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  1. #11
    I have no idea of all the stuff that FG is doing in the background. I am certainly not a programmer I just hoped it was a simple formula they could use to convert the D20 stats to RM's stats. Which would allow people playing RM on FG to purchase and play D&D campaigns in FG. Having the FG system to do the work in the background.

    Sadly it seems that can't happen.

    The RMSS rules had conversion rules, which seemed simple enough. My GM's ran their own worlds so they never used D&D adventures. Thus I never actually saw if the rules to convert a d20 character would actually work.

    There was a person I saw I on the forums (a while back) who I believe was also from Australia who, if I remember correctly said he had RMSS rules for FG. So at least there is that.

    Honestly that was the only reason I finally broke down to buy FG and will eventually buy the RMC ruleset.

    It's sad FG doesn't allow a RM person to buy D&D adventures and convert them in the background. I would think many D&D players trying RM would love that. I guess the problem is RM GM's like creating their own worlds. Which can make it harder on d20 or D&D types that want to try the legendary crits and spell systems of RM.

    Thank you for letting me know it's not currently happening in FG. That was very helpful.

  2. #12
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Whatever@# View Post
    It's sad FG doesn't allow a RM person to buy D&D adventures and convert them in the background.
    This needs two things - 1) The original adventure data entered in to Fantasy Grounds and 2) the code to convert the data to RMSS (and a functional RMSS ruleset/extension).

    Regarding #1 - there are many D&D 5E scenarios available in Fantasy Grounds format (basically all WotC 5E adventures and lots of third party adventures). In another post I see you mention running classic D&D adventures - these aren't on Fantasy Grounds. So, for the first step, you need the chicken before the egg - the adventure in FG.

    Regarding #2 - the Fantasy Grounds ruleset is for Rolemaster Classic (RMC). There is an extension written to help play RMSS with the RMC ruleset. So, for a start, if the conversion rules weren't in RMC, they're not going to be part of the RMC Fantasy Grounds ruleset. I'm not sure the conversion rule you mention were a part of the RMSS rulebook - was it a separate document?

    All of that aside - the conversion code (wherever it existed) is not in Fantasy Grounds. Of course, someone who is interested (damned might call them a "gnome") could write an extension to do some of the conversion... But, keep in mind what you're converting from - if the adventures you're interested in aren't in FG in the first place, then you'd have to enter the original data in D&D 5E, 4E or 3.5E format (or use one of the community rulesets for older D&D versions) first, export as a FG module, and then load that into a Rolemaster FG campaign (with the to be written conversion code) and convert into Rolemaster. Quite a lot of steps - maybe just look at doing the conversion outside of FG and add the converted data directly into your FG Rolemaster campaign.
    Private Messages: My inbox is forever filling up with PMs. Please don't send me PMs unless they are actually private/personal messages. General FG questions should be asked in the forums - don't be afraid, the FG community don't bite and you're giving everyone the chance to respond and learn!

  3. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Trenloe View Post
    I'm not sure the conversion rule you mention were a part of the RMSS rulebook - was it a separate document?
    I'd have to dig up all my Rolemaster books, but I'm pretty sure in my RMSS core rules books (big 3 in 1 book) it had a section that showed you how to convert d20 stats to Rolemaster stats. I think it was in the same section that gave adventure ideas. Most people would ignore this section as most RM GM's (in my experience) like to make their own campaigns. So they don't need adventure ideas. Then the players wouldn't want or know how to convert the stats. So probably a largely ignored section of the rules book. I think it was a formula and not a chart. Which is ironic as Rolemaster is known for it's charts.

    As far as D&D campaigns, I figured since FG seems to heavily support D&D that it would sell versions of some of the D&D classics. Like temple of elemental evil. Even if that is not the case, I'm sure there is a GM out there somewhere who would like to run D&D classics with Rolemaster combat flare

    I tried playing D&D, and I think I enjoyed 3.5 rules in a video game they had a while back. Played a Earth/Fire cleric. It was a lot of fun. I love the strong cleric D&D let's you play. When I tried some actual tabletop games no one seemed to be able to explain how to make a character. It seemed to be even more min/maxing than I do. That's a ton. oddly the GM would always say it's a role play heavy group. So I was a good boy and made a role playing character, only to find out it was a heavy combat campaign. Which hurt when my guy was weak on combat skills. All of those GM's seemed to be running their own campaigns. It also seemed like D&D was splitting itself into fans of many versions like RM did. They also seem to make a new edition every 3 years. For some reason I am not seeing D&D groups play in adventure modules, maybe there are too many different systems? Or they are going through a phase where the adventures aren't as good as some of the classics?

    Either way being on FG, I'm pretty sure if I want a group I will end up playing D&D eventually. I love AD&D's adventure modules and stories. Lankmar with it's idea of potentially having an adventuring career inside a city, which constantly changes seems so different from many campaigns that is seems refreshing. The problem is once you've tasted Rolmaster's crits it's hard to not to expect that in other games.

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Whatever@# View Post
    I'd have to dig up all my Rolemaster books, but I'm pretty sure in my RMSS core rules books (big 3 in 1 book) it had a section that showed you how to convert d20 stats to Rolemaster stats.
    RMSS came out in 1995, which is before Wizards of the Coast released the Open Gaming License (OGL) in 2000. I'd be surprised if RMSS published in their mainstream ruleset d20 conversion details without the OGL to cover them using D&D material, even at a superficial level. I could be wrong. But, it's a moot point anyway - as the Fantasy Grounds ruleset is for Rolemaster Classic, not Rolemaster Standard System.

    If you really want something like (converting another system's stats to Rolemaster) then it will require the writing of a FG extension. But you'll be limited in the amount of data you already have in FG, see my previous post and my next point...

    Quote Originally Posted by Whatever@# View Post
    As far as D&D campaigns, I figured since FG seems to heavily support D&D that it would sell versions of some of the D&D classics. Like temple of elemental evil.
    Fantasy Grounds only has the rights to release Wizards of the Coast D&D 5e products.

    If you're wanting to run a classic D&D adventure in Rolemaster in FG, then you're best converting the stats outside of FG and then entering the Rolemaster data into a FG Rolemaster campaign.
    Private Messages: My inbox is forever filling up with PMs. Please don't send me PMs unless they are actually private/personal messages. General FG questions should be asked in the forums - don't be afraid, the FG community don't bite and you're giving everyone the chance to respond and learn!

  5. #15
    The Rolemaster books (all the way back to the beginning) generally had a little section in the back of conversions from various popular games into whatever the current version of Rolemaster was. It wasn't an open game thing, it was just this is how you use this product inside X game or how you made something from X game work in this version. In fact the booklets that Rolemaster is based on were originally designed as an unofficial addon to whatever game you were playing.

    That being said it is silly to expect that the inherit design of the RMC ruleset would auto-convert D&D modules of any kind. While ICE might love that prospect, Wizards would slap it down in a heartbeat.

  6. #16
    Good thing my world is not complicated by all those copyrights

    As you stated in 1995 Wizards of the Coast didn't exist. RMSS and AD&D did. D&D was a d20 system and so RMSS would only be interested in converting d20 to d100. So it is extremely logical the ruleset would have rules to convert AD&D characters to a d100 setting. Especially in a system as flexible as Rolemaster, that was bragging about it's flexibility in it's ruleset. I mean d20 to d100, what is that multiply everything by a factor of 5? Thus the reason I'm pretty sure the core ruleset has the conversion rules Even if I'm wrong, it's still doesn't have to be that complicated.

    If you own the source material. Say Temple of Elemental evil and RMSS (which I do, and if I didn't I could buy on Ebay). You could just take a main character that is a level 7 ranger and use a RMSS level 7 ranger. Then instead of a D&D level 7 orc enemy, just use a RMSS level 7 orc enemy. And then use the RMSS treasure table and XP instead of the D&D one. RMSS has methods of creating creatures, so even if you don't have say a rust monster from D&D you could make one. So it's far less complicated than it seems. At least in my eyes. You'd almost just be playing a RMSS game, just using the written parts of the D&D module.

    Again very easy on tabletop, probably extremely doable for an extension on FG. Just not applied and seemingly complicated because of copyrights. That being said, since FG does not own RMSS or classic D&D copyrights, FG will not be doing this. Thus if anyone wanted to do this, they have to do it on their own. Which seems to be a theme I will have to get used to on FG. Thankfully I played RM and that is a theme I am used to

    Luckily, I own said source material. Sadly, I don't want to be a GM, so I wouldn't be doing that.

    Thanks to you, I know that FG only has a Wizards of the Coast license(owned by Hasbro), thus I will call it Mr. Potato Head inc. D&D. Since FG only has games from Mr. Potato Head Inc D&D, and I have never experienced any of their wonderful new adventure modules, I won't have to buy any of those. I assume since FG mostly supports Mr. Potato head inc D&D, I am sure I would eventually get in such a group. Since I am not interested in being a GM I would probably never buy one of those sets.

    Although Mr. Potato head inc D&D probably makes very good avatars that I would want, and as a player and not a GM I will eventually buy some of those. I wonder if I can buy a set of Mr. Potato head avatars for my Mr. Potato head adventures. If I get in a Mr. Potato Head inc D&D game I think I want to have a Mr. Potato head warrior, rogue, ranger, cleric etc avatar for the player map, so I can show my Mr. Potato head fellow gamers, how much I love Mr. Potato head. I really like Mr. Potato head adventures, it makes me want to get some McDonald's fries, from when they used to use that good oil and the fries tasted so good.

    Thank you so much for your help. You showed me, it is just easier to find a GM who owns the RMSS sets and the classic D&D and wants to run it through FG. Very helpful and good advice

  7. #17
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    One thing you should be aware of - Wizards of the Coast own the copyright to all of the previous versions of D&D. They have provided Fantasy Grounds with the rights to produce D&D 5E official products only.

    If any of the classic D&D stuff you mention was ever to be officially released on Fantasy Grounds, it would be licensed from Wizards of the Coast.
    Private Messages: My inbox is forever filling up with PMs. Please don't send me PMs unless they are actually private/personal messages. General FG questions should be asked in the forums - don't be afraid, the FG community don't bite and you're giving everyone the chance to respond and learn!

  8. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by esmdev View Post
    The Rolemaster books (all the way back to the beginning) generally had a little section in the back of conversions from various popular games into whatever the current version of Rolemaster was. It wasn't an open game thing, it was just this is how you use this product inside X game or how you made something from X game work in this version. In fact the booklets that Rolemaster is based on were originally designed as an unofficial addon to whatever game you were playing.

    That being said it is silly to expect that the inherit design of the RMC ruleset would auto-convert D&D modules of any kind. While ICE might love that prospect, Wizards would slap it down in a heartbeat.

    Thanks for showing me it wasn't my imagination and that there was a method for converting such rules. As you seem to know exactly what I was referring to. Now I don't have to dig out all of my old role playing books and probably spend 3 days coughing from all of the dust that is probably covered in

    Mr Potato Head inc D&D would have nothing to stand on in court, as converting a D20 character to a d100 character would not infringe on their copyright. Also with my idea, Mr Potato Head Inc D&D would make money selling said modules to be not only in Mr. Potato head adventures but also Rulesmaster games. Thus they could make more money. Alas as was previously established FG and Mr Potato Head inc D&D do not own the rights to the older classic D&D titles. So my idea is not possible

    Sadly I have not fallen in love with any of the modern Mr. Potato Head Inc D&D adventures yet, but if and when I do. I know I will have to use the source material and convert it to d100 myself if I want to play it in a RM setting.

  9. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Trenloe View Post
    One thing you should be aware of - Wizards of the Coast own the copyright to all of the previous versions of D&D. They have provided Fantasy Grounds with the rights to produce D&D 5E official products only.

    If any of the classic D&D stuff you mention was ever to be officially released on Fantasy Grounds, it would be licensed from Wizards of the Coast.
    I wouldn't have a problem with Mr. Potato Head inc D&D making more money selling that stuff. I live in the state that Mr. Potato Head Inc D&D's owner (Hasbro, thus I call it Mr. Potato Head) is based and that would add to revenue my state gains. Thus I would be enjoying classic D&D modules, in FG, playing RMSS and loving every minute of it , while still helping the economy of my home state

  10. #20
    There isn't any automated conversion of D&D adventures in the RolemasterClassic ruleset on FG but I've run adventures from a few different RPG systems including D&D and Pathfinder. The easiest way I've found to convert them wasn't using the old conversion rules because they didn't always handing things quite right. I would just find a creature that was close to the right power level and make a few adjustments. Doing that in FG just meant dragging the base creature from the library to the campaign. Making the changes to the NPC entry in FG and then just using it. It has worked really well for me.

    I've been taking my group through Rappan Athuk at least until they encountered the upper temple and decided they needed to head to somewhere easier. We've been playing for over a year now and had some very amazing moments. I did start them at 10th level just so they would have a fighting chance though.

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