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  1. #11
    damned's Avatar
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    Generally all of these things are defined in 2 or 3 places.
    Getting notepad++ and using the Find In Files search feature is going to be your friend here.

    \extension.xml introduces all your files
    \campaign\record_char.xml introduces the new tab
    <!--   Added new MoreCore Tab to the Character Sheet -->
    <!--   "more" is a reference only. charsheet_more refers to <windowclass name="charsheet_more"> which is found in the \campaign\record_char_more.xml file  -->
    			<subwindow name="more">
    you would then do searches on more abd charsheet_more
    you would find
    \campaign\record_char.xml which defines the new tab/sheet and has several fields dfined within.
    its fairly well commented
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
      Please see the license.html file included with this distribution for 
      attribution and copyright information.
    <!-- New WindowClass "charsheet_more" -->
    	<windowclass name="charsheet_more">
    <!-- New Frame taken from the record_char_notes.xml file  -->
    			<frame_char name="detailframe">
    			<string_labeled name="race">
    				<anchored to="detailframe" position="insidetopleft" offset="15,10" width="150" height="20" />
    			<string_labeled name="gender">
    				<anchored to="race" position="right" offset="5,0" width="70" />
    			<string_labeled name="age">
    				<anchored to="gender" position="right" offset="5,0" width="70" />
    			<string_labeled name="height">
    				<anchored to="age" position="right" offset="5,0" width="70" />
    			<string_labeled name="weight">
    				<anchored to="height" position="right" offset="5,0" width="70" />
    <!-- New Frame for recording Attack Strings. 5 lines long, will scroll to more than 5 lines but cant double-click them if they go over 5 lines as it loses focus between clicks on lines 6+  -->
    			<!-- Attack Frame by damned -->
    <!-- Frame Co-ordinates  -->
    			<frame_char name="attackframe">
    <!-- Frame Anchor point and Label -->
    				<anchored to="attackframe" />
    <!-- Label Text is found in /strings/strings_morecore.xml -->
    				<static textres="pc_label_attack" />
    <!-- Blank lines for recording your attack strings  -->
    <!-- My suggestions for attack and damage strings are:
         Fit Attack and Damage on one line
         Use Syntax: [A] Weapon Dice, [D] Weapon Dice,
         You can only use standard dice (d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, d20 and modifiers -->
    			<stringu name="attacks" source="attacks">
    				<anchored to="attackframe">
    					<top offset="30" />
    					<left offset="15" />
    					<right offset="-20" />
    					<bottom offset="-5" />
    				<!-- npc_attack.lua allows us to introduce the Attacker and Targets names to the Chat Window Result -->
    				<script file="campaign/scripts/npc_attack.lua" />
    				<anchored to="attacks" />
    			<!-- End Attack Frame by damned -->
    <!-- New Frame for recording Attack Strings. 5 lines long, will scroll to more than 5 lines but cant double-click them if they go over 5 lines as it loses focus between clicks on lines 6+  -->
    			<!-- Combat Frame by damned -->
    <!-- Frame Co-ordinates  -->
    			<frame_char name="combatframe">
    <!-- Frame Anchor point and Label -->
    				<anchored to="combatframe" />
    <!-- Label Text is found in /strings/strings_morecore.xml -->
    				<static textres="pc_label_combat" />
    <!-- This field is linked to Column 1 (health) field in MoreCore CT -->
    <!-- Label Text is found in /strings/strings_morecore.xml -->
    <!-- CombatTracker files are /ct/ct_client.xml and /ct/ct_host.xml -->
    <!-- Script to Link this field to CT field is in /ct/scripts/ct_entry.lua 
         function linkPCFields()
         specific line is: health.setLink(nodeChar.createChild("health", "number"), true);
    			<number_ctlink name="health" source="health">
    				<anchored to="combatframe" position="insidetopleft" offset="110,28" />
    				<tooltip textres="pc_tooltip_health" />
    <!-- Label Text is found in /strings/strings_morecore.xml -->
    			<string_useredit name="pc_label_health">
    				<anchored to="combatframe" position="insidetopleft" offset="10,31" />
    				<tooltip textres="label_editable" />
    <!-- This field is linked to Column 2 (defence) field in MoreCore CT -->
    <!-- Label Text is found in /strings/strings_morecore.xml -->
    <!-- CombatTracker files are /ct/ct_client.xml and /ct/ct_host.xml -->
    <!-- Script to Link this field to CT field is in /ct/scripts/ct_entry.lua 
         function linkPCFields()
         specific line is: health.setLink(nodeChar.createChild("health", "number"), true);
    			<number_ctlink name="defence" source="defence">
    				<anchored to="combatframe" position="insidetopleft" offset="110,49" />
    				<tooltip textres="pc_tooltip_defence" />
    <!-- Label Text is found in /strings/strings_morecore.xml -->
    			<string_useredit name="pc_label_defence">
    				<anchored to="combatframe" position="insidetopleft" offset="10,52" />
    				<tooltip textres="label_editable" />
    <!-- This field is linked to Wounds (User Defineable) field in MoreCore CT -->
    <!-- Label Text is found in /strings/strings_morecore.xml -->
    <!-- CombatTracker files are /ct/ct_client.xml and /ct/ct_host.xml -->
    <!-- Script to Link this field to CT field is in /ct/scripts/ct_entry.lua 
         function linkPCFields()
         specific line is: wounds.setLink(nodeChar.createChild("wounds", "number"), true);
    			<number_charwounds name="wounds" source="wounds">
    				<anchored to="combatframe" position="insidetopleft" offset="110,70" />
    				<tooltip textres="pc_tooltip_four" />
    <!-- Label Text is found in /strings/strings_morecore.xml -->
    			<string_useredit name="pc_label_wounds">
    				<anchored to="combatframe" position="insidetopleft" offset="10,73" />
    				<tooltip textres="label_editable" />
    <!-- This field is linked to Column 4 (User Defineable) field in MoreCore CT -->
    <!-- Label Text is found in /strings/strings_morecore.xml -->
    <!-- CombatTracker files are /ct/ct_client.xml and /ct/ct_host.xml -->
    <!-- Script to Link this field to CT field is in /ct/scripts/ct_entry.lua 
         function linkPCFields()
         specific line is: health.setLink(nodeChar.createChild("health", "number"), true);
    			<number_ctlink name="four" source="four">
    				<anchored to="combatframe" position="insidetopleft" offset="110,91" />
    				<tooltip textres="pc_tooltip_four" />
    <!-- Label Text is found in /strings/strings_morecore.xml -->
    			<string_useredit name="pc_label_four">
    				<anchored to="combatframe" position="insidetopleft" offset="10,94" />
    				<tooltip textres="label_editable" />
    <!-- This field is linked to Column 5 (User Defineable) field in MoreCore CT -->
    <!-- Label Text is found in /strings/strings_morecore.xml -->
    <!-- CombatTracker files are /ct/ct_client.xml and /ct/ct_host.xml -->
    <!-- Script to Link this field to CT field is in /ct/scripts/ct_entry.lua 
         function linkPCFields()
         specific line is: health.setLink(nodeChar.createChild("health", "number"), true);
    			<number_ctlink name="five" source="five">
    				<anchored to="combatframe" position="insidetopleft" offset="110,112" />
    				<tooltip textres="pc_tooltip_five" />
    <!-- Label Text is found in /strings/strings_morecore.xml -->
    			<string_useredit name="pc_label_five">
    				<anchored to="combatframe" position="insidetopleft" offset="10,115" />
    				<tooltip textres="label_editable" />
    			<!-- This field is linked to Order field in MoreCore CT -->
    <!-- Label Text is found in /strings/strings_morecore.xml -->
    <!-- CombatTracker files are /ct/ct_client.xml and /ct/ct_host.xml -->
    <!-- Players can roll and update their INIT/Order here - they do not have rights to edit CT direct -->
    			<number_ctlink name="initresult" source="initresult">
    				<anchored to="combatframe" position="insidetopleft" offset="110,133" />
    				<tooltip textres="pc_tooltip_order" />
    <!-- Label Text is found in /strings/strings_morecore.xml -->
    			<string_useredit name="pc_label_order">
    				<anchored to="combatframe" position="insidetopleft" offset="10,136" />
    				<tooltip textres="label_editable" />
    			<!-- End Combat Frame by damned -->
    <!-- New Frame for recording Additional (most commonly used) Abilities similar to char_record_main.xml.
         WIP as at 20150308 -->
    			<!-- PrimarySttributes Frame by damned -->
    <!-- Frame Co-ordinates  -->
    			<frame_char name="primaryattributesframe">
    				<anchored to="primaryattributesframe" />
    				<static textres="char_label_primaryattributes" />

  2. #12
    damned's Avatar
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    Do you want the CharSheet to be expandable or make it bigger to start with (this is usually better for CharSheets)?

    \campaign\record_char.xml includes the following code that sets the size
    	<windowclass name="charsheet">
    			<size width="525" height="568" />
    I hope that gets you started on the right road...

  3. #13
    Well, I think I'm figuring it out... more or less. I was able to modify the charsheet size and also made it expandable. I was feeling very claustrophobic before.
    I'm currently trying my hand at my own tab using your MoreCore extension as a guide.
    Thanks again.

  4. #14
    damned's Avatar
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    Having an expandable Story or Tables or Image frame makes sense.
    But the CharSheet has so many specifically positioned elements that I think you will find having a set size is a better option.
    Just my 2c worth.

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