-establish order, Egric remembered that his wife went shopping. The party rushes south past a group of Hellknights very efficiently putting out a riot. Soon the party get to Zellara's home. The place looks abandoned, Zellera materializes out of thin air as if she is a ghost. She tells the group that Gaedron killed her, just like he killed her son. She asks them if they have her deck, they show her the deck, and Eliera accepts Zellara's Harrow Deck as her charge. After identifying three items, the group get ready to rescue Yovan, after Egric confesses that he sent her shopping. Katlin says, how could you have known this would happen. No one could have foreseen this. [To be Continued]..

  8. #18
    Session 14:
    The adventurer's were at Zellera's home. Egric was eager to find his wife. Finally they decided who would carry the Zellara's Herrow Deck somehow stayed with Sivath. Zellara suggested that the urchins stay with her while the group journeys to find Egric's wife Yovan.

    They proceeded to the Eodred’s Walk. A short 10 minute walk south through the desolated streets the party arrived at the market mall. In the distance they heard screams and violence. Looters everywhere, the King's death has destabilized the city. Egric hopes are answered when he saw his wife, he implored the citizens to be peaceful and disperse, but Gennosuke decided to attack a rioter. Gennosuke remembered the Doom and Gloom, the rioters were in the way. That started the fight. Egric said oh no, and began to fight, to his horror he was not in control. He began to attack friend and foe alike, as if berserk. The worst part about the fight and the best thing was that Egric was unstoppable. He almost killed Aldbear, the Katlin shielded the group from his rage.

    After a while he was dazed by what has transpired, but at least he was himself. All the rioters were dead. The party proceeded back to Zellara's got the kids and went to the Drudgespades HQ. On the way there they met Watch Sergeant Grau. drunk as a skunk. He was depressed about the king's death. He recognized Egric and wanted to get another drink. The group offered to take him with them. Grau obliged, and came along. Soon they party ran into a Korvosan Guard patrol. First Grau was taken to the Citadel Volshyenek. Then the guards escorted the group to the Drudgespades HQ.

    At last safe, they ate and discussed Ersta's drug business, Egric's predicament, the kids, the queens broach and what to do next. Finally suspicions aside, they went to sleep. Egric with his wife, Gennosuke with the child like Blackblade, and others where ever they could find space. Indeed Doom and Gloom descended over the Fair City of Korvosa. [To Be continued]

  9. #19
    Session 15:
    On Abadius 9, 4708 the party met at Ersta's home. Katlin asked Egric how his night was, then scrunched up her nose. A remains of a skunk like odor emanated from his person. Eliera and Katlin asked Egric about what he planned to do about his companion ghosts. He has confessed about being possessed. Eliera suggested that the clerics of Shelyn may help him, exorcise the ghosts.

    Egric and the group traveled north through the rioting city. They ran across a mad prophet. That dribbled and wheezed, making doomsday predictions about Korvosa and the Eye of Groetus. He almost touched Crow, but he deftly stepped aside and the old mad prophet fell on his *** in the muddy street into a pile of horse dung. Mad, he yelled you will all Die! Die! Die!

    They traveled on to the Sacred Shrine of Shelyn in the North Point District. Where the clergy of Shelyn agreed to conduct the Ritual Exorcism on Egric, on behalf of Eliera, a cleric of Shelyn.

    After extensive preparations, per ritual, the ritual was conducted. The ghost left the host and started attacking the Sacred Guardian of Shelyn, because she was in charge of the ceremony. He cast Quickened Wind Wall and Repulsion. Separating most clerics from the rest of the group. After the 2nd round, the Ghost of Hilda Meyhovi started convincing her husband that the curse was over, and if he killed the mortals she would leave him. The Ghost of Peter Meyhovic eventually agreed. The clerics needed to rest. The Following morning Sivath suggested that the group leaves this pious house and head to a Pub and drink till they puke out a lung! Egric not happy with the idea, but not having any better ideas Egric agreed. Happy that the curse is over, he decided to go along with that plan. [To be continue].

  10. #20
    Session 16:
    The group left the Shrine of Shelyn heading to the Three Rings Tavern. On the way there they were attacked by Devil Imps. The Devil, Imps surprised the group out of no where. The fight was short, some Pseudodragons came to help. With their help, the group chased the Imps away, but Katlin and Crow fell puking to the ground. After Eliera examined the pair, she determined that they have been poisoned. The closest location was again the Shrine of Shelyn.

    The group went back assisting their poisoned companions to the Shrine. The Sacred Guardian of Shelyn agreed to neutralize the poison and restore Crow and Katlin for 300 gp ea. Each paid the sum, and were refreshed.

    The group went trudging back to the Tavern. There they met the staff. The Theandra Darklight the Owner, Tauk Par the Shaonti bouncer, and Esmarelda a very friendly wench. The place was empty due to the riots.

    Tauk was so happy to have guest that he introduced the group to a fun drinking game called Toss the Golden Sail. One tosses a golden sail into a cup of ale, if one hits one names a drinker, if one misses on drinks. One drinks, unless one says Chance, the one can toss again. On e goes on until a miss. The rules may be changed. The first time Eliera made the drinker say Germane, or one would drink a penalty drink. Later on Tauk changed the word to Me Barbarian. Egric tried playing dagger throw, but did not do so well against Tauk, and decided to eat Clams. Gennosuke set in the corner and did not drink a drop. Eventually Sivath went unconscious, and the group continued playing Golden Sail Toss.

    The Crow heard the screams from outside the door. About sixty feet from the Tavern it seems that two Otyugh got loose from the Sewer? According to Tauk Par, Queen Dominia brought these to Korvosa to take care of the cities garbage problem. When the city maintenance is not done, the Otyugh get loose and go on a rampage. After eliminating the Otyugh threat, the adventurers and Tauk went back into the Tavern. Theandra Darklight wiped their tab clean, and they went to sleep. All but Eliera, she ran to the table with the glass and demonically laughed at the offending drink. Egric sais what? Tauk asked Eliera if she would like to play some more with Me Barbarian, and Gennosuke said that is majorly f*ck*d up, tonight. Egric said Great! Tauk laughed out loud. Egric said she will sleep it off. Egric and Gennosuke supported Eliera and took her to her room on the 2nd floor.

    Egric went to a window, opened it and smelled the air. [To be continue].

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